salvia 'Carol's Delight

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Does anyone know anything about salvia 'Carol's Delight'? Sun, shade, height, hardiness? Picked it up at Cabrillo with this name....thanks for any info.

Candor, NC

After a Google search, it looks best to ask Ernie Wasson of Cabrillo College about it. There is little out there on this one.

Can you upload an image of the flower and the growth habit?

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Thanks, I couldn't find any info either and it's not flowering at present time. I have a couple other salvia that are lacking in info also, so I'll have to tackle the camera issue, I suppose...

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Another solved by checking Piergrossi's site for "every salvia they've ever sold" list. That really helps, plus being able to check back to what was offered at Cabrillo when I was there. I need to be more careful in making sure EVERY plant that is buy is labeled!
It's an involucrata x karwinskii.

This message was edited May 7, 2008 6:52 AM

Keaau, HI

I briefly had this Salvia until the big frost of last winter finished it off. Anyway, in my garden this proved to be a huge Salvia that didn't flower a whole bunch. I think its' name is misleading as I found no delight in

Take-care, Andy

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Well, I was going to ask if you wanted cuttings, but perhaps I should just throw the whole plant away right it didn't flower for you, I have no chance.

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

andy, you have d-mail...

Carpinteria, CA

Salvia "Carol's Delight" is a garden hybrid that appeared in my garden here in Carpinteria in the 90's. (At the time I was only growing S. karwinskii and S. wagneriana). This is a winter bloomer and will bloom heavily here from late September until February. If untrimed it will become a large multistemed shrub up to 8 feet tall or more. It has qualities of both parents but a longer bloom period than either. It may be frost tender but has survived into the high 20's in Santa Barbara with little damage. I gave a plant to Ernie Wasson when he visited to speak to the Santa Barbara County Horticultural Society. He grew it in the Cabrillo College Salvia collection and it was propagated for plant sales at the college. This is a wonderful salvia for frost free areas where regular water and top dressing with compost can be suplied.
Carol Terry

Carpinteria, CA

Salvia 'Carol's Delight' images from January 2013. Taken at Carpinteria, CA.

Thumbnail by greentoo
Carpinteria, CA

More images. Just learning to post images but wanted all to see this Salvia.

Thumbnail by greentoo
Candor, NC

I just got the provenance on Marwin Gardens and Carol's Delight much better defined:

Salvia karwinskii x wagneriana (white form) `Marwin Garden
Hybrid from garden of Sandi Martin of Watsonville, CA.

Salvia karwinskii x wagneriana (pink form) `Carol's Delight'
Hybrid from garden of Carol Terry of Carpinteria, CA.

The information came from Kathe Navarez of Cabrillo College.

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