How many of ya'll got wind today?

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

It is soooooooooooo windy here. I had paid a tree company to plant nine rather large blue spruce trees in the fall. A friend had donated them to me. One of the big big ones fell over in the wind and they were all staked well too! My son and his wife came over and were able to dig down and replant it and righted it up by tieing it to his pickup truck and pulling it up off the ground. This time we staked it down with one of those long corkscrew metal dog ties and we used boat rope to tie it down with. The tree men used cheap twine and it snapped in the wind. I hate to tell you how much money per tree I paid them to do a professional job and it's anything but. I just hope it holds up. When my son has time he's going to use the boat rope to replae the twine stuff with so no more snap and fall over.

My heavy duty garbage cans fell over and so did my heavy wheelbarrow filled with pumpkins. No more real damage though that I can spot anyway.

How are things at your house? Anybody lose power? The news said a lot of people were without power. It's awful cold to not have electricity. We have a backup propane generator that comes on all by itself when it senses the power is out. Hope we don't need it though.

I think it's supposed to be windy again tomorrow. Enough already!!


south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

I heard we were supposed to have 3 days of this wind. It was awful here today today too. I haven't heard of any power outages around us, but wouldn't be surprised if there were some.

All this wind certainly took down all the leaves that were left on the trees. It is bitter cold tonight...time to get out the flannels!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Now I mean to tell you it was windy here we were with out power for about 6 hrs. it wasent to bad but I thought we were going to lose a few trees around here but thankfully we dident I hope every one else is okay now that the wind has slowed down LOL

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Power outages in town here-trees and lines down

My garden trellis i watched blow over, the glider bench out front went for a tumble too!
The winds out here on this flat farm land(open for 2miles without a tree)are fast and furious and daily. We call it dorothy land or OZ!

Plant traders that have been here even got to see a tornado!

darn cold too!
see the forecast :( is it spring yet!??

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

okay Dori I guess I'm following you to night LOL the wind off the lake is realy wild but not like it is on flat ground hope you dont have to much damage

Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

Winter arrived here like it was ravenous. Check out the wind reports.

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

I have had a bad cold, went to walk the dog in the morning and could hardly breathe. Spent the rest of the day in the basement by the woodstove, watching the wind blow through the window.
I put on a book on tape, and managed to make all 200 of DD wedding favors and my Xmas cards for this year. LOL
Will go out in the woods this morning to see if we lost any trees.
Every year in Nov, we get these heavy winds.
(the hunting winds)

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

That doesnt look like very much FUN!!
they say windy again today

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

Windy here again, but woke up to the most gorgeous skies. It looked like a mass of pink puffs...all bumpy.

granny- those pics caused me to shudder...expect the same here before long...spring cannot come soon enough

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