It's Harper's B-day #2

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

oh... I am not Eleanor but I started part 2....
we are coming from here

Happy b-day to you
Happy b-day to you
Happy b-day dear Harpeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr
Happy b-day to you!!!!!!!!!
Viva Harper!!!!!!!

Thumbnail by Kassia
Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Thanks Kassia - I was just trying to remember how to start a thread. You're great!!! I like !!!! also, but that was on another thread and I can't remember whcih one!! Opps, fingers got mixed up and I'm tired of fixing my typos!! Eleanor

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

How about renaming this "Harper's Bizarre (Birthday Thread)"??

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

I know you can edit the post but how to you change the heading???

ok, I am posting pics of roses...

First Kiss

Thumbnail by Kassia
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I was joking. Only Admin can change the thread title. Beautiful roses.

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

My how time flies!

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Oh, Kassia! I love that 'First Kiss'!!!! Thanks for the birthday song!

Sure Victor, how many brownies you want? I can't promise I won't eat them on my 3 hour drive home. Candyce, are you making another batch?


Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Harper - can you drop some by the office on the way to Victor's?

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

How about a field trip south to deliver a whole bunch of home-made brownies???? I'll take you all with me to the coolest native plant nursery we found today. I could just live there, AND the Master Gardener I met there is also a DG'er. What good luck was that??!! She was so helpful with our selection for our living privacy fence that will also have pretties and goodies for the birds and butterflies! We brought home 3 Simpson's Stoppers, and will have to go back to get the dwarf firebushes, yellow elder and wild cottons. You should see how cool those wild cotton shrubs are - they have a lovely flower that changes from pink to white, and then cotton that the birds use to line their nests. I will have to be very controlled there......but their prices were excellent and they have many varieties growing in the ground as well so that you can see what they reall look like. Awesome place!

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Can we grow wild cotton in NE?

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

I'm not sure, Cat.....let me see if I can find any info for you on the zones for it.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Cat - sorry....wild cotton is a tropical. However, you might be able to grow it in a big pot and roll it inside in winter.

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

That is too much work for me - but thanks for looking it up.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

How about my sending you some cotton to weave????????? LOL

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

I was thinking about the birds. I guess they will just have to make due with the cat fur I comb out of the "charity" cat that eats on the porch.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

The birds are resourceful. The nests always get made.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

I used to set out some of the fur I combed out of our golden retriever's coat. The birds would always take it. I also put clumps of the fur in little panty hose "sacks", and tied them on our lilacs and apple trees in the late winter. The deer would always skip those branches when they came to our orchard to nip the new growth.

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Pirl - thanks for the link!! Eleanor

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I had to stop in and see if there was any cake left.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

For which birthday - we're between two.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Whichever one has the DQ cake!

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Another great rose...

Thumbnail by Kassia
Assonet, MA(Zone 6b)

Kassia; Sooo beautifull. It looks "confectionery". :)

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

Do you think we can get to Harper's 65 Birthday before next year?

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

We can try!

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

We are such a resourceful bunch. And, sorry. The brownies are all eaten. They were very yummy!!

Taelar (first grader) purchased a cook book for kids at her school book fair yesterday. She was so excited because it even came with cookie cutters. Can you guess what we will be doing this weekend?

I like being a grandma and teaching the fun stuff! It's being the disciplinarian when all I want to do is hug them to pieces that I don't like.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh... I love brownies too... but I am back in my straight and narrow diabetes diet... I have benn really baaaaaaaadddd.. so my glucose was high ... well, it's been corrected... so no brownies for me until I am able to eat just one and be happy about it... it will take a long time for that to happen!!!!

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Oh, Kassia, I know ....
it does take time to adapt one's mindset to a whole new way of eating.

(oh great! Now I'm hungry!!)

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Stay on top of that Kass. You know how serious that can be.

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Please, please Kassia. I have already lost one person to diabetes and I don't want to lose another. Besides you have responsibilities now that you have "children".

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Kassia, be good and stay on the diet. My ex-DFIL whom I still care for very much just had a toe amputated last week due to diabetes. So far so good but i know how these things can go, my Dad was what they called a 'Brittle diabetic' and my childhood was affected by this illness. I can remember sneaking into the hospital just so I could see my Daddy on Christmas, New Years, Easter, Father's day ect....
Please, Please be good!!!!!!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

My MIL's is getting harder and harder to control. Not looking good.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

I have realized that the best thing for me is to have my meter with me all the time... since I am visual I have to see the numbers to fell ok... Few months ago I could get away because I was exercising and walking and gardening... but now I am not going to the gym - and the stupid heel spur burns when I streech.... so I have gained weight... oh well, I have to face this again... the good news are that I can count of my sister Karla and Victor to eat salad with me... Victor is crazy about salad so I have a salad buddy...
I have been really good this week... I am happy I am not as tired as I was!!!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

That's good. My son Victor is also a salad freak! Look into Cinnamon for helping regulate blood sugar. I read that a while back.

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

Hey Kass, more advice, just remember, the better your sugar stays in control, the less chance of complications. Good luck!

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

thanks everyone... when I was first diagnosed with diabetes I was so good... I read everything I could and really changed... then of course I learned how to cheat also... I mean I learned how to compensate for the food I ate... I ate ice cream and went for a walk so I would spend the extra "sugar"... went to the gym 4 x a week so I was really making my body more sensitive to insuline... anyway I just let things go slowly... and I was so tired 2 weeks ago that I it finally hit me that it was because I was abusing... anyway it took 3 days for my blood sugar to really go down and fortunately 2 days ago I came out of the fog.. I am not tired and I am actually feeling alive...
I really don't like to sleep, and that is not a very good thing... the body really needs to recharge, but I know that in my head but I fight to sleep every single day... but 2 weeks ago all I wanted to do was to come home from work, take a shower and go to bed... so I knew something was really wrong...

well, it's a very good thing that I have you guys here... no question I need the support and the accountability!

Victor, I am glad your little guy likes salad too... I am learning from my nephews ... so cool!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Good. So we can expect a new thread titled 'Kassia's Daily Glucose Readings'??

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Please stay well! I would be devastated if something bad happened to one of my 'sisters' here!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Kassia - at least winter isn't prime ice cream eating time so have a bowl of salad instead and think sweet thoughts of spring and planting some nice lettuce mixes of your own.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

oh Victor... should I really do that??/ lol.... I just wonder if that could be a topic for research... "the advantages of accountability in diabetes management" Research... I love the research class I am taking right now... and I get to do a research proposal for next weekend, and the advanced research class I actually do the research and in the Doctorate program I actually conduct the research and if is good enough it could be published... (well we are talking about the distant future!!!) but anyway I start now...

Thanks Candyce... I have been thinking this week a lot about what my feelings are towards diabetes. Not that this can change the physical condition but how it affect me as a person. I know being a nurse is even harder because I know the consequencies, and sometimes I think this is an asset so I know how hard is for people to deal and manage diabetes. Well, it has been hard this week because you guys know how I am regarding life... I am too enthusiastic so I decided to be enthusiastic about getting back where I am supposed to be...

Goodness gracious I took the focus out of this thread... It's Harper's b-day!!!!!

celebrating life and enjoying the wonderful person that she is!!!

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