JackPOT! The perfect reclaimation / recycling day

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Well I told a garden friend to keep an eye out for cheap pots. I have over 200 potted plants and always need pots for seedlings, for potting up, cuttings ect. She came by the house today to tell me that they were lamdscaping a new shopping center today and were making a trash pile of the nursery pots. I went out and talked to security who said as long as we stuck to the trash pile we could take all we wanted. I estimate we salvaged between 500-750 pots (see the picture of my van, seats folded down, stuffed to the gills). They are all shapes and sizes and if I don't like the color there is always that crylon paint. A good day for recycling fans and if your in the San Antonio Texas area....I did not even put a dent in what they have.

George in San Antonio

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