another "sighting" in the HHI area

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

well, we gere driving around on the island today, because my sister had Nutcracker, and guess what i saw.... a foxtail palm gowing out in the open next to 278. the first thing to go through my head was 'man! they must not know what they're doing! a foxtail palm on the Hilton Head Island???' what do y'all think? i'm sayin that its gonna squeak by by the skin of its teeth *if* we have a mild winter, and they will have an ugly palm 'til about may, and then by the end of the summer, have a scrawny stick with 3 leaves.... but then again, it is the island, which is warmer than Bluffton... but that is just mny 2 cents...what do y'all think?

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Where exactly was that growing? If your real close to the ocean you can get away with plants that can't take a frost. When I lived in PD I lived on the canal and I never saw a hard frost. They don't call them canals but that's what they are. LOL. Lagoon system. Same with being right on the May river.

BTW I'm going after plants they grow in Texas this winter, been trading some seeds and I'm betting I'll have a few plants you just don't see growing anywhere around here. In a couple more years I'll just have a mess in my yard or it will be tour worthy. Not sure which one it will be right now. "When gardening goes wrong". New HGTV show starring me>

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

lol it was somewhere on the north end near the airport and HHCA and yummy house. no lagoon or marsh anywhere near... cant wait to see how your yard comes out...

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Next year it will be pretty much finished then another year for everything to put on size. I won't be done then but the major features will be there and it will be more a matter of tweaking and getting really exotic plants. Who knows where this is going it's a hobby for sure at this point.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

do you have a plan in mind? my yard is mainly just hodge-podge. if a plant strikes my fancy, i find or make a place for it!

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Yes I broke my yard into areas and have formed a plan in each area. Things get a little more foggy from there.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

good idea to plan.... im too random and lazy to plan things out....

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