Granpa Ott's Morning Glory

Perris, CA(Zone 9a)

I had morning glories in my garden for the first time last Spring. The Grandpa Ott's morning glories that I planted have bloomed and bloomed. It is still blooming now. I want them to reseed themselves every year as I will just leave the trellis up. The problem is that we have a fairly mild winter and some of the seed is sprouting already. I doubt they make it through the winter. I need advice on reseeding vines. Should I collect the seeds around the base of the vine or just hope that some of the seeds sprout next Spring?



Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I'd collect a few and leave the rest.


Perris, CA(Zone 9a)

Well, we have had three nights of light frost (31 degrees) and tonight is more of the same. The Grandpa Ott's Morning Glories are doing fine through all this. Tomorrow night it is supposed to be warmer again.



Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Boy, do I miss z9b about this time of year! I don't know about Grandpa Ott's in particular, but when I had MGs in the CA Central Valley, some would invariably sprout and try and grow in the middle of winter. Most didn't make it. Luckily, MGs are PROLIFIC in seed setting, and most of the seeds were smart enough to wait until spring to germinate. So even if your December Babies don't survive, you will most likely have Grandpa Ott's for years to come. Good luck! I have been unsuccessful in getting MGs to bloom here in the desert -- yet -- but I'm working on it!

Perris, CA(Zone 9a)


Thanks for the encouragement. The birds are eating the MG seeds also. There are more than enough for the birds and us..LOL. By the way, the Grandpa Ott's Morning Glory had five blooms yesterday...LOL.

Thanks again,


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I MISS z9! Morning glories in DECEMBER! I DO remember the days of picking tomatoes for Thanks Giving! All frozen here right now - we're lucky to get above freezing during the day... I know there is a Morning Glory forum, but you'd be welcomed to post a few photos here, too :-)

Perris, CA(Zone 9a)

The Grandpa Ott's Morning Glory is still blooming. We had blooms for Christmas also. I had no idea that morning glories could last that long. We have had five or six frosts in the last couple of days. Today's morning temps were 26 degrees but the morning glories just keep on blooming. I hope I can keep some of these beautiful blooming plants for many years.

The Thunbergia alata's foilage is turning a little yellow but it has a couple of blooms that are about to come out.

Our summer is as devastating as your winter (from a plant's point of view).


Take care,


Perris, CA(Zone 9a)

The thunbergia alata has completely turned yellow with no blooms so I will have to remove it. The Grandpa Ott's Morning Glory is still blooming...two more blooms after our three day rainstorm....LOL.

I can hardly wait until Spring!!!



Perris, CA(Zone 9a)

I think the Grandpa Ott's MG has had it. It has no blooms that I can see and if it goes a week without any blooms, I will pull it. Actually the time that it bloomed was impressive.

Thanks again,


Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)


I just stumbled across this very neat thread.

I am in zone 5a, and this past year I had reseeded Grandpa Otts that turned up at least 40 feet from where I grew them them five years before, and twined gorgeously around all kinds of things (purple thalictrum, pink anemones, blue polemonium, lilum regale). I only planted them once. The combos were gorgeous! They have been creeping from the the northwest to the northeast side of my house since that planting. They were the last MG in my garden this year. Even if you "pull it" (I did!), I'll bet it has already seeded, at least somewhat. Good luck!


And Happy New Year!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I sure do MISS zone NINE - MGs in January! Even if just a few blossoms!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I just miss my Grandpa Ott's period...loved seeing those beautiful purples in the morning!!! Ahhhhhh....

Perris, CA(Zone 9a)

Well the plant of Grandpa Ott's MG has finally given up. BUT you know what is funny? One of the Grandpa Ott's MG sprouts that came up when I didn't pick up the seed is about a foot long now and growing up up the wire...AND it has a flower...



Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

That's just plain wrong...IN winter no less!!

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Chuck, don't toss your T. Alata, it is hardy in our zone and should come back up in the Spring. Mine came back for many years.
Grandpa Otts is a good, hardy MG and I think you will be amazed at how many of those seeds sprout in the spring. Probably more then you want. LOL


Perris, CA(Zone 9a)

Donna, I picked as many of the seeds on the Grandpa Ott's as I could find (I am sure I missed quite a few). I only came up with 50 seeds so I guess I am going to have a lot of seedlings in the Spring.

Thanks for telling me about the Thunbergia alata. I haven't done anything with it. It has turned almost completely yellow but I have been hesitant to pull it. It doesn't grow and it doesn't die so I guess I will let it stay put until Spring and then we will see...

Thanks again,


Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

You are very welcome. I had my T. alata in a big 15 gallon pot on my deck in full sun, it was happy as long as I watered it well every day. I hope it comes back for you. :~)

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