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Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Red Canna

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Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Yellow Canna

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Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

More Red Canna

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De Soto, MO

Could I send you postage for some of your Canna?

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

As long as you don't mind that they are mixed. I will TRY to ID them, but the frost hit here fast and I had to drag the pots into the house post haste.

I'm also in a bit of an upset right now, so it may be a bit befoe I send them out. (My 10 pound Pomeranian was attacked by a pit bull last weekend and the house is in a bit of a turmoil. When things settle down a bit, I will be happy to send you a jam-packed flat rate box!(

Oakland, OR(Zone 8a)

How is your Pomeranian doing? My DH and I have two of them and we know they don't realize they are small dogs. I sure hope that yours is doing well and will be back to normal very soon. Dotti

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

He had a horrible weekend last, but he's doing much better. The 2 small punctures in his left lung have started to heal, with a minimum amount of liquids having passed through. We are trying to treat the raspy breath and slight cough with meds, as his body's not really strong enough to deal with drains right now. He has over 30 teeth puncture marks, a hematoma in the eyes from the brutal shaking, and one horrendous bruise from just under his collar, over the shoulder and across the back. The pit bull attacked us while we were walking and bit at Hanni several times before the owner was able to grab him. The he broke loose from the owners grip and got his jaw locked around the little fella and shook him for all he was worth. The owner jumped on top of the pb and dispite being tossed around himself, he was finally able to poke a finger down the dog;s throat. When the dog gagged, the owner yelled for me to grab the dogs and run.

It was a nightmare - probably only lasted a minute, but it just felt like it went on forever. Hannibal is a 10-pound Pom with a VERY docile personality. In fact, he's a Pet Therapist of the Hebrew Hospital Home of Westchester. I always say that Hanni wouldn't bite you back if you bit him first. And sadly, now I have proof.

Ironically, my Tibby, who has the Alpha personailty, just sat there keeping a low-profile. Wiser than his years, I guess. I can't imagine what the pit would have done if PekeBoo had gotten into the mix.

Thank God they are both ok (me too!). I just wish the owner wasn't being such a jerk.

Thanks for asking - sorry for going on and on...

De Soto, MO

So sorry about your doggy. They are like your kids. I know mine is. If you can send me an address I will send postage right away.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Oh, no you don't! I am so spacy these days that you can send the postage upon receipt!

Thanks for your kind words. He's coming alond nicely.

Thumbnail by Sequee
Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Poor little baby. That is one nasty bruise. I really hate to see this again about a pit bull. My sister has two that wouldn't hurt a flea. Don't you wonder why people let them get out of hand and learn that they can be bullies.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

And the Pit is only 7 months old! Imagine what he will be like when he's older, larger, and more confident! It's a mess. And now the owner's decided he doesn't want to give me any more money towards the bills. Personally, I think the OWNER needs to be put down!

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

You could be right. I don't think that is legal. Seven months old my goodness that is still a puppy. How in the world did he get so mean in a short life.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Like "Father" like son... (Can I at least get him neutered?)

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

the dog or the owner? lol

You can take him to court and he would be forced to pay all the bills and court costs. The judge will probably issue an order for the dog to be put down. Just think if that had been a 2 or 3 year child.

I'm so sorry for your dog, I cried when I read about it.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I would think he would do what is right just so he doesn't end up in jail which he could. Yes you can have the man neutered :). I just hope your baby gets well soon. If he has trained that pup to be that mean than I don't know if it can be retrained or not. The alternative is sad.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

He's getting back to his old self. I'm lucky I've been able to bring him to work with me since it happened. (He's a Therapy at the Skilled Nursing Facility and Adult Day Care Center on our Campus, so everyone knows him - and he's quite spoiled. He missed work last week, but I let him go in this Tuesday, his regular day, and he was a little charmer. I wouldn't let anyone pick him up or have him passed around for "lap duty", but he strutted around and let everyone tell him how happy they were to see him. LOL! Did everyone a wolrd of good!

I've been trying to be nice, but I really can't afford the extra $800. He paid $360 and saif the bill was too high and he wasn't paying any more. What a bother. I don't want o have to get ugly, but what else can you do with a jerk like this?

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I know and you hate to fight with someone. Maybe he will change his mind and do what is right.

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

i sure hope he comes bills are like people dr bills...don't know why people don't accept medical care can be expensive

when the first dog i had on my own was in critical care for cancer treatment this real peach of a guy was in with a great dane puppy that had been practically killed by his boxer & he actually asked if he had to pay if the puppy died...btw the puppy was so disfigured i couldn't even tell it was a great dane....he was purchased from a box at a flea sad

i do hope that guy comes around....he's liable whether he likes it or not

your little dog sure is a trooper :-)

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

He's the best!

He's come along nicely. Both lung punctures have cleared, most of the teeth marks are gone, and the eye is all better. Now it's just the big bruise, which is healing nicely, and the wheezy breath. He's done with his meds today, so we will see if he's really "there" or if it's just the meds disquising the situation. I think it's the former!

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