Hardy Banana Plants

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi all. I bought these at Lowe's on clearance for 75% off, but I think they are going to die! One has a very mushy base, and the leaves are looking HORRIBLE! I have tried to keep the bad leaves pruned, and it just keeps getting worse. They both have new leaves trying to unfurl, but I am still afraid I will lose them, any suggestions? Thanks, Misty

ipswich, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Do you know which varieties they are? Some are really tender and will go to that great forest in the sky at the first hint of cold, whilst others shrug off snow. Need to know which you've got...

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi, I have the Musa basjoo, which is suppose to be the hardiest there is. Looking for any help I can get as I do not want to lose them. Thanks, Misty

ipswich, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Basjoo is one of the cold hardiest. Here in the south UK, where we get -8 C (20F) winters with low light levels, either leave it out without protection if feeling brave, or cut the leaves off, and put a fleece or straw wrap around it. Me, I tend to just leave it alone.

Even if they rot down to the ground, they should come back from the corm, as long as that hasn't rotted.

In what conditions are you keeping them?

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks. I have been keeping them in the sun room, but we ALMOST have my green house built! :) I am whooped, and this is a small one!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

At Powell Gardens they are wrapping theirs in leaves and other mulch held in with chicken wire and they will over winter outside. Last I heard they were anyways.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

The foliage from the Cannas is how my neighbor is able to keep his coming back year after year. He just cuts it all down and lays it over the bed, and it is a very thick layer, which is very well protected. I plan to plant these at the back side of the yard along with a lot of Cannas and will plan to do the same with mine. With the Banana's I am sure to have plenty of coverage. :) Thanks, Misty

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I have 80' of canna across the alley and then another 30' down the north side.
To me they are invasive. I do nothing to help or hinder them. They multiply like crazy. Not quite as agressive as bamboo but close. I have had them for at least 20 years and have no idea whatever what they are. Got the tubers as a pass-a-long. Personally, I love them. The butterflies and hummers are more impressed with them than I am.

Thumbnail by LouC
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Shoot. Another wrong picture. Start over.

ths first, unintended picture is where we had to have a 40 year old tree taken down a couple of weeks ago. More dead than alive and I cried. Didn't mean to go OT.

Thumbnail by LouC
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Cannas are easier to control than bamboo. At least it comes out of the ground. Bamboo can't be controled even in a pot unless it is sitting on concrete with no dirt nearby.

I love cannas too and hope next year I see more birds and hummers on them. I have a huge pot full of different ones I got from work a couple weeks ago. I have no idea what's in there either. lol

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Your cannas are gorgeous!! Actually your whole garden area there is.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you. We enjoy our home more than anywhere else. Don't even want to go out to eat anymore. Best place in the world.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

lol. We get tired of cooking so we go out everyonce in awhile but for the most part we also stay home.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Pepper, you are such a smart gardener. So glad to have the opportunity to know you.

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Hi mistygardener,

If you have the banana indoors watch for spidermite. Musa basjoo is quite hardy and will come back from the corm if it doesn't freeze. We burlap them, cage them with leaves and use tarps or use bubble-wrap. Cut off older leaves that are brown/yellow and don't worry too much about only having 2 leaves on the plant. Here's a friend's description of winter protection: http://www.tropic.ca/K-L-M-N/Musa%20Basjoo%20Winter%20Protection.htt including a snowman made out of a protected banana. Based on your description it really sounds like they either got nailed from a freeze or they have significant spidermites.

pic: Canadian Musa basjoo in snowfall

Thumbnail by growin
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Growin, I loved the snowman! That is too cute! The banana plants are now in my brand new green house, so I hope that they will do ok til Spring. If it had not been for my truck breaking down on me today, I would have had the door built, but we have beautiful weather for the next several days, so they should be ok. The have been outside for the last couple days and I noticed that one has a new baby leaf popping out from the middle. So, my hopes are high! Thanks for all your help. Misty

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Great. That means the root is viable. Can't ask for more than that!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Tickles me pink! :)

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Mistygardener, glad to hear about the progress on your greenhouse, door or not! I have your corner collection started!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks Cathy! I still think it is so cool to have my own "corner" of the world in Florida! :) Still have the door to go since my truck broke on me the other day, then it started raining. I do have plants in it already since the weather is still warm! :) Now I have more room inside, too!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha folks,

Been off line for a few days while my daughter visited so now I am trying to catch up with everyone!
A warm welcome to all the new folks! We are getting so international - too cool! Where do you live Hj1? My folks lived in Poundbury (near Dorchester) for many years. Beautiful area of the country....
Cannas - love them! Had to dig most of them out though, they became persistant weeds here blooming (and multiplying) all year long! Too much of a good thing! Yours look lovely Christy, such a nice splash of color!
Good going on the greenhouse, Misty. What a lovely place to be in the winter among the plants..don't you just love the smell of a greenhouse...

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks Braveheart! Gotta get ready for all the tropicals that will be coming my way! :) It is sooooooooo cool to just go out and stand in the GH, knowing it is all mine! LOL I don't have it full enough of plants yet to have a "smell" just yet, but I WILL have! Maybe once we get the door on I will better know what you mean, and I can't wait. I am so anxious for Spring to get here so I can have my own Brugs!

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