Chianti ?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

This is a new variety for me,from M & Z, just came into bloom. Its labeled Chianti. I can't find any photos on the web to confirm its idenity. Read's description: Sunset-orange double with a hint of white. MZ's description: sunset orange, with darker red veins, and white in the center. This looks suspeciously like Lady Jane, which is another salmon and white striped flower, with the darker veining. There are photos of Lady Jane, but not of Chianti on DG plant files. Does anyone have experience with this cultivar? I've gotten burned so many times, that I don't trust any mail order company's ID anymore. Sad!

This message was edited Nov 23, 2007 10:35 AM

This message was edited Nov 23, 2007 12:08 PM

Thumbnail by bsharf
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

another photo.

Thumbnail by bsharf

Sure looks like Lady Jane!!

Look's like a Lady Jane to me as well.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Me three--looks like LJ.

Descriptionwise, Chianti sounds more on the orange side than the salmon side, (though "salmon" comes in many tones) and there isn't any mention of veination.None are shown in the (bad!) NGA pic, though there seems to be some slight self-colored veining in the center. Yours doesn't fully match the description of Chianti, it seems to me, but does match up with descriptions of LJ.

Chianti's form looks more compact, the tepals with a more rounded, not-quite stubby look compared to LJ's looser presentation. LJ also tends to have a recurved form when fully open--wonder if yours will do that? LJ also tends to have undulate edges.

I think that color-rendition in the red range isn't what it should be and older cameras in particular do not give a true representation in that range, so using web-pix for comparison is problematic, and that horrid stock pic at NGA cannot be fully trusted.

Nevertheless, I think something is wrong somewhere.


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I agree, but I'm withholding judgement. I just ordered a Chianti from NGA, and I'll see what it looks like. I also found a photo on That looks more orangish than mine. FYI that's a great website, found it by accident, when I was looking for Dutch breeders. It has good data on amaryllis that are in the Dutch trade, no Africian cultivars, but still a great resource for photos.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I took this photo today. As it ages the flower is getting more recurved and ruffled.

Thumbnail by bsharf
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the link to the Dutch site. How exciting to see some hybrids I've never heard of.


Ewing, VA

bsharf...It looks like we both got the same mislabeled bulb. This is my supposed to be Pink Nymph.

Thumbnail by mariava7
Ewing, VA

And a close-up view...
It's flowers are smaller than LJ though, measuring 5-6" across in the first scape. Second scape is coming up. Hopefully it will show it's true flower size and color.

Thumbnail by mariava7
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Well that sure isn't pink nymph. This is a photo of my pink nymph from last year. I am waiting for my Chianti from NGA to bloom.

Thumbnail by bsharf

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