Suicidal Squirrel

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

While surveying the yard this morning, I happened to see the resident hawk that keeps the birds out of my yard, and took a picture. As I tried to get closer, he flew away. Next thing I know, there is a squirrel creeping out on the branch that the hawk just left, right out in the open, asking to be breakfast!

The squirrels used to live in a cavity on that branch, so my husband won't cut it back even after it broke off in the ice storm last spring. We might as well have put up a welcome sign for the hawk.

Thumbnail by cathy4
St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Here is the suicidal squirrel:

Thumbnail by cathy4
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Must need glasses...LOL.

(Cathy), MO

The squirrel is probably thinking "Hey, I was here first!".

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Or the squirrel thinks he can outrun the hawk...

(Cathy), MO

Squirrels are pretty smart! Maybe he has a plan. I watch them sometimes, tormenting the cats here. It's comical as all get out! They will get on a telephone pole about 2 feet and just sit there. Acting like they don't know the cat is stalking them! And just as the cat tenses to spring they go up the pole! Then when the cat turns around to leave, they come back down to the 2 feet mark and turn their back on the cat again! It's like it's a game to them! I know they can be really destructive but I've always liked them. Sharp little critters!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Oh yeah!! They do that to mine too. They used to peel walnuts and drop shells on them. They also used to try to access the hanging feeders and I would have a little fun with the BB gun. It was fun to watch them jump. They would be back less than an hour later. lol

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