Hi, I just want show you all how my collection is growing...

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi Friends,

This is Pic #1

Assorted Plants


Thumbnail by Degarotty
North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi Again,

This is picture #2

Sort of adds on to the one before.....


Thumbnail by Degarotty
North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi Again, lol

This is picture # 3

It is 3 of my Jade Tree's but all so different. I also have 2 more, one at front door and one at the back door. lol


Thumbnail by Degarotty
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Really nice collection Debi! And I like all the decoration with the pebbles and stuff. At least YOU can keep potted plants alive! I can while there is an automatic watering system around, but if it needs hand watering? Forget it!
Have fun,

Thats all looking very good D you must be pleased ...I think the use of the coloured "mulches" puts a smile on everyones face,I bet the
dear little grand daughter loves them!

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Thank you my friends,

Yes, Lily-Grace does love the colored rocks.

I just had a little birthday party last night, I turned 21 and some months............. LOL LOL.

Lily-Grace is growing up so quickly, boy time passes doesn't it!

I have included a picture of my darling teasing me about my cake. LoL LoL Enjoy!

Your Mate, Debi

Thumbnail by Degarotty

Cute as a button I hope she had a wonderful day!

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Good Morning my friends,
I just wanted to show you an up-date of my plants and to let you guys know that I am picking up over 100 cacti, Succulent and other plants and pots today.

I am going to be very busy in the next week or two.

You Friend,


Thumbnail by Degarotty

Looking good D have fun!
Mine are all growing well too!

Thumbnail by

In fact some are getting a bit too bug for the container

Thumbnail by
North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hey Chrissy,

Lookin' Good, lookin' good!



Thumbnail by Degarotty
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

That is awesome! Where did you find your colored rock? I just posted on the Bonsai forum looking for them. :) But I would love to have the colored, then I could make each one very different! Please, please, let me know. :) Misty

Hi mg I don't know where D gets hers, but I get them from Aquarium Suppliers,you know the ones they sell for fishtanks.
Good luck!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

That is a great idea! Thanks, Chrissy! :) Might have to buy me a small fish tank while I am at it for another Terrarium! :)

The ones for Aquariums are safe and don't lose the colour ...they are very nice to "dress up" little succulents and plants for the children and for selling at fund raisers at school etc.:)

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

It is an awesome idea! I just got started making the bonsais, and I am addicted already! I have MANY, MANY succulents, especially after my Lowe's trip the other evening. Thankfully we have a One Dollar Shop close to us, but they haven't been carrying all the pretty rocks and the like recently. I did pay for a bag at Wal-Mart, but $3 worth of small gravel doesn't go very far! I still have several of the mini succulents to get planted from my Lowe's trip. :(

The ones for the Aquariums are pretty cheap ...I think you will be pleased ...let us have a look when you have done some :)

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Good, then I can buy one of every color! LOL I think I have 4 Jade bonsais that I can make each one different. :) Will send pics on the Bonsai Forum when I find them. :)

Good on you!
Happy gardening! look forward to seeing your pictures ...Have fun!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Chrissy!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

My collection is not looking the best! The day before my big sale, the dogs chased a tree snake through the nursery and the poor succulents were in the way. I managed to save about 30 for sale. Luckily I have all my special ones above ground and out of doggy reach. At least now hubby can see why i so desperately want shelving!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi Sue, just wanted to let you know that Wal-Mart has some wonderful Rubbermaid Shelving fairly reasonable. Or, Lowe's has the portable green houses that holds quite a bit. Sorry about your plants! Misty

Awe what a shame Sue, are you able to save any?
Where is the tree snake?

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hey Chrissy, I was able to get a lot of stuff from Wal Mart today. :) Not the pretty colors as she has here, but they were good size bags and reasonable!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Chrissy and mistygardener. The snake has gone to god I'm afraid, and after a sort through, I've got to either tend to or toss about a dozen plants! Nothing too rare thank goodness, just a pain really. Those dogs are lucky I like them!!!!!!

Good for you m ... and Sue it could have been a red bellied black or a brown snake! so I think the dogs were protecting you :)
My birds out the back are like watch dogs they (noisy minors ) go nuts if there is any strange animal or a red belly is paying a visit!
just like fire alarms really.Give your protecters a pat ,they love you.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I patted them extra specialy hard on the butt when I discovered the disaster. They got a lovely bath today, which they both turn themselves inside out for! We all get a bit of enjoyment at bath time (of course a doggy swim in the dam was needed immediately after!)

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Thank goodness for snake heaven! I HATE SNAKES! I am glad all we have are those little gardener snakes, but that is enough for me! Our 5 year old daughter loves snakes. She is nuts!

Ha ha ha m ...it's not that bad really ...me I am happy I don't live in the Australian states where you find a crocodile or a cane toad in your back yard.Usually if you make a fair bit of noise the snakes will rack off pretty quickly only one or two types will be aggresive.
Don't forget to show us your pretty pots after you "colour them up"
happy gardening!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I am working on the pots, but I am whooped! LOL
I just did one for my Sis for xmas, I think it is pretty cool.

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