"Bee" moth

Media, PA

Next to the picture (on the right) of the Hummingbird Clearwing Hemaris thysbe) at http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/distr/lepid/moths/thumb/64.htm there's Slender Clearwing (Hemaris gracilis) that I think I've thought was a hummingbird, too. The body looks a little darker than the hummingbird moth. Next to that one (on the right) is Snowberry Clearwing (Hemaris diffinis). The description of that one says it imitates bumble bees. It does look like one. The ones I've seen hover to get the nectar when a bumble bee will rest on the flower to get the nectar. You have to look closer to tell it's the moth, though. These 3 moths are very interesting to watch. Has anyone else seen the Bee moth?

St. Thomas, ON(Zone 5b)

Hello Marge; The "Bee Moth" or "Clearwing Moth" must be more prolific this year. I'd never seen one in my life until this summer. If you read some of the post's under Hummingbird Moth there's more people there talking about the same Moth. Including me I thought I'd discovered a new species.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Marge, I've seen it here too, Along with two other different species of hummingbird moths, They are all so neat! Today, For the first time ever, I've seen a " Blue Bumble-bee" ~ I tried to get a pic of it , But, It's so fast and it doesn't stay on a flower long at all, I've seen it qite a few times , But, I was not
quick enough to get it's pic ...Going to try again tommorrow tho!! .. It's so neat looking!

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