Welcome to figster2007...from Franklin, Mi...

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello and welcome to the best garden web site there is..hehehe...DG. and this is the Michigan forum...Hope you come and tell us about you...Just jump right in..Great to have you here..


Thumbnail by WantabeGardener
Franklin, MI

thank you very much
I love to grow edibles, from tomatoes to bananas, from figs to mangos I grow it all!:)

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Figster and welcome!

I love to grow edibles too. I put in a big veggie garden and have a lot of fruit trees. I've never tried to grow exotics like bananas or mangos. I didn't even know you could grow those here. You must have a greenhouse or grow them indoors right?

Hope to see you around here a lot.

Chat later,

Franklin, MI

hello Loon and thank you for the welcome.
I have 2 indoor grow rooms 12x12, the only way for a gardener to keep depression at bay in Michigan, in the winter :)
here's a pic of room 1

Thumbnail by figster2007
AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

What a great pc.

I have one of those fancy grow light units. I think I paid over $500 for it years ago. It has 4 tiers that are adjustable. I used to start so many of my plants from seed and really enjoyed doing that in the winter. When we moved up here we downsized to a much smaller house and my poor light unit is sitting disassembled out in the pole barn. I haven't been able to find a spot in the house to put it. I'm still thinking though. :) I have a little 17 month old granddaughter that comes to visit almost every day so I wouldn't want to even try to put it up now unless it was in the basement where she isn't allowed. My basement is small though and crammed to the gills with stuff and a freezer and spare bathroom we squeezed in and washer / dryer /freezer etc.

I'm still thinking though. :) :)
You'll have to keep posting pics to get me through winter OK?


Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

hi figster welcome sure wish I had room for one of those myself LOL stick around its nice here

Franklin, MI

thank you, I like it here allot, very friendly people.

got cheese? i got the figs :)

Thumbnail by figster2007
Saint Clair Shores, MI(Zone 6b)

I'd post pics of my plant room, but I take the dormant track to keeping them over the winter. (so they're really not much to look at) I've got an old preserving room in the basement that stays at about 40 degrees all winter long (and it is totally dark). My figs sleep in there all winter long.

My banana and passionflowers on the other hand spend the winter in a spare bedroom with double south facing windows. One of the passion flowers always seems to bloom for me in the winter (Lavender Lady I believe) but all of them shed leaves like crazy.


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Figs in Michigan-who would have thunk it!
i may have to get one or two and try my hand at these!
welcome to the site Figster!

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