four o'clocks in central MA

Boston, MA

some advice on these in the Worcester area. they simply languished. Grew them as child in So Dak and they were great ( well as i remember). Also - dug up the roots to save for spring: cute little suckers. Handle them like dahlias?

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Store them, as you would dahlias, in peat moss or wood shavings in a basement or any other protected location where temperatures stay above freezing.

The next spring, plant tubers outside after all danger of frost has passed, and the soil temperature is about 60˚F or warmer. You can divide the tubers at this point, being sure to leave an eye, or growth bud, on each section.

Boston, MA

thanks - can you tell me what sun and water these like? Experience from So Dak says lots of sun and somewhat dry ??

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

You're welcome.

Full sun. They will survive with little water, but I think they do much better in good soil, and average water.

This site has somepretty good info.

One thing I learned is not to start them too early from seed. They were huge before they ever got to leave the garage. They sure are lovely.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Now know why I have never had any luck with 4 o'clocks. Thanks, polly.

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