The spring has sprung for Petopentia natalensis

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

The board has been a bit quiet lately, so I thought you might like to see my pictures of this plant. IT was repotted about a year ago into this 8in/20cm terracotta pot. I'm going to post four in a sequence so please wait for the last one before commenting. Thanks, Kaelkitty.

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Going Up!

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

And Up!

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Top Floor, All off!
(I cheated on the last photo: this is from last years flowers as it is too early for new ones, just yet!)

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Hey, neat plant, nice photos. thanks for sharing especially now! How long is that vine or is that a woody stem?

In my case, my plants are in for the winter here. That means going dormant, very little sun and water.


Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi sennlarrs,
that's a bit like "how long is a piece of string" LOL. The stems on this plant start out as a very fine vine, which gradually thickens up and becomes a woody stem about as thick as a pencil. Unfortunately they are also fairly brittle. I broke a fair bit off the top of my plant when I repotted it so it is shorter than it was by several feet. I'd guess it is currently about 7 feet from caudex to vine tip. When they go dormant they tend to lose all the tenderest tips off the newest vines, along with all the leaves.

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Looked it up, seems to be some confusion about the 'genus' (think that is the correct word) of this plant. Pictures that I have looked at, the vine(trunk) is twisted around some type of support(round and round). Guess is you have the space, you could just let it go and go! LOL


This message was edited Nov 11, 2007 3:42 AM

Yardley, PA

Hi Kaelkitty, Since most of our plants are going dormant now, we are going to be depending on you for entertainment during your summer!! lol.

Another surprise I found with this plant is that as the leaves get older the underneath turns a beautiful purple. Mine is still in leaf but is resting now.

As much as I like your plant, I would die for those wood sculptures next to it! If you get sick of them, let me know. They are awesome.

Thumbnail by Sally0
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Here's a shot of the plant now. This was taken about 8am on the morning of the 5th of March. I am finding it difficult to get a photo which shows the plant well for some reason. I have tried at various times of the day and this is the best so far, so it will have to do. I had to loop the main stem back on itself to keep it under control, and then a side shoot started which I had to treat the same way so it looks a little odd now. I am not too worried about the tips getting tangled up though, as the fine ends always fall off when the plant goes dormant.

There has been no sign of flowers so far this season, but I have not yet given up as it looks like we will have more hot weather to come for a while yet. I am also a big fan of the purple undersides to the leaves as purple is my favourite colour! Later on, the leaves which are getting ready to drop turn bright banana yellow - it is a really fetching colour combination!

By the way, Sally, you will have to get your own sculptures - they were a gift from my lovely next door neighbour at my old house and I couldn't bear to part with them, even if the overseas shipping wouldn't be ruinous - they are great though!

Ciao, KK.

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty

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