Too late to put my strawberries in?

Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

Have any of you grown strawberries in our zone? I bought 25 everbearing strawberry plants from eBay a few weeks ago, but for many reasons didn't get them put in the ground yet.

I have a bed just about finished for them, but with the temps really dropping this weekend and not getting much better for long this week, I'm wondering if I should put them in it? We'll have another frost tonight, and although it'll be in the 40s tomorrow night, it's going right back into the 30s for the rest of the week.

If I shouldn't put them in the ground, can I keep them inside the house potted over the winter?

Any advice is appreciated. :))

Raleigh, NC

I'm in your zone, but farther north and can tell you that I planted strawberries at the end of October last year and they did fine. It was a mild winter, but I believe as long as the soil is not frozen, they will put out roots so you will be that much further ahead in spring. Good luck!

Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

Thank you, thank you!! :)) I'm off to put some strawberries in! lol

Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

Hey, Yotedog, I took your advice & put them in last November. Didn't even cover them all winter & they were fine. Thank you!! :)))

I am so tickled with how well they're doing!! I've been picking berries for about a month now, and finally took a pic. hehe I have 17 Tribute everbearing plants, & picked these about an hour ago.

Thumbnail by SCNewbie
Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

What exactly does everbearing mean?

Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

They're supposed to bear all summer.

Raleigh, NC

Yea for you, Newbie! If you think they're doing well this year....well, just wait 'till NEXT year! Mine bore many, many more this year than last. I've picked several huge bowls full, and put some in the freezer. Glad it worked out for you. One of the good things about gardening in the South--you can procrastinate!

Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

No kidding! And this year, I'm already planning a fall crop - that's still a thing of wonderment to me. lol

I'm surprised how much they're producing this year, so I can't wait until next! Thanks again! :)

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