Coral Bells

Newburgh, IN(Zone 6a)

My coral bells did not do to well this year.

I am not sure if it was the hot dry summer, ( I kept them well watered.)

I did nothing to them last fall.

Should I cut them back, or mulch them?

They did bloom but they were pretty sorry sight.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Mine did fine. Are yours in full sun? They seem to like a little shade from the heat. I grow mine for the foliage.

Newburgh, IN(Zone 6a)

They are in the shade. What do you do for them over the winter?

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I don't do anything nor do I see anyone else doing so. I guess I'm not much help on yours. Were they small or what?

Newburgh, IN(Zone 6a)

No not small, it must have been the long hot spell. Even though they we in a shade bed with watering system they just looked lousy this year. The edges of the leaves brown.

Hopefully they will do better next year.

Thanks anyway. :-)

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

Most of my coral bells stay green during the winter.

Newburgh, IN(Zone 6a)

Do you prune off the dried or damages leaves now or in the spring?

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Hi MsMaati - Since they are mainly evergreen, I don't prune them until the early spring. How old are yours? I've had mine three years now, and they finally started looking good just this last fall. Like yours, they are in the shade and I watered them regularly, but they just didn't flourish. I was about ready to give up, but I think they finally had enough time and mulch and they started picking up beautifully. I mulched them pretty heavily in the past year - twice. I think that helped the soil amendment. Hope this helps - Dax

Seadrift, TX(Zone 9a)

I don't know about your water but----- salt build up in your plants will cause the edge of leaves to brown. If that happens you are suppose to flush your plants real good with water. You have nothing to lose.
Mary D.

Newburgh, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks I will mulch them. They are still green but mighty sad.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Ms. Have you checked the heuchera forum? There's lots of expertise on coral bells over there. One of the best suggestions on growing them came from the nurseryman where I purchase them locally. He told me that heuchera don't like being buried too deep. Lift the crown up a bit. I also have most of mine in a bit of sun, but must keep them watered in the summer. Which heuc. do you have? It does seem to make a difference.

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

Bev, that makes a lot of sense. Mine are planted very similar to how one would plant a strawberry -- with the crown near the surface of the soil. Mine do very well planted that way. They also get their fair share of sun. Once the roots are established I have no problems with "frost heave" during the winter.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

figaro-Glad to hear that you are successful with this method...Although it has at times been unseasonably warm here, we have also had periods of hard frost. Neither extreme seems to have bothered the heuchs save for a few tattered leaves. Must have more varieties, lol!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

This is really good information to have! I'm getting some new plugs this spring and needed to know the best way to plant them eventually once I baby them for awhile.

I have some old Palace Purple which has reverted to a green color over the past 8 years. They are actually in a container and I do prune the browned leaves and pull out old dead crowns and top off with fresh soil from time to time. They reseeded into other pots and along the space between the concrete patio and the building and are thriving there too. I'm afraid to pull them out of the pots and seed exactly how rootbound they are. Now that I'm spending more on named plants I'm trying not to be as careless about how I plant and care for them. I got the Palace Purple at a walmart in a bedding 6-pack which I was surprised to find there and paid about $1.50 for all 6 plugs.
Anyhow, thanks for the tip about how deep to plant them!

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

ahh, dmac...You must be getting lured by the co-op fever. So many new varieties, so little pocketbook, lol! There seem to be some varieties that are hybridized for our heat and humidity. Having said that, I was outside just today and all the ones I have seem to be doing great. Not bad for their first year in. I'm happy:-)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Hey Bev,

Oh yes! I'm almost grateful that I had 2 months of computer issues--I can't even imagine how much "co-op" money that saved me:LOL:

TNN had a couple I loved and luckily I found a co-op with them, Miracle and Tiramisu.
I missed out on getting Lime Rickey last year so I'll probably have to get that one locally. I'm also looking at Midnight Rose, Southern Comfort and Citronelle.

I purchased and recvd last years Yahoo co-op heucheras in late summer and it was simply to hot and dry and I lost them. I'm hoping with a cooler and earlier start that I'll have more success:) Good to hear yours are me hope:lol:

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

I have Midnight Rose-yummmy! and Lime Rickey. Miracle and Southern Comfort are on my 'want' list bigtime:-) Two of my favs for last year were Velvet Night (that one took lots of sun and never flinched) and Caramel...oh, Peach Flambe positively glows.
I'm laughing at your joy over computer problems. If only that would fix me, I think I'd ask my son to lock them down! There's a man at the Raleigh Farmer's Market that seemed to know what to have in stock to make me crumble...All his fault!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Lord I hadn't even let myself think about the Farmer's Market=0
I might try to sneak one in the front where there is a bit more sun and see how it does. I had my patio plants all worked out then the new apt. owners decided to throw up 7 ft brick wall partitions between everyones patios for privacy. I'm practically full shade now:lol:

Danville, IN

From another Hoosier, I wanted to let MsMatti know that my coralbells had it rough this summer too. We were so dry and hot. They survived, but looked the worst ever. Indiana is getting lots of needed precipitation this winter, so maybe this summer will see them rebound. Good luck.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh, oh. Sorry if I put suggestions in your head=} Unfortunately I had the 'hook up' last summer!

Whitby, ON(Zone 6a)

I cut back my heucheras every fall. I don't like ratty looking foliage and with all the dry hot weather we've been having the past few years, cutting off all the old leaves has worked well. New leaves grow each spring and look fresh and full of colour. Karen

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

MsMaati, At some point during last summer, I was just happy they were alive! The edges of the leaves were a minor annoyance compared to the general sadess of the whole place! Everything just looked sort of wilty and dusty. I have had some Coral Bells for a decade and they actually are so far out of the ground they have a stem about 5 inches long. LOL! I think I should probably dig and divide them, but it doesn't seem worth the effort because I want the NEW ones, not spread out the old ones I already have. :))

Hi Dmac/Donna & Tgg, good to see you both! I almost wish I would have a computer malfunction the way the money has been going out on these coops -- almost, but not quite LOL!

I took Citronelle off my Heuchera wishlist -- the leaves are not "cut" enough and the green is sort of dull....not cut fine, with bright color, like Lime Rickey.

Hi Hoosier -- a belated welcome to Dave's! If you ever want to go in together on a coop and split the flat rate box charge (in bound shipping), I am always up for it! LOL! There I go again! Three new Indianapolis-area people have joined DG in the last 10 days, but I never like to dmail them until I see them makes me feel like a stalker.

Karen/Tanglee, I love your advice -- always right on the money in all the forums where I see you posting. I always pay close attention to what you write and your opinions.

If that coop of Stacey/Fairy1004 gets going, I will have even more of those great new hostas. I prefer flowers, but I like them so well because I have a place where they are happy.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Hey Illoquin! Whatever co-op time I missed out on, I seem to be making it up rather quickly:) Sad to say but in the back of my mind I'm thinking about marie_'s Firefox hosta co-op and wondering if Maryotts will be offering the great sales like they did last summer:LOL:

My cb's are crawling out too. I hadn't considered cutting them back in the fall...I think that would be good for my older plants.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

I sure know what you mean about the $$$ co-op thing! Between that and PDN getting ready for its first open house of the season, I'm doomed, lol!
I chose Lime Rickey, too. The one I got this past summer has a ring on the outer part of the leaves, though. It's a cream color during the summer, but is a bit dark right now. Weird, but kinda cool.
If fairy gets her thing going, I'm gonna be right in there with y'all...I need some local folks to get in on things with me too!

Whitby, ON(Zone 6a)

Illoquin, Thank you for your kind words! Gardening has been my favourite pasttime for a long time and I love it. I'm a newcomer to Dave's Garden, I found out about this fantastic site when I bought some morning glory seeds of a member. I've never tried wintersowing, but am learning about this technique from members and am going to try it. Karen

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Tanglee...A hearty "Welcome to Dave's!" is in order:-))
Let us know if you have any questions about the site. There's always great advice around and super folks willing to share it!

Newburgh, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the heads up. Mine are covered with a nice layer of ice right now as we had an ice storm the last two days. The moisture was needed. But geeze, I am freeeeezzzing.

Planted a few of my harvested impatein seed in flats last week. Watching closely for signs of life. LOL

Spring fever setting in already.


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