Help with new shade garden

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I am putting in a new garden that will be totally in pretty deep shade. They are wanting color and flowers. So far I have the Leopard plant, ligularia, some fuchsias that don't get the fuchsia mite, bleeding hearts, huecheria and thats all I have. They don't like ferns. I am needing some ground covers and a bush of some kind that gets 3-4 feet high and looks good all year, so needs to be evergreen. Can anyone help me?? I need ideas. Especially plants that have blooms and color and need a few that will get fairly tall. Any help is appreciated.

Oh, I am zone 9 and we get very little frost. Dry summers but very wet winters.

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

If the garden is 'totally in fairly deep shade' and want plants with a lot of colour and blooms, then your standing in front of an impossible task....
Even heuchera's need good light and preferably some sunshine to keep their colours and to bloom, the same for bleeding hearts.
Such a pity they don't like ferns though. But you could try to convince them at least with a good picture of a Japanese painted fern (Athryrium niponicum)

Thumbnail by bonitin
Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

You could try the variegated Brunnera's like Brunnera 'Jack Frost' and 'Looking Glass', Pulmonaria's, Asarums, Aconitums, Lily of the Vally, wood oxalis, etc..
Here's is a link to a thread I once have started; there are also many other threads you can get your inspiration.
good luck!

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I know I have a big task. I am planning on using foliage color as much as possible I had forgotten about brunnera and asarums, will include those. I do have some golden babys tears that I am going to try, am planning on putting some Pratts Black cotula in as well. One will probably over power the other, but thats okay, let the strongest win!

thanks for the advice, will check the threads.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Rebecca, Camellias will grow in deep shade. Hellebore will grow in the dark. Acanthis Mollis Tasmanian Devil is a variegated shrub that will grow about 3X3 in deep shade. For ground covers you should consider epimediums, and Tiarella. Mondo grass is another good option. Japanese Forest grass is another nice texture in the garden that can work as a ground cover in the shade.

Too bad about the ferns though. The farfugium and ligularia look so good with them. What's the problem with ferns?

Ligularias won't like the dry summers. The Leopard plant will do better with less water.

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I don't know why some just take a dislike to a certain plant. For me its dahlias. I like them okay in the gardens of others but wouldn't have one in my own garden. Camellias I had given thought too, but the petal drop is so messy and this has a stamped concrete patio that is a dark color so that wouldn't work. Japanese forest grass, dormant in winter, no? But the tiarella, mondo grass and epimediums are wonderful ideas. Got me thinking with the black mondo grass, if I plant a yellow foliage grass with it, that would be great color!!

Thanks for the ideas! And great ones too.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Maybe i don't get it but my camellias don't have a lot of petal drop. Japanese Forest Grass is dormant in winter it's true. Guess I forgot that part of the equation.

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

Rhododendrons and Azaleas
and of course
no PNW garden is complete with out a nice Japanese Maple or two


Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Do Rhododendrons and Azaleas really bloom in

pretty deep shade

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

mine do amongst the redwoods
but that is my definition of deep shade :-)
and Gold beach is just up the coast from here ?


This message was edited Nov 22, 2007 3:44 PM

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

My kurume azaleas bloom pretty well under the redwoods although the foliage isn't as lush as it is in more light. And Stever is right about redwoods. Rain doesn't even get to the ground through mine. If you are willing to do brunneras and other plants that are dormant than I would encourage you to plant begonias. They bloom beautifully in the deepest shade for me and they even survived the freeze we had here last winter. They do need to be pinched to look their best though.

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Excellent idea about the Begonia's, Doss!
Why not trying Begonia grandis, for example; it makes a stunning autumn display and has pretty pink flowers; The backside of the leaves is a vibrant red.., but of course it goes dormant over the winter...

Here is a pict of it in autumn;

Thumbnail by bonitin
Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Oh, thank you for the new suggestions. I do know some rhodies and azaleas do better in deep shade, dependent on the variety I think. But they have tons of them else, this is what I call a "pocket" garden. A small area off a bedroom, a private garden. They have a stamped concrete patio that came out very nice, its almost black and looks like old stone. So there is a small planting area surrounding the patio. I am planning on using some of the "Cityline" hydrangeas at the edge as they only get 1-2 feet tall, I am impressed with them as mine are blooming beautifully and most of the other hydrangeas look horrible.

I am planning on using some of the new baby tears ground cover I got, its very bright yellow. Its called "Golden Baby tears, I think it will look stunning next to that dark stone looking patio.

Gold Beach is nearly the same climate as Del Norte county in CA. We lack the giant old growth redwoods, but have some small ones....I went to high school in Crescent City and lived in Smith River. Lots of redwoods, rhodys and lilies.
You live in a beautiful place Stever. That bridge there is something I will never forget, beautiful.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

If you have a fence or wall, hydrangea seamanii is an evergreen climber and has white flowers in the spring. I have one growing in full shade. It's a slow grower though only about 1 foot per year. They do have to be kept pretty wet though. Another zone 9 plant that went through the freeze very well. Distictis which is another climber that is evergreen and will grow in full shade but won't bloom there.

This message was edited Nov 23, 2007 2:12 PM

Thumbnail by doss
Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

your Begonia is stunning
but i can't find the correct one
there are four in the plant files
i just brought my tuberous in for the winter don't trust them in the cold


Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I am also not trusting begonias. I did have a lot of the little border ones That one I have never seen around here,bonitin. Its really pretty.

Thank you doss for mentioning that distictis will not bloom here. I had been thinking of trying some. Will add to my list of hibiscus, crepe myrtle and red bud that also will not bloom here. Of course I have all the others. I have not seen that evergreen hydrangea here but I do have some of the dichroa febrifuga, hope that is spelled right. I do love this plant and it is evergreen here, flowers are very unusual and differant.

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

the hardy cyclamen are in bloom now ???


Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Oh, how could I forget cyclamen??? Will be sure to put some of those lovely in. Stever are you close enough to go to the big plant sale at Hastings in Smith River each year? Do you know about it? I think the winter one will be soon, never know exactly when and then when the announcement comes its usually for the next day or so and its a one day sale. They always have lots of cyclamen, thats what jogged my memory.

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

i'm only about 5 miles from the town of Smith River
drive thru it twice a day to and from work in Brookings
but i have not seen any advertising for their sale ?
i just looked up Hastings and they are in Harbor, Oregon maybe 3/4 miles from my store :-)
they are the Nursery my sister always wants to visit when she comes over to the coast.
we have been there a cpl times when they were having a sale, mostly in the spring
but i will check with them


Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

for more color
i also have scattered thru out my garden hardy Fuschia and Phygelius


Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

They have a sale in spring and also one in winter. They have greenhouses full of poinsettas as well as cyclamen. If I hear of when they are having a sale, will post for you. Hopefully I won't hear after the sale like usual.

What store do you own/work at? I got to Harbor lots, maybe I have gone into your store and actually know you, maybe I am a customer??? lol. Never know where you are going to see people.

Do you have fuchsia that do not get the fuchsia gall mite or is it a problem where you are?

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

i researched Hastings some more
and i only live 3 miles from their headquarters :-)
and i do want to NOT miss their next sale
i understand that they do put an AD in the local paper but i usually miss it
my store in harbor which i just purchase at the beginning of the month is
so come in and say hi


Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Okay, about the sale. I was told it was the first Sunday in Dec. My friend is going and I will double check with her and post when I am sure. I think I will probably go, I don't like poinsettas but do love cyclamen and they do have lots of other things as well, no azaleas and rhodys anymore, they had the most amazing selection but the SOD scare put them out of that business. Will have to check out your store as well, I will try and come on a slow business day and we can talk

I have not gone in there for awhile but love that store and when I have guest visit its always a highlight for them as well.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Hey, I forgot that lorapetalum razzleberry can take full shade and it has those wonderful flowers in the spring - which unfortunately fall on the ground and make a mess. But still, a beautiful choice.

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Oh, Doss that is a great one. I did not know it could take full shade, I will be looking for one. I do need something with height and I think that gets 3-4 feet or so?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I don't think that a razzleberry will reach 4 feet but perhaps 3. However, I have seen them as standards with things planted under them and they are spectacular. Of course nandina will make it to that size but it's a pretty common plant.

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Well Dick, I think I blew it. The sale WAS today and I think till 4 or so only. My friend who was going to call me didn't. She said they had lots of poinsettas and cyclamen but not much else, some hydrangeas that are decidious. Sorry. I called her thinking it was not today they did not have an ad in the paper that I saw.

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

i got there around 3PM and they closed at 3:30 PM and it was allmost all Poinsettas
at least a million of them :-)
they said they no longer do cyclamen, i ask
and the hydrangeas were really sad looking
on top of that it was pouring rain :-(


Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I do not get so excited over the winter sale Shame about cyclamen as they did have a lot of nice ones, my friend is not a plant person. I used to really love the summer sale but the last few years the variety was not so good. Once the quit selling the rhody and azaleas it was ruined for me. They had some fine rhodys and I think they were $5 for 5 gallons. I will try and go in the summer this year.

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

if you can remember ?
let me know and i will also try to make the spring sale
if it isn't any better then the Dec sale then i will pass in the future :-)


Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Oh it is better. I have gotten lots of plants like the clerodendron (bleeding heart vines), really nice fuchsias, also nice hydrangeas, I cannot remember them all but real nice plants. I will let you know when I hear. I think they had some roses that were nice as well, I do know I filled up the back of the truck and was quite happy with the prices :)

War, WV(Zone 6b)

I love Arum Italicum and Hellebore for shade because of their 'winter/early spring' color!

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

moon, how big does the Arum get? Think it would be suitable for a container?

War, WV(Zone 6b)

Thhey get a foot to 1and 1/2 ft tall and need at least a foot spacing! A container might be nice seeing as some have trouble with them spreading! Personally I'd love mine to spread! LOL

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Sounds like just the plant for my container garden which is in mostly shade. It would bring a touch of color in the summer and keep itself green during the fall, maybe even winter months. Thanks!

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