naughty lady

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

The naughty lady bloom becomes more ruffled as it ages. This was particularly pretty this year.

Thumbnail by bsharf

Reminds Me of Santos...

Thumbnail by
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

The ruffles are beguiling! {swoon}

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

I had the same thoughts about the Santos resemblance too, Gordo. Maybe it's just the variation of bloom times and conditions, but Santos seems to have more white veining than NL.

I have another NL from a different distributor and am anxiously waiting to see what it will look like. The bulb is a nice big fat one, so I'm wondering about it already. I didn't think that NL produced the top-sized bulbs.


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I also got a Naughty Lady from J. Amand, which is a different cultivar. A standard size single, not a small flower. Take a look. The Naughty Lady, which is definately a small flower, at the top of the post is from Amaryllis Bulb Company. The one that I got from them last year was the same as the one I got this year. Question is, who has the true Naughty Lady. I also have a Santos, from WFF, which will soon be in bloom.

Thumbnail by bsharf
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh yeah, the *true* Naughty Lady...Like all the confusion about the various versions of 'Voodoo'...

I posted in the "now blooming" thread a pic of NL that came this season from ABC and the one I'm waiting on is from Jacques Amand. The JA bulb is the biggie. I guess mine will resemble yours, and as I thought, a large-flowered one.


Ewing, VA

I still need to plant my Naughty Lady from ABC and I expect and hope mine will be small flowered. Veronica Read describes Voodoo's flower size as 3-3.5" across right? I kinda like the "little ones" and am starting to hybridize in this field. So is Naughty Lady supposed to be a large flowered one? Please enlighten me...Thanks!

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

I have tried 3 times to answer you without writing a book and I don't know what to do! here goes attempt #4.

We have three hybrids here: Ludwig's 'Voodoo', a US heirloom passalong called "Voodoo" (I call it "American Voodoo") and another passalong 'Naughty Lady'--all in there together. Plus we have Dutch bulbs being sold as 'Naughty Lady' at present.

I have no idea what *true* 'Naughty Lady' is supposed to look like, having no model, in either words or pictures, for registered cultivar of that name. *Is* it a registered name? If so, the registering organization could shed light.

I'm doubting that Naughty Lady is a registered name. Veronica Read only mentions NL in describing Ludwig's 'Voodoo' but neglects to give NL any further due. Why is that?

I guess I am thinking that the old passalong that I call "American Voodoo" might actually be the *true* 'Naughty Lady', despite not knowing anything more. No idea who introduced 'Naughty Lady' nor distributed it. But it seems to be an American hybrid.

I see all three as roughly the same size. Smallishly medium. My stats differ from many of Read's, so I'm not sure if she based those on a registered description or from her experience. But, I think her dimensions are on the small side here.

In a sense, Read supports a close similarity in size between Naughty Lady and Ludwig's Voodoo since she records that one goes mistakenly by the other's name.

Until I can find that 'Naughty Lady' is registered or is at least documented, I have to accept that in the bulb industry, the name "Naughty Lady" can be used by any Dutch firm in a legal sense, since no one would have any right to it!

{Actually, couldn't any Dutch registered name be used perfectly legally in the US, since the US isn't under Dutch rule? There would have to be a US plant patent, and how few plants have one of those?}

Gotta go eat--

Edited to clarify some misspoken parts.

This message was edited Dec 8, 2007 11:48 PM

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Like trying to nail down fog...

Here's Martha Stewart's take on 'Naughty Lady'. This is what Ludwig's 'Voodoo' looks like.

Here's PDN's entry which seems to be covering 2 bases at once. One picture is of the American Voodoo and the other seems to be the Ludwig Voodoo. Can you tell a difference?
NOTE: PDN has since removed the picture of the registered 'Voodoo'. Now if they will only change the entry to " 'Naughty Lady' (AKA Voodoo)" and point out the error, things would be closer to being correct.

And here's the National Arboretum entry for 'Naughty Lady' which is quite different from any of the preceding! {Scroll down and click the thumb}

BTW-Look at what the USNA has posted as a pic of 'Salmon Pearl'. One word about that: NOT.

Yes, nailing down fog...

This message was edited Jan 3, 2008 12:03 PM

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Interesting! Yes USNA did miss the wheel barrow on Salmon Pearl. Raydio, did you happen to get your mislabeled Salmon Pearl from NGA? I just got one from them, wonder if it's also going to be Exotica.

Ewing, VA

Thank you so much for all of that info Raydio. You have always been very hepful.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


The whole Salmon Pearl tale is here:

Hope they get yours right!


This message was edited Dec 9, 2007 4:21 PM

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

All I can say is "Rats". Well at least I won't be surprised when it blooms as Exotica, which I already have. That's the only thing I ordered from them since I wanted the Salmon Pearl. Last year , I ordered one bulb from NGA, which also was sent out mislabeled. I should have learned my lesson then. They are now off my list of mail order nurseries.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

I *only* wanted SP, too. And decided to give them another chance this year in spite of last season's experience.

What was the ordered bulb and the actual bulb you got before?


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Raydio: It was Queen of Hearts, and it turned out to be Dancing Queen. This year, I ordered Queen of Hearts from M & Z, which also has a reputation for mislabeled bulbs. Its about to bloom, so we'll see if I got Q of H this year. If not, there's always next year to try again. I have to chuckle. My DH thinks that I am obsessive about Amaryllis. But maybe the obsession comes from the quest for those elusive cultivars, that I want but can never seem to get. I'm giving up on Salmon Pearl.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Hope you get QofH, it's gorgeous.

Keep us posted on SP.


Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

This is another bulb going under the name 'Naughty Lady'. It's the same as bsharf's bulb.

The first bulb is a small dainty thing--4.5" x 4".

This one is 6" x 5.5" and with the full tepals and broader stripe, has a much bolder appearance. I really like it.

Thumbnail by raydio
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

The flair gives that bit of roundness to the face.

Here's the "flip":

Thumbnail by raydio
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Well here's a mystery for you.
Check out these two photos. One is ABC's Naughty Lady and the other is WFF's Santos. Can you tell which is which? Bet you can't, because I suspect they are the SAME CULTIVAR, sold under different names. Gordo, that's why you said that the first photo in this post reminded you of Santos, because I think it is. WWF on the left, ABC on the right. The ABC's Naughty Lady became very ruffled as it aged. I'll see what happens as WFF's Santos ages.

This message was edited Jan 2, 2008 10:46 AM

Thumbnail by bsharf
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

I agree bsharf.

But let me guess, anyway...WWF's Santos is on the left?


This message was edited Jan 2, 2008 11:08 AM

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Yes WWF Santos is on the left.

...and remember, Santos is a cybister.

Ewing, VA

Santos is a cybister????

Now I am very confused. I got a Santos from Easy to Grow Bulbs last year. It has variegated leaves and this was it's miniature flower. So am I understanding you all right that Naughty Lady, the smaller flowered one, could be the same as Santos?

Thumbnail by mariava7
Ewing, VA

And Santos' leaf...

Thumbnail by mariava7
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh that's gorgeous foliage! What a special plant that one is!

They sure look identical to me. My ID guess above was based on most of the examples I have seen of Santos having just a bit more white on the tepals. It held true this time, but it isn't always so. As far as I'm concerned, we are looking at the same cultivar.

Hadn't heard anything about Santos being a cybister.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Found where the striping *is* a character of Santos!


Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

So glad you posted about your foliage, maria.

I was worried about my Santos having a long pale stripe down the middle of it. I thought it had some disease!

Can't wait to get it into good light to see if it makes any of the bronzy tones yours has!

Edited to add: And that confirms the real identity of my NL!

This message was edited Jan 3, 2008 1:15 AM

Ewing, VA

Oh Santos is a lovely plant even without the flower. It was quite a slow grower for me most probably because it's variegated. In one growing season, it has but leafed out 8 leaves I think.

Thumbnail by mariava7
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Looks like my big red with the bold white star is actually 'Acapulco'.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Raydio: I put my two photos side to side, and I think you're absolutely correct. So it looks as if we've solved the mystery of the 2 Naughty Ladies. J.A.'s is Acapulco and ABC's is Santos. Good detective work!

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


Cybister list from the exporters - Santos and others listed as cybisters -

Ewing, VA

My NL from ABC has just put up leaf tips. It is showing Santos' variegation.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

I wonder why this quality is not mentioned more in descriptions? It's a plus for me.


Solingen, Germany(Zone 7a)

Generally it is unpleasant when you receive what you did not order. But, in this case this is an acceptable surprise, in my opinion. Santos exhibits a rather rare color-pattern-property that is these white midribs which do not "stop" somewhere on the flower segment.

Mobile, AL


Our infamous Hans-Werner! It is about time that we see you here.

Welcome, and thanks for posting!


Ewing, VA

Sir Hans...Hi and nice to see you here. :-)

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