one more heater question

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I have an 8x8 Rion here in 7b and I really needed to have a heater for it yesterday. Using a calculator on a site it said I needed almost 12,000 BTUs to keep it above 60 degrees--seemed a bit much to me considering we don't always get that cold during the day. Definitely going for electric . I see that some people have used space heaters for their GH but also see the GH heaters online.

What's the difference between using a space heater (as in for the home) and a GH heater or are they the same?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

The difference is most space heaters for the house probably aren't rated for outdoor use, which means they wouldn't be a good choice for a greenhouse. But if you have one that's rated OK for outdoor use then it should do just the same as a greenhouse heater that delivers the same # of BTU's

Fulton, MO


A space heater is a self-contained, free standing air heating appliance intended for installation in the space being heated and not intended for duct connection.

By this definition, practically every GH heater is a space heater!

If you have at least 30amps to your GH, you can almost cover that 12K BTU with a couple of milkhouse heaters, 1500W, 5120 BTU. I saw them at WM for under $20 this past weekend. They all have tipover switch. The thermostats are crude but serviceable. The usually have a small fan to circulate the air. I supplement with two of these. Use GFCI and use great care if using an extension cord.


Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

thanks SB, I'm going to check at HD and Lowe's (can't bring myself to go to big W) today for the milkhouse heaters, that's exactly what I was looking at---how big is your GH?

Fulton, MO

My GH is 20x23. (I heat primarily with 2 Empire 24K BTU vented propane heaters.)

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

whoa, the big dogs! thanks so much for taking the time...I'm sure I'll have another question

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