What is thr difference

Dothan, AL(Zone 8b)

Does it really make any diffrence if the GH has a curved roof or gabled ?

Conway, AR(Zone 7b)

I like the look of the curved roof, but if you ever want to catch rainwater the curved roof does now work.

Also I think it was a little more difficult to insulate the inside with the curved roof.


Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

WOW, after clicking on the link that this is sponsored by I am glad we built our own! By the way, we did the curved roof. I can send pics if you are interested in building your own. This is my first one, so it is a learning game for me. :) Misty

Dothan, AL(Zone 8b)

I would love to see pic.May hubbie asked me today to pick out the one I want and he would build it for me.I am think that I want a 23x24. Do you think the shape has anything to do with houlding heat ? Or something to do with rain or wind.I think that he is wanting to frame it out of wood and the end result would look more like a house. This house GH looks pretty but I am more interested in have the one that works best,

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Well, I really can't answer your questions as I am a newbie and we just put one up REAL quick because I was wanting one so badly! We have ours on the back deck, and it sits against the North side of the house, so the heat I use would probably be different than what others would need? Mine is also quite small in comparison to what you are thinking, but it is mine! :) We used 2 x 2's for mine and it worked out great. The roof is made from the plastic lattice. I have seven pics total that I will send.

Thumbnail by mistygardener
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

GH #2

Thumbnail by mistygardener
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

GH #3

Thumbnail by mistygardener
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

GH #4

Thumbnail by mistygardener
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

GH #5

Thumbnail by mistygardener
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

GH #6

Thumbnail by mistygardener
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hope these pics give you an idea of how you want yours! :)

Thumbnail by mistygardener
Dothan, AL(Zone 8b)

Misty You guys did a great job.Thanks for the pics.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks! And you are quite welcome. Good luck with yours! Misty

Lexington, MI(Zone 6a)

When my husband built a greenhouse on our deck last year we went with gothic (gabled) style because of the snow loads. In the south that's not such an important consideration.

Mistygardener, you may want to put another layer of plastic on the inside of the boards to form an air pocket to help with heat loss. We used pipe construction and a double layer of poly with a squirrel cage fan to blow air between the layers. It really makes a difference. This year he built a bigger gh in the yard, same style. At our old house I had a lean-to style, wood construction, that I ran ploy on the inside to form an air pocket the second year I had it. It made a huge difference in retaining heat on those cold winter nights.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Jeane! We have the one outer south facing wall doubled, but didn't do the others yet. We built this in 2 days, so it went up very fast. Then the weather got nasty and haven't been able to get it all done. :( I had to go out last night and just tack plastic up over the door since we still haven't got that made. This will get pretty much all day sun, so I am hoping that when it is finished it will retain the heat fairly well. I am going to get a small quartz heater for the really cold nights. Haven't quite figured out how to do the fan, though. I need to get some heavier plastic before I go any further as this will probably deteriorate too quickly. Think I will just have to make another trip to Lowe's today to see what all they have! :)

Evergreen, CO

The only difference is the ablity to carry snow loads, and the headroom you might have. In AL might want to go with gable

Lexington, MI(Zone 6a)

Just saw our question about heaters in the other thread. Your quartz heater will probably work fine in the size gh you have. My gh is much larger (15'x20' last year - covered our whole deck-20'x30' this year) and I use just a little electric "milk house" heater that runs about $20 at TSC for most nights. (But do have a Kerosene back up heater for the coldest nights.) I don't have ventilation in this gh yet either - just got the poly on in Oct. But opening the door a little when it gets to hot inside is working so far. ---The more plants & soil you have in the gh, the better it retains heat -- not hard to do, lol.

We use 6ml from Lowes/Home Depot on our cold frames - lasts through the season, but needs to be replaced annually.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks Jeane. We have kerosene heaters as well, but I think with the size of mine it would be way too much heat. Since I don't have a door yet, I don't have to worry about it getting to warm, for sure. :( It is nice and sunny out today, but I don't want to take the plastic off just to see what the temp is. I plan to buy a much better grade of plastic before I go any further with mine because it is a pain to put up!
Nope, won't be a problem filling it up! LOL I wish I had thought before I purchased the Rubber maid brand shelving because now Lowe's has their portable green houses in. These were $34.99, and I paid more than that for the shelving I have in there! I could have had really good protection if I had thought if this before. Oh well, live and learn! Don't mean I can't still do that when I get another GH going! LOL :)

Dothan, AL(Zone 8b)

If there is really not any diffrence in the style I think that I will go with the gabled roof. I thought maybe it would cost more to heat a gabled roof .Ace hardware had screen doors on sale for 75% off.So I now have a door but no greenhouse...lol


Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi all! In case anyone is interested, if you like succulents, I bought a ton for $1 & $2 a piece! They had a container mixed of bromeliads for like $5, and a Mandarin plant for that as well! Anyway, just thought I would let all of you know in case you want to check out your local store! :) Oh ya, this was at Lowe's. :)

Dothan, AL(Zone 8b)

what is the best way to set up the GH,north and south or east and west ?

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I would think you would want the most protection on the North side of it. BUT, I am new at this, so not sure how it works "all the way around". Good luck, Misty

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

LInda you want the longest side facing south for the maximum sun exposure and you want to insulate your north side since that gives you the least light and the most cool weather.


Dothan, AL(Zone 8b)

What should I insulate the noth side with and still get light ?
Mistygardener Lowe's in my area has there succulentss at 50% off.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Linda you don't get light from the north side so you insulate with foam board faced with foil which will reflect light back into your greenhouse.


Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Cool, did you get some? :) Mine were about that. The ones that had been $2.36 was a buck, and the ones that had been $3.97 were 2 bucks. Some I got in the little colorful pots were more than half off, but I think that was because some of the plants in them had died. But I bought MORE than enough to replace the dead ones! LOL

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Molly, thanks for that info! We have some foam board in the garage that I can use. I wouldn't have thought of either of those!!! Thanks so much! Misty

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Misty I think I remember you saying your north side was against your house? If that's right I wouldn't insulate that wall because then you are blocking any heat from the house. You might try insulating the north part of your GH roof instead. Also the bottom part of the west side of your GH.


Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

That is true, thanks again! I will try the others and see how it works, once I get a door! :)

Dothan, AL(Zone 8b)

Doors at Ace hardware 75% off.I have a door but no greenhouse yet...lol

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

LOL! We don't have an Ace hardware around here, though. We will build our own out of some material we have left over in the shop, though. Now that you have the door, you MUST have the GH!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I just went out and checked the temp in my GH, and even without the door (just plastic tacked up over the hole) it is 22 degrees warmer than outside. :)

Dothan, AL(Zone 8b)

Wow that is a big diffrence....awsome!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I was really tickled! :)

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