Fuji no Monet grow out

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

We came from here:

Left photo credit is from the seller. Right photo is what I actually got. I have enough seeds for more people to participate in the grow out so let me know and I'll start getting packages together. The leaves are not variegated (as advertised) but you can see the bloom came out quite different!

Thumbnail by ByndeweedBeth
scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

1. Seedsower
2. gardener2005
3. luvsgrtdanes
4. momcat
5. beckygardener
6. Gourd
7. EmmaGrace

This message was edited Nov 30, 2007 12:42 PM

This message was edited Dec 3, 2007 9:51 AM

Mesilla Park, NM

Oh Beth, You made it so tempting... add me too.. but, please let me send you some postage first.. you've already send me so much..


edited to add: I also have some more mesh baggies if you would like some.. I found rolls of tulle at the dollar store and got five rolls to make more.

and also, I do have three seeds from another DGer that just purchased some from that Ebay seller, so maybe between your seeds and the ones I got something will come out of it..

This message was edited Nov 30, 2007 1:43 PM

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

WOW, Beth! It sure would've been nice had they turned out as they were supposed to! Very pretty blooms both of them. I've never seen one with the pattern that the purchase was supposed to be. Is Fuji no Monet a real cultivar?

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

The seller made the name up because the bloom reminder her or a Monet painting.

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

I do know sometimes Mt Fuji, youjiro or yaguruma packet of seeds will have a solid bloom show up. It is possible it was a chance occurance and that there is a good chance more seeds from this source will appear like the parent plant shown.

You might find another new one to work on in this grow out. You never know!


Mesilla Park, NM


I started the 5 seeds you sent and 3 seeds I got in a trade.

Out of the 5 seeds, one of them has a white stripe down the side of the hypocotyl, all of them are dark red in color almost a maroon blackish. None of the leaves have varigation yet, maybe later, so far they all have at least 3 leaves I sowed them on 3/5/08.

The 3 seeds from a trade that came from ebay source, all have the dark red stem hypocotyls but, two have variegation on the leaves and one of those has a very bright yellow spot that I don't know if it is variegation or what, it is so yellow. Not unhealthy or anything, but bright spot, like when you drop chlorox on something. The other has green leaves.

Anyone else sowed theirs yet?

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

I`m waiting until after our last semi threatening cold spell around Easter. I will sow these about mid April. Karen

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

I'll have to wait until later weather to sow mine, but I have pots all ready and waiting!

Mesilla Park, NM

I probably should have waited also, but I just love growing seeds.. and can't wait for the nice weather, sometimes that makes more work for me.

The stripe that I thought was a stripe isn't one, it looks like it is a scratch of some type, maybe I nicked it too close, it looks like when a melon gets water too fast and starts to crack. But that is the only one like that, and the rest look great.


Louisville, KY

if there are any left, i would love to join in the grow out. Is the idea to find out the true characteristics of new breeds or (i don't know the lingo yet) viability, or truth in advertising photos vs. actual results?

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

In this case, the parent plant may have looked like the picture but threw a solid bloom either due to genetic inheritance in selfing and or from crosspollinating with a solid flower at some point in time over the years.

The only way the seller could have known was to have test grown the seeds and still it wouldn`t be a 100% guarantee. There could still be the occasonal odd ball in the bunch.

I`m seeing this as a learning opportunity. I`m exited about finding out what will happen next and very happy Beth has distributed her seeds to run this project.


Louisville, KY

and are these determinations through grow out testing based on wanting to learn about new seeds on the market here, or new forms altogether, or both?

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

There could be multiple individul reasons.

Seeing cool variations is exiting and adds to the joy of growing these plants. If they were all blue with no hopes of something looking different I doubt we would be doing a grow out to check for what happens. :)


Mesilla Park, NM

I buy a lot of seeds from different vendors of the same MG. Then I like to grow them out and see if they are all the same, or if they send something else.. I am just curious..

One year I bought some that were supposed to be RED, and got all white flowers and the seeds were all tri-color, only I didn't know that, at that time I couldn't tell the seed type by the shapes of the seeds, now I can.

I love all the flowers, whether they are true or not, but it is fun sometimes you get a reallly neat surprise out of the Parks packs.. I got a feathered purple out of the Tie Dye pack last year, the feathered flower did not make seeds, but, the rest of the vine did, so, that would be the seeds that would make a good growout, just to see if the feathered gene would come out again. This is just one example/reason. There are many more, like looking for a specific color, leaf, size, etc..

I just love it. you will too.

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

I was curious to do this grow out to see if the original characteristics might return in the next generation. Most people have tended to think it won't...and it certainly won't if I was sent the wrong seeds! But it is still interesting to see how other people do with plants from the same parent. This was a heavy blooming plant.
Soulja, I'll look through my stash and see if there are any left!

Louisville, KY

that would be thrilling Beth!

the bidding for the Fuji No Monet today is up to $19 with 8 bids ending in 11 hours.
and there's an exciting Dragon-Lion Demono Mutant ... thing ... ending tonight too.

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

They might. Time will tell. I did suggest it might not because of a experiment I did with a ray white vine that threw a solid from a hand tied pod. The hand tied selfed seeds of that solid vine kept throwing solid afterward. That scenario would be nice from the view point of a seller because at least the hand tied pods would come true and they wouldn`t have complaning customers when these surprise hidden factors appeared.

But maybe your vine isn`t the same kind I worked with and you will get different results.


This message was edited Mar 21, 2008 12:35 PM

Mesilla Park, NM

Beth, Beth, Beth,

You will not believe this... all of these plants have buds!!! I don't believe it, they are really short, and I pinched every single one. I wonder if it is the messenger? I've been using that every week. All five of your seeds have tiny buds and the three seed I got from a friend (which she purchased off ebay) also have buds! looks like we will see something in a few weeks..

I'm amazed.. usually the I. nils take a long time when started in the winter..

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

This particular plant was an extremely heavy bloomer for some reason!

Mesilla Park, NM

oops, the seeds were soaked 2/25 and sowed on 2/26... I love it!!! I hope the platycodon shaped flowers start to do something, I'm going to mix another batch of messenger right NOW! and spray/mist those babies..lol.

Mesilla Park, NM

Do you remember when you sowed the seeds and the length of time they took to bud and or bloom?

Mesilla Park, NM

You have to hear something funny, I look like a mad scientist, I wear these reading glasses that magnify and I use a magifying glass and check each plant... and, I carry my little note books with notes and always writing in there.. I can't help it, because I know that next year I'll be referring to all these notes..

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

I have so much of a later season than you do. I started it inside last year and it bloomed a few times before I put it out in partial sun/shade...and then it really took off and went up on my roof. It got big for a nil. I didn't keep actual dated records, though.

Mesilla Park, NM

I have been keeping MG records since 2003 and I can fit 2 years in one notebook.. (I make better notes now) lol I have it all planned.... i tell you, I have a map of my Iris, daylilliies, etc.. I didn't always do this though, it's because I'm getting ready for when I get Old (older).. so I can find things.. hilarious..

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

A - I actually think your documenting the plants is a great idea. I should do more with my Garden Diary here on Daves. I did keep records and pictures grouped under each plant name, but I didn't make many useful notes. Probably because I am so new to gardening that I don't know what I should make note of. LOL!

Y'all are making me feel very, very guilty! I am off to start some seeds from this grow-out and many others!!! I think I am going to try to locate some Messenger as well. Sounds like a product worth trying!!! I also got my watersorb crystals, so shall be using them too! I'm done with my two garden room projects finally, so I can now play in the dirt and plant some seeds! I can't wait to see vines growing all over my patio fence and arbor! Whoo hoo! Let the MGs roll!!!

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

Arggh! I know I should keep better records but it's so much like WORK! I have to keep a legal lab notebook here with everything I do noted in a certain way and a certain format, and then we inspect and sign eachothers notebooks to double-check they are in the right form. I know millions of dollars depend on it, so I do it...but when I'm at home I just like to relax and "wing it".

Mesilla Park, NM

Guys, I have buds all over the place... there is one that is 6 inches tall Chiaki that was sowed 3/4 it is not even a month old.

I have to go now, to take notes..lol

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

AND photos!

Mesilla Park, NM

okay, Photo 1 Beth's plants, all five are in a 3 gal pot.. I only took one photo of each pot.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

here's photo 2 of the bud on one of the plants from Ebay. All three seeds/plants are also in a 3 gallon pot. Hopefully they will all bloom the same or I'll be tagging a lot of flowers/pods in both pots.

Thumbnail by Gourd
scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

They are looking great!!!

Mesilla Park, NM

there are several that only have 3 true leaves starting on the 4th... and they have buds too! I'm wondering if my plants think they are going to die? Plants that think they are dying made buds/flowers to make the seed for the future.. I'm hoping that isn't the case here.. these small plants are still in the first 8 oz cups I sowed them in, I had to put small bamboo canes to keep them from falling over.. some are really long too, like 2 feet long already, and I've pinched the tips on most of them. I wonder if that had anything to do with them blooming so quickly? Well, I'm really excited to see the buds..

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

I have started a little of everything I got here and there in trades. I`m soaking Beths seeds for this grow out right now. I also snagged some of those Fuji No Monets off ebay. I`ll have both to compare after they bloom.


Mesilla Park, NM

This is going to be a very interesting.. and neat grow-out.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Beth - I planted 1 of your seeds in the ground this past weekend and will probably do the others in a pot this coming weekend.

I tried to find Messenger, but it is not sold here yet. Florida is always the last to get new products. Bummer!

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Here is one I have growing inside. The first flower was real tiny but the second one was a bit bigger...

Thumbnail by luvsgrtdanes
scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

Is that one of the blooms from this grow out? I would have never expected a red flower from the seeds!

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

Remember the pink x purple grow out? Purple flowers can carry for pink or red.


scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

It's odd, but the background looks red too. Was there a flash used for this photo? My blooms won't be until later in the summer, so I'm really excited to see what other people get!

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