Share your garden successes and great plant bed combinations

Claremore, OK

With colder weather coming now is a good time to dream of next year's garden. Do you have a photo to post of a gardening effort that turned out well?

Post it here so we can share ideas and plant combos.

Here is a combo of tulips and violas. I'll post another photo of the tulips below. Where I live you can still plant tulips and violas in November.

Thumbnail by darlindeb
Claremore, OK

Another photo of the tulips.

Thumbnail by darlindeb
Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Oh, I just love the tulips colors...

I has see this before but it new species...

Also, I just love Johnny's up violas colors...

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Very pretty!

Border iris and grape hyacinth.

Thumbnail by billyporter
St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Lovely, what a nice way to end my day. Thank you for posting.

Claremore, OK

Don't you love grape hyacinths they are so dependable.

Thanks for posting billyporter.

Claremore, OK

Water lily named 'Pink Grapefruit.'

Thumbnail by darlindeb
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks! I tore the entire bed up this fall because rootgrass covered everything. Next spring it will be planted with other plants. It's been this way for years. Beautiful, but only in the spring.

Darlindeb, your waterlily is so breathtakingly beautiful!!

You can't go wrong with shades of columbine.


Thumbnail by billyporter
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

That bed looks great BP!!

Claremore, OK

Sally what lovely colors. Maybe I can trade you some seeds for some of your columbine seeds.

The water lily was from a trade here at Dave's.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks Pepper!!

DarlinDeb, it was a good trade! I think those columbine are Ruby Port. D-mail for you.

Pretty Bonnets columbine with wild blue phlox and the neighbors pool and dandilions :))

Thumbnail by billyporter
Claremore, OK

Ooooh, billyporter how did you get those wild blue phlox established. Is there a trick to it? Where did you get those from? They are something you don't see everyday.

More water lilies and lotus.

Thumbnail by darlindeb
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

DarlinDeb, I've had those since 1990. (Actually 1984, but those died when I had to move them.) I dug these up from a house no-one lived in. I also found varigated Fulva Daylilies and Solomans Seal there too. Thay are easy to start and reseed here and there. They really make beautiful blue clouds in the spring, but don't last too long. I wish they bloomed all summer!

I love lotus!!

Edited to add, I'm laughing now. I enlarged my picture to look at the phlox and realized the lavender blue house that got in the background is where I dug them from, and the trees to the right are where the Soloman's Seal was :))

This message was edited Nov 29, 2007 5:56 PM

Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

I love just do not see enough of these beautiful blooms in the gardens anymore. They are so stately and majestic looking, but alot of people only think of them as funeral flowers anymore. They are so gorgeous in the flowerbeds!

Thumbnail by grannyh
Claremore, OK

Do your glads come back every year? What do you like to pair them with?

Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

Hi deb.........Here in Missouri you are suppose to dig gladiolus up every fall and store them, and I do.
The gladioli in this particular photo is the exceptions to the rule for some reason. I planted the corm four years ago, forgot to dig it up in the fall, and it keeps coming back every year bigger and better! I just leave well enough alone! This past summer there was six tall stalks that bloomed beautifully. The extra stalks are from the cormlettes (babies) that reached maturity after a couple of years. I don't know how many years it will keep doing this, but ususally they have to be dug up in this part of the country. Missouri is known for it's extreme weather conditions and normally I wouldn't take the chance if it was one that I had paid a bit of money for........but, as I said, I'm just leaving well enough alone!

Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

Also, I pair them up with whatever I'm in the mood for at planting time. They just go beautifully with anything! I've planted them with daisies, with dahlias, with daylilies, and they look gorgeous in with the Iris. All they want is nice soil that is well drained and as much sun as they can get. Something you might want to try in 2008.

Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

Here are some tulips that were reduced to 50 cents a pot three years ago at the local grocery store after Valentines day. No tag with them, so I don't know the name. I bought all eight pots and stored them in the cellar until October that year. They have been multiplying each year. I have old garden daylilies planted in with them, and the daylilies cover the dying foliage from the pretty good!

Thumbnail by grannyh
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Grannyh, once in a while I will have a small glad bulb overwinter, but I don't dare not dig them. Your tulips are gorgeous!! What a deal!!

My Mom had the glads, so when she passed, I brought them here and plant every year.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Claremore, OK

Very nice. How do you all store your glads over the winter?

Here is a combo of poppy and Dame's Rocket.

Thumbnail by darlindeb
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I don't have a basement, just a tiny space under a closet that just holds a box of rain lilys, 2, 4 O'Clock roots, a box of calla lilies & glads. I never water any of it or check it till spring since it gets blocked off with winter stuff that has no where else to go.

I love ''sweet'' rocket. At one time the whole front of my flower bed was that. I tore it all out to dig quackgrass and never got it started again. It grows everywhere tho and I did throw seeds across the road in case I want it again. The poppy makes a nice color contrast. It's really pretty.

Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

Billy.....your mother's glads are breathtaking!! You don't happen to know the names of them,do you?..........especially the orange ones? What a wonderful way to remember her each year!

deb........I just put the corms in a box with a little spaghum peat moss, cover them with a sheet of newspaper, and store them in the gets cold down there, but never freezes. I'm like Billy....I don't check them again until Spring.

I love your photo and the combination is gorgeous! When we go fishing on Mark Twain Lake , the Dames Rockets are blooming along the banks in late Spring / early Summer and the scent in the air is heavenly! I can just imagine what your yard smells like with those beautiful flowers!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

No, I don't know the names of any of them. Every time I look at Glads, I want to get more. I don't have room for more right now.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

All of these pics are beautiful! I have never grown glads but ordered a bunch for spring delivery! Misty, your pic of the tulips inspired me to plant lots of tulips this fall! I planted them all over the yard and put peach and pink ones together as well as another smaller bulb (blue flower) in front of them. I hope they come up and if they do I will have pics to share in the spring! I planted the tulips in my new daylily bed as well! This is contagious isn't it?!

Take care,

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I have a bed of nothing but tulips. Almost all of them I have gotten from work except for the Darwin Hybrids I got from Wally World. I plan on redoing it a bit so I can put cannas in the back but I have to wait til spring to see if it is possible.

I wish I had more land to play with!! I could really go overboard. I have to figure out where to plant my melons next year too along with a couple other veggies or fruits.

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Pepper- If you have chain link fence with growing melon vines it will be more room for that!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

No chain links out here. Just barb wire. And I can't use those either I don't think because they are covered in wild grape vine. I would have to be careful of where I put the plant and watch where the fruit comes out.

I want to use the lower yard but that is off limits to everything except grass and a lawnmower. lol

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Oh barb wire is really ouch!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Yeah, I have gotten blood blisters from them when climbing thru the fence to get to the pasture. I look for a big opening and go thru there. Don't hurt so much. lol

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

I planted watermelons under an old wheat drill and had huge watermelons. The drill was planted with marigolds and petunias. It wasn't as pretty as it has been in the past as I just used "leftover" flowers. But it was still pretty and we enjoyed it very much.

Thumbnail by dellrose
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

That looks great!! I only have an acre and my dad has limited my garden spaces. I have 2 more beds I can make around a walnut tree and a maple tree then my new bed allowance is up. I will have to redo some of my current beds which I am doing anyways.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Dellrose, that is beautiful!

PEPPER! An acre!!!! What I could do woth that much room! Fruit trees top that list! Then shrubs. Still, it's highly unfair of your Dad to put you on an allowance of land :))

Claremore, OK

dellrose love the antique with the flowers planted.

Pepper23 you must tell us what you are gonna plant.

Here is a combo of Oriental lilies and I think the daisy is "Becky" I don't know if I lost my lilies last year because of the horrible winter weather we had. I had them for about 4 or 5 years and last year zip.

Thumbnail by darlindeb
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks Billy and Deb! When DH rolled that thing into the yard I thought what the heck am I gonna do with that pile of junk?!! Now I really love it and it fits in with my primitive, country cottage old fashioned style I am trying to achieve!!

Deb your lilies are beautiful! I had some that got bit by that late frost and I'm wondering if they will come back next spring. I have some glads and lilies coming from a coop, and now I am ordering some cannas on a coop! Will the fun never stop!!???

Pepper...sure you can sweet talk your Dad into a few more feet of space!!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I have to get some good dirt before I can do those new beds. That and those bricks you can get at most places to make a retaining wall. I'd rather do drystack stone but they take up too much space.

I plan on doing hostas, maybe a deutiza (sp?) which is a small shrub, and definitely some natives. After that it will be a wait and see. I might do a fruiting shrub in one bed if I can find a small one.

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Great pics and ideas... dellrose and darlindeb....

Bless your heart, Pepper, you can do all the beds you want to here... I have unlimited space for you to plant it... ;)

I have a small bed in front of my tack room at my horse barn. I try to change it and give it a different look each year... This was how it was on in July 2007. I am thinking of making it a seasonal bed and change the look with the time of year or holiday it is...

Thumbnail by fsrstarr
Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Here is the same bed a couple of years ago...

Thumbnail by fsrstarr
Claremore, OK

Oh, those morning glories are awesome frsstarr! Are you related to Belle Starr the female outlaw?

Here is one with cone flower, balloon flower, bee balm and phlox if I remember right.

Thumbnail by darlindeb
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Starr...I love what you've done in front of the barn. We recently covered the front of ours and DH wants to do some type of planter in front of it...yours has given me some ideas..thanks.

Deb...very pretty! I have coneflowers that come up every year and really need to add something to the mix.

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

darlindeb, not related to her by blood... lol... I love your picture... I have always wanted to get some coneflowers .... that is a beautiful arrangement and I do not have any of the ingredients in it, so I will be definitely think of of them when I plant new beds this year...

I do not have the morning glory any longer, but I have seeds... those were a really pretty color that my camera could not capture... they were a purplish color with dark blue stars in the center...

dellrose, you are so welcome... hey, we are so close, why don't we plan to meet one day soon... I go up to Marshfield to see my DD often... you are just a hop skip and a jump past her... :)

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