Have: salvia macrophylla "peru blue"

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i have several of these plants to trade. lmk what you have. thanks.

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm over my head with brugs. Would any that I have tempt you?


Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

lol. what do you have? honestly, brugs are not my first choice because i don' t think they are hardy outside here. but if you do have some that you think are more cold hardy please lmk which they are.

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

This is my first year with them, and I have 5 in ground. So I really couldn't tell you which are or are not. But I've put a ton of leaves up around the base and am going to buy a couple of bales of hay to put around them and my daylillies and some other things. I don't see how that wouldn't be enough to keep them going through the winter.
What brugs do I have.......let me see (there are 21 cuttings and seedlings on a bench in my living room) I have:

Charles Grimaldi
Miami Orange crush (thanks to a sweet lady that all of her cuttings survived so I have several of these first two)
Versi color Peach
Dr. Seuss

These are the ones that I have multiples of. The rest are seedlings from Delisa and Gary that I don't want to part with or single kind cuttings. I also have purple daturas and yellow daturas. And if those don't catch your fancy I'm offering up my 25 yr. old son. (not a great bargain, he didn't show up to help me move things into my green house this afternoon) lol


Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Ohhh.....that is beautiful!! I wish I had something to tempt you with.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

kim, how about i send you some and if mine don't return next year you send me some back?

auntanne, how about i send you some for an undetermined brug to be decided by what returns?

i also, have some sort of peach and white salvia. it was supposed to be chiapensis but i don't think so. it is like that peach and white coccinea only a deeper coral/peach/vermillion and is very tall.......about 3-4 ft. in the ground with a big stalk......not as big as a madrensis stalk but sort of like the guaraniticas. i don't know how many actual plants of this that are out there but i think there is enough for both of you.

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

You know me, I'll be tickled plum to death for anything. And no prob on the brug to be named later.


Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

lol. o.k. i will cut them way back to prob. the first leaves and will send them first class if i can. i will try to send them on mon. but it may be tues. before i can.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

do either of yall have freezing temps?

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

That would be awesome! Not freezing here now....we occasionally get that cold but it wouldn't be the first thing for me to challenge zones with. Do you have madrensis? I've got pups coming up all around the plant right now. Also rooting a few other things, need to check which ones have rooted.

:) Kim

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i do have madrensis but this year only one of them returned. so if i need some next year i know who to trade with. kim, are you a big salvia grower?

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Sounds good to me. I fell in love with salvias when I moved here two years ago and have been trying to add more to my garden ever since. I've currently got madrensis, pink greggii, black and blue, argentine skies, hot lips and La Trinidad going in the garden and more to add in the spring.

:) Kim

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

HMMMMMMM.....what is la trinidad? i'm off to look it up.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

ah, a microphylla.

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

We haven't gotten below freezing here, yet. Last year we didn't have a hard freeze until that ice storm in January. I'm hoping we get off that lucky this year as well.


Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

well from what i have read macrophylla is frost tender and that is one reason i am trying to get it off to safety. i guess we can all see if it can make it through the winter together. good luck.

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

I am keeping quite a few things in my greenhouse to overwinter until spring. I hesitate to plant them for fear of some winter storm arriving soon after they would go in the ground. I can keep these in the greenhouse as well, that way next year I can start cuttings and/or collect seeds to keep it going year to year.

:) Kim

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

good idea, kim. and if you find out what this pink/coral thing is lmk.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Wish I knew what the name of my salvia is. I didn't even consider checking it before the dogs drug off the tag and tore up a bed and then dug out two of my brugs. They froze.

Mableton, GA(Zone 7a)

Am I understanding y'all correctly? I can propogate my salvias? Root them in water? And what about agastache. (Sorry, new to this group of plants and LOVE them.) They are so hardy in GA. They did so well during our record heat and record drought. And they are so airy. did I say I LOVE them! One sucame (?) to meally bugs. D@*# them! First time I've ever seen those beasts! But the others still have green on them.


P.S. I'm posting this in the agastache forum as well!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

3 gardeners, i wouldn't root them in water but in dirt they do root pretty easy. i always say though that i have better luck in the spring. but maybe i do because that's usually the only time i really try it. lol. i do use a rooting hormone. and most any plant cutting can be rooted. some are harder than others and some take longer. there are plenty of places on daves to go find out how to do most any plant.

robynznest.................what color is your salvia? is it an annual or a perennial? sorry to hear about your brugs. were the brugs growing year round in your garden?? cause if they were i want some of that kind. lol. just kidding but i do know some people in zone 7 that have told me that they have brugs that return and i know some folks around the middle part of miss. that have some brugs to return. but i am mad at brugs because last year i bought earth angel and it promptly died in the heat of our summer and i am not over it yet.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

My salvia was a blue color and I don't remember if they were annuals, I don't think they were because of the bed I put them in is the one I usually just put perennials. I was able to get a few pieces into some dirt so hopefully they will take off.

These were my first brugs and the neighbor's dogs dug them out of the pots and down into the field. I found them 2 days later. It was too late for them. They were noid brugs. They can't handle our winter temps, it gets too cold. I was lucky enough to get a couple of cuttings from another DGer. I'll just have to wait and hope they bloom this next summer. I'm sorry to hear about Earth Angel, I bet she would have been pretty. I am hoping I will be able to make some extra money this year so I can buy a dark yellow or gold or peach one. But that won't be till tourist season starts in spring.

Do you think the salvia will root even this late in the year?

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi there,

If you figure out what the mystery peach and white salvia is I would love to know too. I'm collecting salvias which are a favorite of mine and I adore peach-coral flowers. The fact that it is tall is nice too because the hummers like that. It sounds intriguing and different. Like I really need another plant to add to my wish list! :)


Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i'll ask on the salvia forum and maybe richard will know what it could be. i don't even know if it's a perennial or an annual. it has reseeded itself already though and there are some babies that i have potted for the house. get back with me next year and if they live through the winter i would be happy to send you one.

some people have good luck all the time with cuttings. all i can say is give it a shot. i did get 2 different salvias at our oct. round-up. i thought it was too late for them to root but i think i have viable plants. lots of people put a plastic dome...cut the top out of a plastic bottle, use a ziploc bag, just anything to make a little greenhouse...over the rooting plants to keep them moist and warm. i didn't need that as it's been spring cool here and we have had plenty of humidity. just be sure the plastic isn't touching the cuttings.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks mamajack! :)

Salvias are pretty easy to root if you use fresh growth. At this time of year, that would likely be restricted to basal growth. Older, twiggy growth usually won't root.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks for all the info, I needed it.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

anne and blue eyes, i sent the salvia yesterday. i didn't label them. the peru blue is the big plant. the small ones are the coral/white salvia. and apparently this salvia is some form of coral nymph. you can look to see what rich dufresne said about it over on the salvia/agastache forum. just look for my question.

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks so much mamajack....I will keep an eye for it!

:) Kim

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

sorry that the coral ones were so small. i thought i had a bunch of babies and there were some coming up from seeds but the bigger plants are all attached to mama and i couldn't figure out a way to separate without messing the whole thing up.

Deer Park, TX(Zone 9a)

mama - Please look at my tradelist to see if there is anything you might be interested in. I am new to collecting seed and trading so I have not built up much yet. And if you are willing, I am interested in your gladiola too.
Thank You

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

We hit 32 night before last I think, but with Dad in the hosp. I haven't been home to see the damage to the brugs in the ground. I glanced over there this morning and the flowers were gone. So I will look closer this afternoon. I'm told they will come back in the spring regardless. And thank you for the salvia.


Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

anne, don't stress on my account. its o.k to stress because you don't want to lose your plants. but if everyone of your brugs dies this winter not a problem for me, o.k.? lol. hope your dad is o.k. did it really get 32 there? it hasn't dropped that low here yet.

i have iris blooming and some dl's have bloom pods. how weird.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

macybee........do you have by any chance a plant of the red 4 o'clocks? i had seeds but the plants turned out red and yellow. i would really like a solid red one.

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Yep....actually was 29 at my house, we are always a bit colder since we are in a valley. All my brugs are toast, but the stems are still solid so I will cut those for rooting. I think the roots systems are fine.

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

It did. It bit the brugs but the DL are still blooming here too. And they are in just as open an area as, if not more so than the brugs. But then this is my first year with both so I don't know how normal that is or not. Dad is now in another nursing home (one that will hope will not let him lay in the bed unattended while he has a heart attack and then lay there while he starts to develop pneumonia after the third day). He's up and talking again and teasing/flirting with the nurses.


Deer Park, TX(Zone 9a)

No. I have more of a raspberry colored one.
Anything else that might interest you?

Chesapeake, VA

Do you mean that your 4 o-clocks were broken colors? I have seeds of solid colors, but the shade varies. Somewhere between coral, orange, fushia, pink, and red. So, I can't guarantee what color you will get except that I've never had a white one and it has been ages since I had a yellow one.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

the four oclocks that i got were red..not fuchsia but i call it 4:00 red and yellow. i have seen the "red" plants. i am going to pass on any more of the seeds as i don't need any more 4:00 plants. i do need a solid red plant so if you get a blooming red plant next year please lmk.

macybee......have you seen the fuchsia colored 4:00? and the red 4:00? the red is not exactly red but it's close enough.

Deer Park, TX(Zone 9a)

I guess mine is the fuchsia colored. No. I have not seen the red (in the flesh). Someone has sent me a couple of seeds and I have not planted them yet. I am waiting for spring for that.
Feeling puny.

This message was edited Dec 8, 2007 4:08 PM

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

macy, i can send you a peru blue though if that is what you are wanting. i am not sure if it's going to be hardy for any of us though. i don't know if i have any more of the coral babies.

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