Heard the dogs barking and ...

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

This is what we found, a large goanna...he eventually made his escape...after an hour or so ..with the dogs in tow... and no he wasn't harmed (they were all bluff!! I think they were more scared than he was!!lol)He finally made his way up into a tree much to the annoyance of the mickey birds...he would have measured over a metre in length...

This message was edited Nov 10, 2007 9:42 PM

Thumbnail by brical1
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

He's lovely, Brica, I'd bet on the goanna over the dogs any time, those guys are tough. You know that the big Perentie goanna used to be THE top predator in Australia wherever they occur - those guys have no fear of anything!

How have you been, it feels like a while since we have seen you on the forum, or maybe it's just my fading memory, LOL.


He is a beauty B ...could you please send me your address ...I must have deleted it ages ago.How is the garden recovering ? Mine is very wet and soggy at the moment after a week of fairly cool temps and contstant rain,hopefully the drought has gone for a few years.Great to know you are here! :)

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Funny looking thing isn't it! Much like the rest of us Aussies! LOL

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