Crassula corner

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Here are my newly relocated Crassulas and Cotyledons, including my recent;y repotted Crassula ovata. It was stuck down the back of the new house and got very roughly treated by the weather for a while but it's now on the mend. If any of you remember the photo of the big pink ball of flowers from my old house, this is the same plant - only the pot it's in now now holds about 4 times as much soil as its old one did It will have to do, as I am not repotting it ever again! I may not get much in the way of flowers for next season, but after that it should be quite spectacular.

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Just front of the location of the last photo is the corner of my lawn where the water meter lives. Good luck finding it in this photo though - Mum went a bit bonkers with the annuals this year!

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

White I was taking the previous photo, I found a volunteer Hypoestes in a Gasteria!

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi kaelkitty,

Great pix! Did you go to the spring cactus and succulent society sale at Enfield this weekend? It was mobbed! I only bought half a dozen different cuties that I thought were a bit unusual. Had a very difficult time wading through the crowd!! Would be better held outside I think. k

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

The opposite corner of the lawn is more shaded because of the big bottlebrush. I brought the Chlorophytum comosum 'Variegatum' and the Tradescantia sillamontana with me in pots from the previous house - I think they like their new abode.

This message was edited Nov 10, 2007 3:12 PM

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi khopton,
No I skipped this year because I am still sorting out plants from my last visit there, LOL. Really though I want to finish getting my whole collection journalised on DG so I can go with a proper printout as I find it too easy to buy doubles otherwise. How have you been doing? You have been a bit quiet lately. KK.

Everything is looking good kk I am glad my stuff is under shelter
(those of the cacti and succulent types I mean) we have had rain and cooler temps for a week and everything is wet ...wet ...wet.
don't wear yourself out!
chrissy ;)

Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi KK, I'm doing well. Just busy. Lots of springtime activities. I find it too tempting to go to all the plant society sales! There's a salvia sale this morning that I am actually going to miss!! I'm out of room in the front garden. Come next autumn though - look out - I'll have started on the back garden!! We are having a deck installed in the next couple of weeks out the back and I am waiting for that to be finished before really getting stuck into creating beds etc. I'll post pix as it all happens of course! Keep cool over this warm weekend, k

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Beautiful colourful pics KK, well done to Mum too!

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