Let's get together #2

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

As per request, to continue our last thread from here....
...and here.....

This message was edited Nov 19, 2007 9:47 AM

Thumbnail by Lily_love
South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Lily_love, wow, what a color! Does it have a yummy scent too?

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Yes, it did, for it was our summer's blooms. It was wonderful. :-)

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

This is a blackgum tree, also known as Tupelo tree one of many in our neighborhood. The leaves are spectacular this time of year.....

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Gorgeous. Because we are very alkaline and don't get a frost until late we seldom have much color. first frost, all the leaves just fall to the ground. Kind of funny really. Leaves one day...none the next. Love the blackgum. East Texas can grow sweetgum and they have the same beautiful colors.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

All of our color is gone here. It was lackluster in some places and spectacular in others. I went out and took pics last week trying to find color but not alot of luck. Still got good pics though. But I broke the gizmo where I plug in the camera on here so can't download yet. lol

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh goodness, Pepper, we really need to see your pictures. Hope you can get a replacement real soon. Happy Thanksgiving. Hope everything is perfect.


Well it is the 22nd already here so I wanted to pop in and say HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of you each and everyone.
I hope you don't mind but there is something I would like you to see, it's my way of saying thanks for all of the lovely pictures you have allowed me to enjoy ...I hope you enjoy these and while they may not be as amazing as your delightful flowers etc I think that they are very special!


Happy Thanksgiving ... and remember to cherish every moment you spend with your loved ones!
hugs chrissy :)

Opps that was not correct lets see this should do it! *blushing*


South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Chrissy, thanks for sharing that link to a very special place. What a lovely tour.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!


Thumbnail by svplantingfool
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Hiya Chrissy, have a great day.

Thumbnail by Lily_love

Oh so pretty!
What do you call that pink one? Cathy?
Lily_love ...I just loved walking around your beautiful garden ...
isn't it wonderful to peek into other gardens? and from all over the World too.
Happy Gardening!
chrissy :)

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Chrissy!
The pink/purple flower is from a Medinilla. I think the species is myriantha, though it was labeled as a magnifica, but it doesn't have the big showy bracts at the top of the flower clusters. Still looking to properly ID it. Whichever one it is, I love it!
Here's another shot of it, with the flowers showing the darker purple color before they fade to pink.

Thumbnail by svplantingfool

Hi ...m oh it is so pretty? thanks :)

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Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Chrissy,
Old man winter got tired of our 80F autumn days and with a fierce wind and storm last night dropped the temperatures where he thought they ought to be. Our temperature dropped 11 Degrees in 5 minute. I actually put a couple of plants in the green house today. It's 50's and 40's I fear for the next couple of months...peppered with occasional 70F days. That means I'm really going to have to rely on your garden to get me through the winter!
It's not all devoid though, the Wallichii Clerodendrum is in spectacular bloom right now. I have to get some pictures as some of the bracts of flowers are nearing 10 to 12 inches long.
I'm working today, but don't feel sorry for me. When else can I make double time, get fed for free, and have 3/4 less work to do?

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Good for you,RJ. Carol is also working today. If the WC is better than when I saw it...well, not words to describe. We are at 37 from about 79 ...past time for winter anyway. Just wait until tomorrow when everyone has put on another 15 pounds. Be sure you add that in.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Brrrrr....are you cooking today? We'll need the extra weight to keep warm!

Ha ha ha have a wonderful day everyone! I just heard on the radio that our Bindi (steve's daughter) and her lovely mum will be in the parade ...so in a way we are sharing your special day ....whether you are working or playing have a great time!

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Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

What parade is that?

I think they said New York ...I didn't catch where for sure but it's the big one ...whatever that is.Sorry we are unfamiliar with your Thanksgiving Tradition , we are taught in Australia that the Settlers were very hungry and your Native Americans bought food and everyone sat down together to eat.I think it just sounds like a wonderful time to reflect on lifes blessings and be grateful for what we have.Over here our charities and churches observe "Harvest Festival " a time when we all give a bit extra in terms of donations and volunteering but that is celebrated next Autumn which is months away. So enjoy your day :)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

OH, I thought you were referring to a parade there!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

chrissy, this is a mix of what you refer to. A way of celebrating our blessings has been turned into feeding those less fortunate. There are special dinners prepared and baskets of groceries taken to many that have fallen on hard times.
A lot of churches have what is called "Lord's Acre". I believe it went back to a time when the farmers/landowners donated one acre a year of their stock/produce to the church. Now it is sort of a church bazaar where members make crafts and give for a sale and a dinner. Also an extra offering. You must be referring to the legendary Macy's Parade. It is quite the fandango. What did your children do in the parade, or do you know? It is always broadcast by 9/10 AM on the tv networks.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I guess Thanksgiving is more well known in Australia..My friend from Melbourne just wished me happy T-day too.

ha ha ha ,no LouC, Steve Irwin's daughter Bindi ...yes I mean the Macy's Parade.
While you folk don't know much about our traditions, and us ...we know a fair bit about you because of all the News,Talk Shows and American TV content.
I know it is a very big deal ...like your 4th of July!
Now let me give you some Australian news, we go to vote tomorrow! the polls say we are going to lose our current Prime Minister and his Government. So it is a very important day here in Australia and it will be a nail biter
How are the tummies feeling?
What was the best thing you ate?
Have you had a wonderful day?
pop back and let us know after you all have recovered! :)

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes our tummies are very full! My favorite is the Cream Cheese Corn with jalepenos. DS does not eat it, so we only make it at Thanksgiving when DD, her husband, and son will be here. Mom and the other two granddaughters don't eat it either, so we're about half and half. So we make reg.frozen corn for them, and then spice ours up. Same with the green beans; plain for some, green bean casserole for the others. Then there's mashed potatoes, gravy, candied sweet potatoes with marshmellows, cranberry sauce, hot rolls, real butter, bread dressing, cornbread dressing, crouton bread dressing, and of course the turkey.
Oh, and don't forget the pumpkin pie with Reddi Whip!!!!!!!!

Yes it was a wonderfull day! However if I waited until I recooperated, it might be next week!!!

Between the cleaning and the cooking it just about exhausts me, and takes days, sometimes weeks to get over it. And that's with help from DS and DD. She came over yesterday and help make pies! I read the cookbook and other recipes, and she made the crust from scratch, used Libby's pumpkin, filled them, altogether there were six big ones, three small ones, and some mini muffin size.

They were sooooooooo good! She did a great job. Normally DS makes the crust, but he hasn't been feeling well with all of this weather change. He had a really bad sinus headache / migraine. I wish he could have the sinus surgery that I did a few years ago. It helped tremendously, but he doesn't have any insurance.

He went and picked up my Mom, then went and got his daughter today, so we had the whole family here. He is tall, so he and my SIL do all of the reaching high for the Moss Rose platters, and gravy boats. We use the nice serving dishes, then eat off chinette plates, and plastic cups!!!! LOL Ran the dishwasher, washed all of the pots and pans, have a few soaking, and managed to get all of the left overs in the refrig.

I had to take my seeds out of the bottom crisper, but after a couple of days they'll go back in!

Well, guess I had better quit rambling!!!!!! It was a great day!!!!!!!!!! We made it!!!! Everything was delicious! We have much to be Thankfull for, esp. to our wonderful Lord to give us His provision of all of this wonderfull food, and the strength to make it thru the day!

Hope y'all had a good one as well!!!!!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I don't know what was the best thing to eat. It was all good except for the sweet potatoes. Those didin't get done and the mashmallows didn't get melted cause the oven was acting up and caught the top layer on fire. So that was a bust but everything else was great!!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone;

The best part of thanksgiving this year for our family? My hubby finally got a day off from working on Thanksgiving for the past 23 years!!! Of many blessings we've, that was an extra bonus. Everyday is a thanksgiving day for me, 'til the rest of the year. Then starts again on 1st day of new Year's Day.

Chrissy, question on the above "Monkey Pod" tree, the pink one, the yellow is another variety of same plant? Hey Mate, let's trade garden for a day. :-) I'm soooooo in love with yours!

Thumbnail by Lily_love

Well I hope y'all are taking it easy today ...so much excitment and good food I bet everyone is exhausted! ... take it easy 77 ...poor pepper what a bu**er the sweet potato catching fire! *giggling* sorry ...sounds like something that would happen to me ...oh well it will be a talking point for a few years.
Oh Lilly_love wouldn't it be wonderful! you ever watch that show on telly where people swap houses for holidays ...we could swap gardens for holidays ...a lovely dream,you know what, we all get to peek! and chat ...so this is the next best thing ,only thing missing is the wonderful smells! but in a way that even works ...I don't know about y'all but when I look at a picture of a flower that I know I can "smell it" as I look at it :)
Rj is back at work and everyone else is eyeing off the left overs! I bet ...at least you don't have to cook the next day, I don't know about you but I think left overs taste better than the original,probably because you can relax and enjoy them.
Of course the first best thing about your holiday is sharing with friends and loved ones nothing is more important than that,I am very glad your hubby had the day off Lily_love I know how you feel.
So okay everyone, a great day was had by all! lovely!
Here it is still raining ...warm muggy pea soup kinda air (you know the kind you could slice with a knife it is so humid) but all the seeds are a sprouting, all the cuttings are a shooting and everything is reaching for the sky as usual,I am waiting for some dry weather to take pictures ...you can practically hear everything growing!
Have a good one y'all :)

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh Pepper, I am so sorry about your sweet potatoes! I actually have had them catch fire many years ago when I was much younger!

As we were eating left overs today I was just thinking that it seemed to taste better today!!!!! DD and family are coming tomorrow to help finish them off!!!!

I have been taking it easy today and will for the next few days!!!!!!!!! Using all of this energy will definately cost me! I plan to sleep very late tomorrow!

We've had alot of rain the last few days, so the humidity is extremely high! I had a beautiful double yellow hibiscus in bloom today, but didn't get a chance to get it's picture! It was a beautiful lemon yellow! So pretty!!!! I have a silver looking leafy plant that I got at Wal Mart, and I had to do a double take as I walked out the door this evening! I think it has grown at least two inches or more in the past couple of days!!!!!!!! Amazing!!!!!!!!!!

It is chilly 49F with more rain tomorrow and Sunday! Low of 43 tonight, high 48 tomorrow!!! I may have to turn on the furnace yet! I've been trying not to, as we are all electric and it really runs up the bill! This time of year I need a break in between AC and heating for a few weeks if possible!

I haven't brought anything in under the patio....you never know it might warm up again!!!!!!!!!

Y'all rest as much as you can!!!!!!!!!!! Love the pictures!!!!!!!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes a dismal day today...glad I'm working overtime. I did put a few plants in the green house last night. Aroids, hibiscus, bromeliads, orchids ..looks like tomorrow night temps may be flirting with the latter 30F...Didn't put too many plants in as the temps look like they bounce back up in the high 70's..
I think my yellow hibiscus is about to bloom too..I left that one out, mabe they like it cooler?
good day to stay in bed or go shopping!

Here is the Wallichii throwing out more bracts of blooms.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

It is 37 and raining today. Really dreary. The rest of the household is still asleep. I sometimes think this is natures way making us take a break ourselves.

haven't heard from TropicMan in quite awhile. Hope is ok in Kansas. After all it took to get the greenhouses built and filled he is probably worn out. Drinkin' his coffee and watch the games in the greenhouse.

haven't even made coffee or gotten the paper yet. Talk about lazy.

Sorry you are having to work today, Randy. I am still fantasizing about your wonderland.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey, I'm actually glad I'm working! I would have done nothing otherwise. It is nasty nasty out there.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

waffelupa sure sounds good about now...

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

ooh indeed it does...and chicken soup...why I do believe I will stop there on the way home and buy soup.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Hot soup does sound good! It is so dreary out there! We have had rain all day!
My back yard looks like a lake!!!!!!!!!!! Thought I'd see what was happening in between thunderstorms.....I swear....I think I hear thunder again!!!!!!!! Guess I'd better get a move on.....Have a great day!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha! Checking in from work to see what you are all up to...Brrrrr! Chicken soup sounds like a great idea.
Had to laugh over Pep's sweet potato mishap, although I don't expect it was quite so funny at the time.
Hope you are getting some rest, Jeanne, hope you didn't do too much and have to pay for it for days.
We lucked out at work - one of the homeowners shared their turkey diner with the three of us who were working, it was delicious! I think it tastes even better when you haven't had to spend all morning slaving over the hot stove, and it magically appears in front of you !!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Gosh, Jenny, you are working everyday? Sorry about the inside joke. When in Houston we had lunch at Java-Java. They had a unique dish that was prepared using a cornmeal waffle with chicken or beef, chopped onion, cheese and chili on top. It was delicious. Randy loves their chicken soup and he also had a cup of soup. This cold, rainy day is perfect for either dish. May just have to whip up a little turkey soup. All the ingredients are good to go. Nice that someone shared dinner with you. After reading *IZ* have such a different understanding of statehood. Pig in an imu sounds just perfect. AAhhhh, winter in Texas. High of 40 today...high of 69 by Tuesday. Confuses the plants really bad.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Toady is my last day for this week - Yea! Kind of quiet this morning but we are expecting a very busy afternoon here at the front desk, so just taking the time while I can to see what everyone else is up to. Got to run across island to the airport straight after work today, Michael (my son) is flying in at 4.30, and then Frank flies back at 9.30 this evening - it sure will be nice to have the family back together, even though it means two trips to the airport.

Hi everyone our air is drinkable, there is so much moisture in it! as well as the rain of course ...88f where I am at 9 am Sunday morning
(that's 8am in "real time") Soup may be a little warm for me ha ha ha ...I sure hope you enjoy yours.
LouC our plants are nuts too because of the lack of sunshine,
everything is a bit topsy turvy ...I still cannot believe how much Texas is like us here ...except for back to front seasons of course,
my 4 o'clocks have grown about 2ft in in just 3 days, I can hardly wait until they bloom and although a lot of folks think they are a pest ,I love the way they smother the weeds out in the Summer and Autumn, they also give the garden such a lush green tropical look and the perfume is a happy tangy sort of lemon blossom x jasmine smell, mine are the sort of carnival "broken colours",
they fill in all the gaps in the beds.
77 it's the same here wet ,wet ,wet but warm, just remember what the drought felt like and we don't have to hand water! :)
I really feel for the folk in California those fires coming through on the news looks pretty terrible, I hope everyone will be ok.

B yes having someone else cook is even better than leftovers!
Rj enjoy your soup mate!
Ll I am posting a pic of the first crape myrtle to flower ...it is not in a very elegant situation as you can see my hubby has been wrecking some cars in that area, but you were asking about them in another thread so here is my first just starting, the pinky ones come first then the lavenders and whites etc they all end up flowering at the same time for a couple of months and then they have lovely Autumn foliage.
Enjoy your day/evening /arvo or whatever is applicable!:)

Thumbnail by
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi! 'yall!!!!! Chrissy, I especially am thankfull for the rain, and that I do not have to water!!!!!! Don't think I'd make it out there today. Your crepe myrtles are lovely!!!!!

BHM, This time of year always zaps my energy!!!! So I am resting! We have plenty of food in there, so no need to worry about more cooking! Just made some coffee to help get warmed up!!! Iy's French Vanilla, French Roast, and a touch of Land of Lakes Mint Cocoa! I love mixing things together!!!!

One day we were at Wally world, and I decided to make my "special blend" of coffee beans, so I had the bag, and I would get a little of this, a little of that, layered out of all of the different containers! Then I grind them. About that time my son walked up, and shaking his head, said, "Mom, are you making your special blend, AGAIN???" Laughingly......as I turned around there was this older gentleman sitting in a scooter just watching all of this blending going on!!! LOL I smiled at him, and he smiled back!!!!! I explained that it really smelled sooooo good on that isle with all of the different flavors, so I just decided to take them home with me that way!!!!!!!!!!!! He nodded in approval!!!! LOL

DD and family are on their way over to eat....so catch y'all later! Adios!!!!!!!!

Y'all have a great day!


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