My very first terrarium!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi all, this is my first one and I think I went a little too deep with the soil. I hope it will settle after a bit! I made my first one with an extra Hosta that I couldn't seem to find a place in my garden for. Any ideas are always helpful and appreciated! Misty

Thumbnail by mistygardener
North Augusta, ON

Very nice!!!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I am going hunting for glass for terrariums tomorrow all day in Corpus Christi and hit Salvation Army, etc. I just love terrariums but the big containers are too expensive.

(Zone 1)

Gail, Wal-Mart has those Cookie type jars that look like Mistygardener's first post above ... they come in two or three sizes, all make great terrariums! I think the largest is only $12.95!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Have fun scouting for them, Gail! :)

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I can't pay that much for the big av sale............because I put all my plants in there and then sell for only 12-15 dollars...............I have plenty of plants so that won't costs me but I need glass products......I will get one of those like Misty's for my house though........thanks

(Zone 1)

Oh, I didn't realize you meant you wanted them to plant up to sell! I thought this was for you. Try the thrift stores! I think a year ago I found one of mine that has a unique shape and lid at the Salvation Army Thrift Store for $2.00.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hey Gail, I donno what sizes you are wanting for the AV sale, but I know our Wal Mart Craft Department has some really pretty glass containers from like 88 cents on up...Price goes up depending on size of course, but some fairly large for not too much.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

thanks........I tried those but they really break easily (and could be dangerous for kids around) so I am really looking for heavier glass and a little money.................will be fun.........I never miss Tuesday Morning, Marshall's, etc..............Big Lots............

(Zone 1)

Some of my FAVORITE places to shop!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Ok, just a thought. :) I used to buy them to make candles in, or use as a mold, and they worked great for that. Some I found here were actually quite thick, but I know all stores are different. I wish we had the stores you mentioned around here! We do have Big Lots! :)

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I will post this weekend any finds I get!

(Zone 1)

Our Wal-Mart does have some of the thicker glass candle holders that I have bought and use for plants but I don't remember the prices!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Great! I would love to see them once they are made, too! :)

(Zone 1)

Look forward to seeing your treasures!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I always stop by Walmart so will take a look..............thanks to both of you.............

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

You bet, good luck!!!

(Zone 1)

Just remember to look in the craft section of the store ... one of the aisles near where the silk flowers and beads and stuff are! That's where I found some. They also have the expensive $24.99 fancy shaped ones with lids too. But, down farther on that isle are usually a lot of clear glass containers and sand and shells etc.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Yes, that is where I was talking about! LOL And I have seen those expensive ones, too, but not about to pay that for one!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

It is still 36 degrees this morning. It was 31 at 6am when my brother left his house. I can't leave until I can turn off the space heaters on the front porch..........

(Zone 1)

Oh my gosh, Gail ... I thought your weather was like ours here? We had 79 yesterday and at 12:30 last night it was still 68 degrees outside. I hope there's not another cold front coming from your direction! LOL. I don't want 31 or 36 degrees! I just moved all my plants back outside!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

You all should have our snow.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I wouldn't even think of putting mine outside yet, Lin. We still have at least one more freeze and maybe more.

(Zone 6a)

You're all so are luckey in the warmer zones! I won't be able to get my plants outside for antoher 2 and a half months.....and thats being hopeful!

Very nice terrarium Misty, I didn't know you could grow hostas indoors?


Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Another 2 1/2 months, oh my goodness!!!
Thanks for the compliment on the terrarium, but I did end up taking it out of there so it could get the cold treatment it needed.

(Zone 6a)

He looked good in there, but I suppose he'll be happier outside :)
Yup, the middle of May is when I hopfully will be able to start taking things out........When does spring come for you?

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

OMG the middle of May, that has to be awful! I have things starting to pop up now like Crocus. I went out last night about midnight just to see if I had blooms yet! Not yet, but some nice looking buds. Our last frost date is usually around mid April. I try to figure around tax time for the end of Old Man Winter! HE HE HE

(Zone 6a)

So you're about a month ahead of me, I'll probably be seeing crocus month, we usually get some pretty up and down temps in march/april from below freezing to 20C, I'm looking forward to it though! Nothing like getting back outside in the dirt!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I have had to play in the house with dirt just to keep my sanity!

(Zone 6a)

hahaha, me too :)

(Zone 1)

So, what did you end up putting in your terrarium if you took the Hosta out? Pictures, Pictures! We wanna see pictures! LOL.

We've been having glorious warm and sunny weather down here. We've had two weeks with temps in the low 80's during the day and low 60's at night. Supposed to be a cold front coming through mid week where we will have one night in the mid 30's and two days with high's in the 60's ... I am not complaining - at least we don't have the freezing temp's with ice and snow that a lot of y'all northerner's get. I've lived in the south all my life and been in Florida 40 years so I just can't imagine months of cold weather! But, then again ... we can't grow those beautiful Crocus, Tulips and other plants that you all can!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Now Lin, We are going to, one day, meet in passing with you coming here and me going there! HE HE HE
Well, I had put my purple passion in there and I ended up killing the poor thing! Actually, I killed all three of those little suckers that came in the one tiny pot!!! sigh
I now have another one that someone sent me a cutting from. AND I got it to grow roots, AND it is still alive! HE HE HE

Cary, NC

How lovely! I'd like to do a nice terrarium for a homeschool project with my children.

Any advice on a good website/book to use to start?

(Zone 1)

Here's a good article written by one of our very own DG'ers with some great information:

I myself have been planting terrariums for many years ... love them for the easy upkeep (practically none!) The plants you use just depends on the size of the container. If you use a small container you should use miniature or semi miniature plants that do not get too large or you will be having to trade them out as they grow. I have a ten gallon aquarium that I planted as a terrarium and have had to remove some plants that have gotten real large and taken over.

Great project to do with children. You could do one good sized one as a group or if you want them to each have their own little terrarium you can purchase plastic containers with lids from Wal-Mart and each do their own. In the housewares isle at Wal-Mart where they sell kitchen gadgets and such, there's an area that sells rubbermaid type plastic jars in different sizes with screw on lids ... very inexpensive from like $1.69 or so to about $4.98. There also is a section where dishes and all are that sells the heavy glass cannister/cookie jar type containers .... I believe there are three different sizes, the largest being @ $14.98. I have a couple of those planted also. I just put pea gravel (rinsed well first) in the jar first and then lightly moistened potting soil and plant it up and put the lid on. Some folks like to put a piece of screen or something between the pebbles and soil, to keep the soil from getting down into the pebbles ... I never seem to remember that step.

Here are a couple of my jar terrariums that I planted about 1 1/2 years ago and have not had to water in many months ... they seem to get enough moisture with the lids on.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

And, here's my 10 gal aquarium/terrarium that has ended up being an incubator of sorts where I've just stuck teeny baby plants and leaves to root. The fern in the back left has really grown and began attaching itself to the side glass.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

If you go back and read through some of the threads here on the terrarium forum you will get a lot of ideas. Some folks even have living creatures (dart frogs) living in their terrariums. Mine are strictly for plants because we have kitties in the house and I know they would go crazy trying to get at frogs!

Cary, NC

Dear plantladylin.,.

Thank you so much for your wonderful suggestions! I'll get started on things!

(Zone 1)

You are very welcome! Keep us up-dated on your project and post photo's when you can! I know you and the children will have a lot of fun planting and watching them grow!

edited to say: Forgot to say: Even one plant in it's own jar is a lot of fun! I have seen some make what they call fairy gardens with little pebbles and tiny tables and chairs and little ceramic animals. I have my one cookie jar planted up and then put a rock in and sat a ceramic angel on the rock. I did two identical to it for my sister and my niece with artificial flowers because they aren't into the live plants. I just put the pebbles on the bottom, stuck the artificial greenery and flowers into the rocks to hold them in place. In one I put a small mirror in the bottom surrounded by small rocks, to mimic water and sat an angel on another larger rock ... looking down into the water. I also wired a teeny bird to a branch of some of the greenery. Turned out real cute and they both loved them. I know with the imagination of kids they could probably come up with some real cute themes for their terrarium!

This message was edited Apr 17, 2008 10:38 AM

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