Freeze and the leaves are dropping

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Well, last night it finally got really cold, in the 20s. The fountain froze thinly on top, so the pump has to come out and the little heater goes in. It was fun watching the squirrels come for their morning drink, they kept poking at the ice until it gave. Adding some warmer water got it moving again now that we are up to 33. Should have put on shoes, my feet got really cold! Our lawn had just a few leaves when I went to bed, now it is totally covered and they are falling fast. Green has given way to yellows, orange and brown. It is finally time to tuck the last of the babies in for the winter, and put away the tools. Sigh, another year gone, did I do anything to make the world a better place?

(Cathy), MO

You beautified the world with flowers Cathy!

It was 24 when I came in to work this morning at 6:30. Supposed to get a bit warmer, but this is a taste of things to come. Winter will be here before we know it.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Oh Cathy, that was a rhetorical (sp?) question, but you are sweet.

(Cathy), MO

That's a question we normally wait until the new year to start asking ourselves! And I think the older we get the more we ask it! (don't ask how old! I'm not telling!! LOL)

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It was 21* here this morning. But I had a light frost compared to the other day when it was so heavy it almost looked like snow. lol. It would have been a nice day except for the wind. Leaves down everywhere here too.

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