Our new friend Max....

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Well here he is our new dog. After having our other dog "put down" this summer we missed not thaving a dog. We adopted him on October 10th. From the SPCA. Very nice group. He is a wonderful dog trained very well. Loves to go for walks and what not. Just being with us. As you can see is making him self right at home. We really love him.... Ronna

Thumbnail by gardenlady123
Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

And another shot of him. He really seems to pose for the camera.

Thumbnail by gardenlady123
scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

What a sweetie, I'm so glad this one found a home!

North Augusta, ON

He's a beautiful doggy!!! Congratulations on the new family member.

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)


Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

congrats Ronna hes a doll

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

Give him a big pat from me!!

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)


Congratulations on the new addition to your family! He sure looks like a wonderful dog and how great that he is trained and making himself at home bonding with you. I hope he brings your many years of wonderful companionship. I know the pain of losing your best friend and what a hole in your heart that can leave. I also know the only way to fill that void is to allow another furkid in there to fill up that space. It sure looks like he's doing that! What's his name? Will he stay with you on walks or do you have to leash him? How old is he? What kind of dog is he?


AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

LOL..............scratch that one question on what his name is. I see from the topic title he's Max. Great name for a good looking dog!!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

he does really well on the leash. we do leash him for walks but when we go out in the woods or really open spaces we let him run a little. he kinda tends to ignore us sometimes when we are trying to get him to come back to us. we do not know what his command was before. but he is a wonderful family member for us now. he is 3 1/2 years old. he is aspaniel mixed. he stands still in the tub for baths... wow ive never had a dog do that before. he lets me trim the fur between his toes. loving it. he lets us brush him. we are just in love with him. he is fixed. which we wouldve done that anyways. he absolutly loves going for car rides..... we really like taking him with us and showing him off. he is really submissive with us and other dogs he doesnt know. do you think im bragging enough? we were very lucky that he was there for us to snatch up. ASPCA does really good work on taking care of the dogs and cats they have at the shelters and foster homes. we really liked everone we came in contact with thru the organization. i think i might become a volunteer... :) Ronna

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

That is great that he's working out so well and has already made a place in your heart and family. I'm glad he got a second chance at having a home. He sure is beautiful. I don't blame you for wanting to show him off. Spaniels have few health problems and are one of the breeds that live the longest.

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