African Foxglove

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Not a real foxglove but something that I can grow in the tropics, I sowed seeds a few months ago and this is the result, it is so gorgeous.The flowers opened today.

Ceratotheca Triloba

Thumbnail by annette68

Very pretty :)

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Whats the foliage like annette?

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

I just took a pic off the foliage for you Sue, it has niced heart shaped leaves.I like it. The dark foliage in the background is Coleus scutellariodes Palisandra that I grew from seed, not a big fan off coleus but I like this one.


Thumbnail by annette68

Very interesting leaves ,altogether a very attractive plant ...I like the solid colour of the coleus too makes a nice contrast.
You have one heck of a collection of beautiful plants Annette ...lovely to see them
chrissy :)

Coffs Harbour, Australia

The foliage reminds me of Hollyhocks. I have a coleus very similar to that one, but much darker burgundy.
Isn't the botanical name a mouthful?

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