Weight Loss Challange Nov. 17 - 24

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I'm hoping to have a deer delivered or go get it myself. Thankfully I have a trailer hitch on this van. The last one never did have one and we had it for about 5 or 6 years. My employers youngest DD showed us pictures of the damage bucks are doing to the trees in their yard. Several are going to die from the damage. They are totally girdled with a 5 or 6 inch wide band. So they will be out gunning this morning and until the season is over. Pepper23 tried frantically to reach me yesterday because her brother had a deer for me. They wanted to deliver it to me but needed to know for sure I wanted it. Well, I was at work until 9 and then discovered a flat tire. I called the roadside service of my insurance company and had them sent someone to change it for me. My boss, Yvonne, stayed with me until they came. Then while they were changing the tire the jack collapsed. It is one of those chincey scissor type. I'll go back to carrying a good floor type jack like I use to in the other vans.

I do wish I would stop going to sleep everytime I get on the computer. I think it must be eyes strain or something like that. As soon as I sit down in front of this thing I start having trouble keeping my eyes open.

Pepple, I pray life gets better for you. What will you do if you don't find a job soon? Will the courts require your husband to pay your utility & medical bills until the divorce is finalized? What about your credit cards? And how will you get the funds to fly back home when it is over? These are questions I keep asking myself.

I agree that Tricia and Debbies seem to be blessed with some wonderful creative talents. I hope they can turn that skill into some income. That is such a satisfying feeling.

Eating yesterday was good. I had a grilled cheese for breakast, a nice size taco/chef salad with some fruit and vanilla & chocolate puddings. I was stuffed after that. Hardly sneaked anything all evening but I did drink 64 oz. of stevia sweetened coolaid. Then supper when I got home was a chef type salad and about 3/4 cup Watergate Salad. Man I love that salad!! Fortunately I only have access to it on the weekends. Breakfast this morning was a couple servings of wheat chex in nonfat dry milk with a TBLS. of p. butter added and sweetened with brown sugar WheyLow. I have no idea what lunch will be. I did bring home some 'burger patties and grilled onions last night. They will make 2 meals. I drank the full 64 oz. of H2O flavored with coolaid and sweetened with Stevia. I had nearly a quart, maybe more before I started that. So I am well hydrated. I'll be at work for supper & will almost surely include a salad.

Does anyone here have any of the Bottom Line books? If so, what is your opinion of them. I have a couple Jerry Baker books and like them ok but admittedly seldom refer to them as I should. I have herb books I should refer to more often too. I think I got more from J.B.'s monthy magazine than I did the books. Something about it coming monthly helped me to pay more attention to it. I think the online webside is available if you take the magazine. I need to check that out.

Eleanor, the holidays are so hard on healthy eating unless most if not all of the people at a gathering are like minded. I'll be ok if I go to Kris's Thursday because we are. The pumpkin dessert will be a custard without a crust. Shad will get his lasanga, Kris and I will just eat the meat/cheese sauce. I'll put it over brown rice that I'll take with me. We'll have salad and fruits. But if someone brings me a deer I'll have to leave immediately and come home to butcher.

Being a grandparent can be wonderful, Chuck. But I share your concern about the ability and desire of the parents to be good parents. All you can do is stand in the gap for all of them, especially the child. I know this sounds strange, but keep the child as much as possible so you can exert as much GODly influence as possible.

I need to go get the garage ready in case I really do get a deer. There is just some stuff that needs to be moved out of the way. GOD bless and keep each and all of you.

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