Why aren't my seeds coming up ?

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

I planted about 200 canna seeds over a month ago. Some came up right away, others are just sitting there doing nothing. Is it possible to file them too much or how can I tell if they rotted ? Maybe I'm not keeping them wet enought ...? Any ideas from anyone ?

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Where did you get the seeds betterbloom?


Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Did you soak them before planting?

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

Did you use clean store bought dirt for starting seeds? If not you may find little worms eating the insides of the seeds. Dig them up and examine them and see. If you see brown mushy stuff on the end and gently pressing with a toothpick causes mush to come out them the seed is done for. Sometimes they rot for seemingly no good reason. I wonder of some seeds are "duds" myself. I couldn`t help but notice the fancy canna seeds I started have a slightly lower germination rate than the species cannas even with everything done correctly.


Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

sorry guys I've been gone for awhile. Working 6 days a week now and it's killing me, I'm getting way to old for this (lol)
Anyways, I got my seeds thru ebay.
I ended up soaking what seeds I had left. I nicked them, soaked in peroxide, and kept warm on a heating pad.
I ended up with about 100 seedlings which are still growing.
I think I lost a lot of them by not keeping them wet...others got to wet and rotted.
I'm sure I'll have more than enough plants come spring if they survive the freeze now. The ones I started first are about a foot tall ...I'm really looking forward to seeing these bloom.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Awesome BB! Can't wait to see your pics of them blooming :-)

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