invasive weed in compost

Crozet, VA

My husband is asking if putting "wire grass" that he is pulling out of bed in to the compost pile is asking for trouble in terms of it rooting and taking over things? Any advice on whether to compost it or not? Any horror stories?

Thanks ya'll.


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Answered you on another thread. Should not be a problem, a "hot" pile will decompose weeds and kill weed seed. And woohoo another person from Virginia!

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

I'm not sure what "wire grass" is.
The only thing I've ever had problems with is stoloniferous grasses.
So they don't go into my piles. Problem solved.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

I don't put grass in my compost that has runners (like zoysia), nothing seems to kill them. I do used the mowed tops, just not what I pull when I'm weeding.

Crozet, VA

Okay, good answers. Yep doc, and not too very far from you. I don't make it that direction very often and it has prolably been about 15 years ago that I last visited there. Very interestng town though. I like it.

Have a good week everyone.


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