saying goodbye

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Hi I am saying goodbye to my friends here on seed trades-i made alot of nice friends-traded alot past cpl years.My subscription is up for renewal and I cant afford it right now.I am on limited income and really dont want to go in why here I cant afford -it I do want to be a sad sorry or tell you all my problems,But I do appreciate the people here and I wanted to come on and say my goodbye so you wouldnt just think what happened to me! Love and Miss you all so much,I was hoping to meet some off you someday-But I live so far away and dont have funds to travel and do the meet and greet as some of you do.God bless you all and take care-Happy holidays Robin

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

hi i just got a dg pm that my subscription was paid -whoever had done this I thank you so much-I hope god richly blesses you.Love Robin

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I just love stories like this. I'm so happy you get to stay with us, Robin! And special thanks to your secret subscription payer! The world needs more people like you!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I'm very happy, too, that you get to stay here with us Robin. God Bess the DGer that paid your subscription. I know you will have a very wonderful Holiday.

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Thanks Robin.I am glad I can stay too.I have to make sure next year to make sure this is paid before I cant afford to do that.I dont want to ever have someone feel sry for me or my situtation and I am so happy that there are people so loving out there and want to help others out!
I didnt want to go in all my troubles-I was very depressed these last few weeks.And today I was in tears and on the couch.This did pick me up a little bit.And I did thank the lord for that person -That saw and did this for me.Robin

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Ain't LOVE grand?!!!

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

WOOHOO!! DGers are such wonderful people!!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

What a wonderful thing that a DGer did for you! I am glad that you are able to stay! I am sure this person will be blessed 10 fold for what they done! And yes, DG has so many wonderful people!

Norfolk, VA

the true meaning of Thanksgiving emerges.........happy to see that you will be here,and hoping all will get better soon.

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Yes They all are wonderful people so caring and loving and I am thankful for all of you.
I see some wonderful people this morning here -Hi to each of you-you know who you all are -Happy Blessed Thanksgiving! To all of you!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Right back at ya maineroses! :)

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Thanks dear! Huggs Robin

Scottsdale, AZ(Zone 9b)

I don't know you maineroses but I am so glad to see this post. It is very gratifying to know that there are tons of very good people out there. I am constanly reminded that I picked a very good hobby--gardening. Gardeners tend to be very open, generous, funny and relaxed people.
I have a quote in my yard--'Shortest way to Heaven is through Garden'. I love to read it everyday. Enjoy the Holidays and god bless to everyone that gardens incl your mystery subscriber.

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

I second that.... This just makes my heart melt. I am so happy that you are staying. Gardeners are wonderful people, I havent met a single person here on DG that isnt as nice as can be!!!

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Thanks lovetropical I belive the same on your quote-I get so much joy from something I missed out on all those years-I moved up to maine i would like to say 1999 -maybe 2000 so i started gardening havent no clue -threw trial and error,lost alot -gained more.
I totally when i started and found a new plant that God allowed to germ.or a cutting that took god was blessing me and my yard.
then the trading started.and such wonderful generous people who shared there yards with me.Then this year I had prayed to get out of where i was the cellar -fountain went and was not safe so verything i had put into it was a huge lost-last year put house on market -no bids
got involved in my church and this time blessed home and put back on market-this is a blessing it self-first one who looked at home bought it-had no time had a small storage unit -sold lots just to move and try to get out of debt.and had not time to package up my plants and take with me-But Now I own a trailer-I dont have a water and sewer bill which was costly pipes where leaking int he money out the window so to speak.heating costs alot less-that was a huge airy home this is small and trailer is less to heat.
So the prayers frm church -blessing house -I sold and am safe-living conditions so much better.But I losted all my lovely daylilys and iris and roses-I had no help to move or time -2 days from one closing to another-But I am totally blessed living here now.I am starting all over but much healther and safer home.

(Cathy), MO

Spring is coming Robin. I'm sure there are all kinds of people on here who would love to send you plants to get you going again!

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

I am not worried -I am just glad i have a safe warm home.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

What a wonderful gesture! I'm glad you're staying around Robin.
Like lovetropics said, it's very gratifying to see what can people can do to help others.
Bless you.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i am so glad that youre staying with us and may god bless the dger that did it for you,i love thanksgiving it shows how people really are,thankfull, i have alot to be thankfull for this year, when spring comes and your beds are ready for plants please dmail me and i will set you up with some ok? alot fo people here on dg have helped me get alot of plants that i couldnt have gotten any other way,i would love to help you like they have me and i have things that will need dividing and soem will be that i have cuttings of that you might want to exsperment with , and i might even have some seeds,do you do seeds? if so plmk what youre looking for and i can get some out to you ok? plmk and thxs

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

If I were you I would start making those spring beds when ever you can get outside, I have a feeling you will be needing them you know how these DG'ers are :) I for one will send you some, so happy you can stay with us and play in the dirt! How much space do you have? Let us know if you want to do seeds :) Don't forget about WS save those jugs or go to the local recycling center and grab them up! I get them at the recycling center all of the time.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i love this story maineroses. the folks on daves are pretty special. barb

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

It is quite amazing, isn't it?! A week ago I didn't have seeds, but I now, thanks to the kind and generous DGer's, have more than enough that I would be happy to share with you as well! Please, let us all know if we can help you out, and not just brighten your garden, but your life as well! :)

Scottsdale, AZ(Zone 9b)

Hi Robin,
sorry to hear the story but glad that you will have warmth this winter.
I am not sure if I have any plants that will do well in your zone but do please keep me in mind next spring.
According to chinese astrology--the present year creates lots of problems in health/wealth area. I keep hearing many stories this year that confirmed this. Luckily, the new year of Rat supposed to show it's good influence starting this Dec. Hopefully many people will benefit very sooooooooooooon.

(Cathy), MO

I know I have a few perennials that will grow in your zone Robin. See, we've already all got your garden planned out and planted for you! LOL

Big Sandy, TX(Zone 8a)

I don't remember ever seeing you on Dave's before but as I was reading your first goodbye post I was thinking I should pay her membership. This is not the kind of person that we need to loose here on Dave's. I am so glad you are still here and my hats off to the person who popped the membership. Thanks.


Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Your so right Weegy-Hi my friend and God Bless you! Huggs
Mortez-Hi and Thank you so much! Nice to see you here ....
Lebug -Thank you-I will try to get out there when it isnt so freezing out LOL we are in Maine with extreme temps-but you never know last year nov-dec was indian summer.I never have winter sowed.Where i live now I have a acre-or more.Lotts of shrubs-2 i think burning bushes,boxwood,some roto,and a small juniper,and tall shrubs 1 crabapple.basically all shrubs right now.
Thank you Barb-arent there some wonderful people here....
Thanks misty for the offer and It is neat to see a bunch of wonderful people coming out to help each other-isnt that what is is all about-Now this is thanksgiving....Love from all the fellow gardeners.
Thank lovetropics for coming by and saying hello means the worls to me!
Hi cat -thanks for coming by to thread -and thanks for the offer
Thanks kenboy -never saw you here But I love friends-thanks for coming by and thanks for the offer -please lets remain friends.nice to see you

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Just wanted to add another post saying I'm so glad you're still here. I'd miss you if you weren't! Like Kenboy said, when I read your first post I just thought, "Something has to be done about this! We can't lose her!"

So happy to say that.....
I'll be seeing you around DG!

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Thank you Heather means so very very much to me.for your so kind words.Robin

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9a)

Robin, your story brought tears to my eyes but joy in my heart to learn of that lovely "Random Act of Kindness" by a fellow DG member. God Bless you and your kind donor.

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Good Morning Friends
Just a word to let you know know -Im not doing really good this morning.I worke with chest pain,I too a asprin and am hoping all will be well soon-I have had the stress tests-and also ultrasound and nothing yet-been to hospital months back with nito and been in drs several tx.It could be stress-When i worry about things around the holiday season does a number on my health-I know worry is not good -and believe me I try not too,I pray about everything.I have just heard my daughter her b/f and his children her daughter,my other daughter and her 2 children and son are coming wednesday for thanksgiving-which is great news-But I am trying to figure out where ever1 will sleep how i will feed that many-I know just enjoy it -and I will.I am thankful i wont spend it alone -will have lots here.And with grandchildren still small talking-5-9 it is a wonderful age.And i do now god feed thousands with bread and fish-and i can always pull a rabbit out of my hat.So to speak-as i wrote this pain is dying down and I am starting to feel better-But I think to be safe I will call and make another appoinment to drs.
I was just in recently with sleep study and ultrasound of my heart.

I am so over joy you all stopped by and said all those kind words and lifted me up and the wonderful person who helped me be able to stay in the great forum-

to cindy -it brought so many tears to my eyes yesterday-i think i cried the whole day -over whelmed with so much joy that people come and share there love with me.

(Cathy), MO

Robin, Tell them all it's a pot luck meal! Everyone can bring covered dishes. That should help on having enough food.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

That is a great idea, Cat! Here's hoping everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

(Cathy), MO

Hope you're feeling better Robin

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

talked to my family today-my daughter is bringing the turkey,and making stuffing.My son sean is driving up with my daughter suzanne leaving at 9 thurday morning.My other daughter is driving up early-looks like snow here.But nothing yet-My in other parts of maine it is snowing.This is all going to work out.I wish happy thanksgiving to you all!

(Cathy), MO

Great! I hope you have a wonderful day!!!!

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Happy Thanksgiving to you my friend.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I hope you have a great turkey day! Snow on turkey day is nice if you don't get too much which you might where you are, we usually have a few flurries there're not predicted until late in the evening this year.

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

well it just started in is light and fluffy-ty Cat,weegy,lebug you have a wonderful day as well

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

This is A sweet story Robin, I"m so glad your able to stay, and that someone here on Daves took it upon themselves to see to that. This is such a divine place.

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Thank you Kathyann-means alot to me -happy holiday

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