Planting in old tyres...........

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi my fellow Aussies,

I have been given two tyres for my garden but I have no idea how to use a tyre in the garden.

Like, do you put something under it, for weeds?
Has anyone out there used tyre's and if so could you please explain how you did it?
I would like to cut the chances down for weeds.

Also, one side of my yard gets full sun, any idea's of plants that LOVE hot, sunny positions? I just put one photo up for you to have a little look.

Thumbnail by Degarotty
Merino, Australia

Hello Debi. I have used lots of old tyres over the years. One good use is to grow your potatoes on them. Put the tyres in a sunny place. add potatoes and cover with a little straw. As the plants grow, keep putting on more straw until the top is reached. After the plant has flowered and died off, simply lift the tyre and there are your potatoes.
At the moment I have about 8 old tyres that were given to me. I put them down as a line of planters and filled them with potting mix. Planted up with practically anything , they look great. I have succulents in most of mine. As the roots will eventually grow into the soil below, the plants can stay in the tyres indefinitely ..
Posting a pic of mine with succulents, climbing geranium and even a few self sown valerian. These are in the full sun for most of the day.
happy gardening .

Thumbnail by 77sunset
North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hey Thanks 77,

You have got my brain going now, as to what plants.

I do have succulents and if you move you can just pot them to move.

Although, I was thinking maybe a medium bush with colour......................................?? Just in front of the fence and have smaller plants around the bottom????

I will have to think about it. But thanks77,


Thumbnail by Degarotty
Coffs Harbour, Australia

That looks great Jean!
Hi again Debi. If you're worried about weeds and grass coming up, just put some dynamic lifter or somesuch on the ground, then lay down newspaper to cover the area (at least 10 sheets thick) , water well, then place your tyre and fill with the mix that suits your plants. Sandy soil for succulents (helps the water drain away) compost enriched for most flowering annuals, (which grow really well in full sun, but must be watered) or native soil mix for native plants. (all available at Bunnings, garden centres and produce shops)
Once you have your plants in, mulch with hay, sugar cane, wood chip or whatever takes your fancy, but don't mulch hard up against the stems, as mulch gets warm as it begins to break down (more so with hay and sugarcane) These are also available at the store I mentioned above.
The dynamic lifter starts the decomposing process of the grass or weeds, and by the time your plant roots get down that far, there is a nice layer of well fertilised soil for them to grow into. The best part is "NO DIGGING". I have been told that the rim of the tyre also stores water! Thats got to be a good thing? I think I remember something about bad chemicals leeching from tyres, so I'm not sure how suited they are for vegetables, but I have heard many times about using them for potatos, so there must be something you can do about that. Have you tried googling, "using tyres in the garden"?
Post us a pic when you have got started!

Coffs Harbour, Australia
I looked it up for you and it seems it is O.K to use tyres for food producing gardens. lots of good ideas there, making sandals, ponds and all sorts of stuff
this one was pretty funny!

I do it the same as ww ...great for zucchinis why not grow food they reckon the price of everything is going through the roof, so grow food! it tastes so much better as well.The black rubber attracts and stores the heat.Last year I had zuc's and cucumbers in tyres and they kept us supplied with heaps of stuff.
Good luck with it all (love your tyre garden 77)

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi to all my girlfriends,

You all have some great idea's.

I do not know where to turn now. lol

What vegies, besides the mentioned one's would like a hot open sunny position? I am silly, I could google that myself. lol

You can get lazy and rely on your friends a little too much, hey. lol lol lol

I will post a picture when I work out what to plant, hehehehehehehehehehe!

P.S. Ladies, I was aslo given these onion plants that help keep plants pest away. I was given a big bunch, can I break them up and use them? Where or what plant would need these near them???

Thumbnail by Degarotty
Coffs Harbour, Australia

OOOhhhh Debi, that looks like onion weed! Make sure it isn't before you plant it, because Its a bugger to remove, infact you'll never ever be rid of it. Chuck it out and get yourself some chives to plant. (cheap at the local garden centre, like $2-$3 )They are good around roses and fruit trees to keep away aphids and flies, but you need to cut the tops regularly to release the onion/garlic aroma. Pic is garlic chives, and very pretty flowers they are!

Thumbnail by weed_woman

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