Plant purchase

Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

I was at Native Nursery today and purchased a plant with small yellow flowers. The name they gave me was Thryllis. I can not find any information on it when I Googled it. Does any one have any information about this shrub? Thank you Elaine

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I think they might have meant Thryallis rather than Thryllis, that's another name for several plants in genus Galphimia. Here are the ones that are in PF so you can maybe figure out which species you have

Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

Thank you very much. That is the shrub and name I was looking for. I like the small flowers and I think it will be a nice addition to the yard and maybe the birds will have another shrub to hide in. Elaine

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