Source For Adenium Seeds?

De Soto, MO

I have been looking at a lot of web sites in hopes of fingind some Adenium seeds. Wow, it gets confusing. Most of them I can NOT find a price. So many want to sell you hundreds and hundreds. I don"t want to open a nursery. I just want about 20 seeds so I have a small chance at a few germinating. I have tried getting some through DG'rs with No lucl. I do NOT want to buy from ebay. Do any of you have some I could buy that are fresh?

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Sorry June, I have only one plant and have never seen a seed on it yet...Good luck, I bet someone will be able to help you out.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Sorry, I get mine from ebay and have had great luck so far with germination.

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