Anyone read Eat, Pray, Love...?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I was in a Barnes and Noble last weekend and grabbed one of Oprah's recommended books...Eat Pray Love...and I am really enjoying it! It's NOT a boring self-help book NOR is it a religious book per se, although author Elizabeth Gilbert does believe in God and praying. It's a very fast read...can't put it down!

The premise is that an upstate NY married woman gets a divorce because her DH wants children and she doesn't! She sets out for Italy (where she eats!) India (where she prays..I'm not there yet!) and then Bali, where she finds a "balance between worldly enjoyment and divine transcendence."

Anyone else like it?

It's a large PB and is 15. but I got my B&N discount!

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