A friend gave me a piece of this plant.

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi Guys, this thread is CLOSED now and UNWATCHED. Thanks to all who helped me.

Can I ask if any one can tell me what plant this is and how to care for it and what type of soil it needs.
And if you are really knowledgable what type of pests love it?


This message was edited Jun 21, 2008 5:21 PM

Thumbnail by Degarotty
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Debi, I don't know what plant that is, but lovely flowers! Good luck with it. Did you get the Antigonon seeds to grow? I put mine in and potted up six today with still more coming!

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi Sue,

I have had surgery on my leg, so getting around is a bit hard just now.
Probably on the week-end, I will do it.

How long before you start to see the small plantlet?


Coffs Harbour, Australia

Not long, about 7-10 days,(i think). I had them in seed raising mix and in the shade, (but light not heavy) and watered once a day at 7am. I planted them about 1 cm deep. I'll take a pic tomorrow and post it on here for you. I'll check the date I planted them too, but it wasn't long ago and they've been up for a few days now.
I'm off to my comfy bed now, school tomorrow! I'm sorry to hear about your leg. I hope you feel better really soon!
Take care
Bunch of Shasta and coriopsis daisies for you

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Must change the time on my info! Its actually 9.55 cause of daylight savings!

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Ohhhhhhhhhhh Sue,

Thank you for the pic of a bunch of flower's. Very, Very Sweet...................

I can't wait to see your babies, very exciting................. lol
Do you think you have %100 strike rate going?

Catch Ya, mate,

Debi ;-D
P.S. Any idea what this plant is? It is not one of those spider plants.

Thumbnail by Degarotty
North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi Sue,

Just up-loading a picture of the plant in a pot, somebody may recognize it???


Thumbnail by Degarotty

Hi everyone :hope you all have had a wonderful November day? can you believe it?
I am ignorant about these but could that first one be a vireya?
the second is a bit too fuzzy ...good luck and hope your leg is ok D

Thumbnail by
Coffs Harbour, Australia

I thought Vireya too, but the leaves look too large and soft! Could be wrong! Here is pics of Antigonon leptopus seedlings. first one is as it pops out of the soil

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Next is ones potted up. You can see I planted the seeds on the 5th of the 10th, so I guess it may have been closer to 10-14 days to germinate. I think I planted about 16, so only 50% germination rate as yet, but I will wait another week or so before reusing the soil on the garden somewhere and sowing a new batch.
I collected some seed from 2 Cyclamens this week and a bromeliad, so will have to research the sowing guides for those.
Meanwhile, what will i do with 8 climbing Antigonons?

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oh, I think the other picture of the stripey leaved plant may be a Liriope muscari, "variagatum" (or spelled something like that). It gets a spike of purple flowers which turn into black berries. Its a really nice plant in a tropical setting, or as a border if you can get enough of them. They can be dug up in spring and devided also. A better pic is needed for a better Id though.

Sarasota, FL


I think your plant is crossandra. Here it will grow in just about any soil, but prefers not to get too dry. Here it self sows like crazy and can become a pretty pest. I don't know of anything that bothers it. It likes sun or shade, but looks much better in some shade.


North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for all of your input.

I have taken another photo of this plant and wanted to show you the way the flower's are and that may help with ID?

Thks Again my friends,


Thumbnail by Degarotty
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

It looks like a crossandra to me Debi. I think its nickname is 'Firecracker' plant.

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Gidday Annette,

I believe you are correct in your ID.

I went to that link and looked it up and it looks exactly like it.

Thanks Mate,

P.S. See how good you are, can you name this plant???????? LoL

Thumbnail by Degarotty
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Are the stems Square and has it flowered, if so what colours are the flowers?????

I know I should know it as it looks so familiar, maybe something in the lamiaceae family.

Cheers Annette

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hey Buddy,

No it has round stem and no flower's as yet.

It's a mystery, but I am learning how you have to really see the flower before you can really tell.

Thanks Annette,

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

As soon as it flowers the mystery will be solved, now do tell how did you end up with a 500 lot of plants, that sure sounds like a lot to sort and a lot of fun:)


North Ipswich, Qld, Australia


Well I was excited, I bought them on ebay for $50.

The problem is, I don't think it was all I bought home.

I think a few pests came along with them. I am trying keep them apart untill I can get to them all.
I got 2 Ponytail Palms, lots of cacti and succulents, 2 rose bushes and more, can't find names.
But now I have spider mites and a few other little pests that I believe came with these plants.

So, the moral of the story is not to buy too many at once. I would never do it again.
Yes, it was fun for awhile but it is so much work to try to keep them apart as I only have a house block.


Thumbnail by Degarotty

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