first freeze

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

is anyone ready for the first freeze they say we are going to get wed-thurs.? saying it is going to be in the 20's,what does everyone else think?
i am glad that the heat is gone lol got so tired of the 104 heat index and NO rain,it least now the plants might have a chance to survive since there isent the heat they have to deal with plus no rain

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Maybe I'm ready. I have put my rescued windows out in the back for makeshift cold frames, mulched the heck out of some things that I can't move, taken cuttings from the brug, and said my prayers for the season. Yep...ready as I'm going to be. BTW, my roses are loving the weather and blooming much better than they did during the summer.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

yes some of mine love it too just wish we would get some rain they would love it even better lol
i am ready for it which i had to be because we got a hard frost the other day and now our first hard freeze glad it is here was tired of the heat lol
glad to hear that you re ready for it

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

moretz I'm having dmail problems, I'm going to dmail you and will you let me know if you got and respond---stuff just isn't coming up---sorry to funk out your

Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

I don't know about everyone else, but my yard looks like it got nuked by Jack Frost last night. It was cold enough to freeze our fountain in the yard. All my beautiful EE's left in the ground look horid tonight. Glad I brought a few of them in to enjoy this winter.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Yikes we're getting a frost tonight. Way to earily for that.

I'm hoping against hope that this winter will bring some rain, but I doubt it. At least the heat is gone thankfully. :o))


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