Show Us Your Feeders Vol. 3

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the tip on the Duncraft tailprop feeders...I'll check the bird store around here for it, although I am loath to pay $35. !

No Pileateds yet but many other woodpeckers...the juvenal woodpeckers are so cute--they can't really believe that I am putting peanuts and raisins out on the railing for them to just pick up and eat!

Saw a hawk carry away a bright red junior cardinal today from our patio. It made me sad, but I guess that's Mother Nature.

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

sadie I get my worms at Petsmart. They sell them in small containers but each container lasts a few days for me. I don't always refill the dish right away either, I buy maybe 5 containers at a time and keep them in the fridge. If I ever get swarms of takers I may think about mail ordering. The postage is expensive though as the companies send them at a super fast rate in winter.

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks, I'll probably do just as well to get them at WB Unlimited, I'm sure it wouldn't be any more expensive, in the long run, than paying for express shipping.

Brainerd, MN

We are very cold here this morning. Have to take pictures through the window so not great. The goldfinches are out and so is this guy. I call him Jack Sprat's wife.

Thumbnail by original_sybil
Marlton, NJ

Very cute sybil!

Brainerd, MN

Big snow predicted for tomorrow. We will be looking like this...

...note plowed path to bird feeder!

Thumbnail by original_sybil
Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Wowie! We still have a few bugs flying around here in spite of nights dipping into the 20's. The days have been warming up to the 50's and 60's. A cold front is coming though and that means traffic jams at the feeders lol!

Brainerd, MN

lilyfantn - it amazes me as we go through fall how the moths will appear as soon as the temps allow. Where do they go when it's cold?

Milwaukee, WI

We've got snow expected for tonight and tomorrow too. Around 5 inches. The birds seem to know it as they've been feeding heavily today. I had the Red-Breasted Nuthatches coming to my hand to eat nuts. This was the first day I tried holding out my hand and they showed no hesitancy at all. The Chickadees are still a little hesitant though they come to the feeder while I'm standing right there. Give them a day or two. The WBN is still a little shy yet but maybe if he sees the RBN eating from my hand he'll say "what the heck, that looks easier than trying to get those nuts out of that cage thing".

Brainerd, MN

bird whisperer! LOL

Brainerd, MN

So here are the Chickadees at the hanging basket feeders.

Thumbnail by original_sybil
Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Congratulations, I would love to get them to eat out of my hand!! I've been thinking about trying it but don't know if I've got the patience.

Sybil, great idea with the hanging basket those Dees are such cuties!

Hebron, KY


That's wonderful that the RBN are eating from your hand! I'm so happy for you! We've never had any birds eat out of our hands, but it would be such a neat experience! ;-)


Hebron, KY


That's a neat photo of the Dees and your basket. You have BOSS in there?! One of the Dees looks like he just landed (one on the right)!


Milwaukee, WI

It can get kind of cold but if you wait inside until you see them come, then run outside and stand right next to the feeding cage with the peanuts in your hand, you'll be amazed at how trustful they are. They, like chickadees, don't tolerate one another at the same time on the feeder, and so two of them came down at the same time as I was holding my hand out. Well one sat on my hat while the other was in my hand and when he chose the nut he wanted and flew off the other one came down and chose his nut. (No comments Old Ned!)

Brainerd, MN

I have BOSS hearts, thistle seed and safflower seeds.

Thumbnail by original_sybil
Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

So, we just put the seed in our hand and go out and stand near the feeders?! Will definitely try that!

Sybil, how do you keep the squirrels and raccoons out of the basket? It looks so inviting!? And what is in the sack hanging from the tree? Just a large piece of raw suet? Or other fat?

For our anniversary yesterday we went to the feed store and found one of those wooden suet feeders for pileateds... (only $13.00!) and a new clear plastic window feeder (with those little suction cups). I put yummy suet in both and am still waiting for the pileateds. Two years ago my pileateds came right up to my desk window every day and ate from the little feeder. Not so, this year! But I must be patient.

Yesterday we had a brown creeper and red breasted nuthatch (fairly rare around here) around the feeders...looks like we're in for a good winter of bird feeding...

Hebron, KY


What is the name of the feed store you went to? Maybe we have the 'same store' here (over the River).

Happy Anniv.!


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

We purchased it in Mason, Ohio at Ed's Feed Store on Montgomery Rd (Rt. 22). I don't think it's a chain...Good price, though...

Hebron, KY

Thanks. Don't think it's a chain either. Glad you found one (cheap too!).

Brainerd, MN

tabasco - the squirrels haven't found the baskets yet. It's just a matter of time.

Yes, it's just suet from the meat department in a cotton mesh bag.

Thumbnail by original_sybil
Hebron, KY

Here are some feeder pics I took 12/3.

Starting from left and going to the right side..........

This photo has a seed block cage with perches (I have 3 with a different 'flavors' in each block), next, in the background is a feeder I'm using for shelled peanuts (I have 3 different peanut feeders- 2 are filled and hanging as of today), next, the big copper top feeder is filled with thistle seed and lastly, is a new suet feeder with Woodpecker Treat suet cake. Downy's love it!

3 red Cardinals in background.

This message was edited Dec 4, 2007 11:51 PM

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

This feeder is new and holds 2 suet cakes (Woodpecker Treat) and seeds in the middle section

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

Another view of the first pic with another peanut feeder on the far right in the background

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

I'll post more tomorrow, have to go to bed now, DH has an early report at the airport.

Hebron, KY

This the Cardinal No/No feeder. It's no wood and no plastic.

I got mine from Gardener's Supply

Duncraft carries it too

You can get it at other places have it also.

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

This is the Globe Cage Feeder

I got mine at Gardener's Supply and it is exclusive to them.

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

This is the Triple Bin Party Feeder. I got it at Duncraft and I have it hanging, but it can also be post mounted. I haven't fill it up all the way; "Removable triple-compartment plexiglass bin holds up to 11 1/2 lbs. of your birds' favorite seeds." In each compartment, I have BOSS, peanuts (from WBU) and a really good customed seed mix ( I did myself with lots of goodies ).

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

Here's another pic of the above feeder ( closer view and of the mix ).

This photo also shows (middle of photo) one of 3 seed block cages (with perches) that I have with the Duncraft Very Berry Bird Block.

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

Here are two tray feeders (mesh bottom) that I fill the one in the front (with the wine cork covering the metal nail/screw for fruit) with BOSS. The other one (in the background) I fill with my customed seed mix of lots of goodies.

I also have a large ranch style (and heavy) house feeder (second from the front). It's an older Stokes feeder we got at Lowe's. Because it is so heavy and doesn't have the middle section that flows the seeds to the openings, I just fill the 'pits' on each side (where the Dee is pictured) every day of BOSS.

Behind that feeder is Duncraft Cling-a-Wing. Six inches diameter.

Behind that feeder is a small cage feeder that I fill with a Woodpecker Treat (C&S brand) suet cake.

Behind that is a old upside down feeder (2 cakes) that we got at Gardens Alive when they were here locally in Lawrenceburg, IN. I have it filled with Woodpecker Treat.

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

Here are 2 Stokes feeders.

On the left is the Finch Screen Feeder that I have with all thistle seed.

On the right is the Squirrel-Proof Feeder that I have a customed seed mix of goodies.

You can get these at Tractor Supply and Petsmart (and probably some other places).

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Wow, you have a really GREAT selection of feeders!!

I'm getting a small suet plug feeder from Southern States, they have it on sale for $7.99. I'm not sure how big it is, I'll see today. I had gotten a sale paper and when I went yesterday they didn't have any at this store, so they had to go get 1 for me in Frankfort. If the birds like this one, I may make myself a larger one or go ahead an make some holes in my peanut butter log.

Hebron, KY

Here's another feeder I got at Duncraft. It's the Greatwoods Hanging Tray XL. 18 x 13 x 1-3/4 inches.

I originally filled with a 5 lb. bag of the Very Berry Blend, but realized that it was too much seed/food in the feeder. It hangs longer than I would like and it's longer than I would like. I didn't realize that it was as big.

The other 3 feeders I covered in posts above.

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY


Thanks and I have a few more to go still. ;-)

That's great! I've seen that type of feeder at Meijer's, Petsmart (can't remember about Tractor Supply), and I Duncraft has one like it.

If I ever get one of those types of feeders, I'll go with one at Duncraft. It looks like a tree branch. ;-)

What type of store is Southern States?

Hebron, KY

I also have the Stokes Sunflower Screen Feeder that I fill with BOSS.

I've seen it at Petsmart and Tractor Supply.

The 3 feeders on the left, I've covered in a post above.

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

These 2 feeders I took on 11/13 (closer and better shot than on 12/3 when I took the others).

The one on the left is a Birdola Brand (all 3 seed block cages I have are this brand) seed block. It lost its perches, but the birds don't seem to mind, I have this one with the Birdola Woodpecker seed block (have a Birdola Fruit and Nut in one of the other 3).

The feeder on the right is a nice size peanut feeder I got at WBU. It's a nice one, because it's tall enough that the RBW can use it and a little wider than the first peanut feeder (Droll Yankees brand) I got at WBU. In fact, when I had both of those feeders up at the same time, they completely ignored the smaller DY one and went for the taller and wider one! I think the DY was about 8" and this one is at least 12".

Here's a male RBW getting some good peanut treats (got these at WBU this Oct.). Because I want the RBW's to eat from this feeder every day, I 'top off' the feeder with new peanuts.

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

Besides these feeders (and 4 Hummingbird feeders in the warmer months), I got several new feeder from Gardeners Supply.

Fruit Kabob Birdfeeder ( still waiting - back ordered ).

Covered Birdfeeder ( haven't gotten it up yet ).

St. Francis Birdfeeder ( haven't gotten a front view pic yet ).

Marlton, NJ

Well Marilyn I think its safe to say your the "Feeder Queen"!

Thanks for showing us all your different feeders.

You really have a great collection there! Pelle :-)

Hebron, KY


LOL, thanks for the nice words! I might not mention to DH that you think I'm the 'Feeder Queen' in case he won't let me get any more. ;-)

Last week he said, "Think you got enough feeders there Butch?" Meaning Butch Cassidy of the old classic movie: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Butch used an excessive amount of dynamite (than necessary) to blow up the train (when they were going to rob it). I said, "My name's not Butch!" LOL, usually, I just say "no", but it shuts him up! It's all in good fun and we kid around and joke alot with each other. ;-)

I even got some bird treats to hang on our Spruce tree.

I got a box of each and I got another box of each to add to the tree. Maybe I'll get some more of the different ones they offer.

Here's our tree with 10 of the berry and the fruit wreaths one ( you can see between 8 - 9 on. The have red ribbon that came with them. Also, are 4 of my roosting pockets on the tree.

This message was edited Dec 5, 2007 10:30 AM

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Marlton, NJ

LOL, Your too much Marilyn!

I had thought about getting some of those but we have too bad of a squirrel problem for that. :-(

I would like to get another baffled pole system someday to put more feeders on but first I'd like to have the outdoor electricity fixed so I could get a heated birdbath.

Its sad to see the birdies come up to the birdbaths only to find them frozen!

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