
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Some pics of different Plectranthus. Feel free to add your own, and ID's where possible.
Plectranthus madagascariensis at either side

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Plectranthus argentatus

Thumbnail by weed_woman

Sorry it took so long to respond to this great thread ww ...thankyou for the pictures ...very interesting.
Here is the mother plant your cutting came off (in the picture) ...I did not recognise it as a plectranthus because although the flowers looked similar ...the leaves had no "smell".When I looked for my purple one there was only green ...after looking it up the info says the more purple the plant is the more indication that it is getting too much sun.So I presume as the leaves drop off in the Winter gets moe sun and turns purple.The one in this pot always remains the same.The one that goes purple and has pretty purple flowers smells very spicy.Does that mean that only some of them have a scent?

Thumbnail by
Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

I have two Plectranthus in my garden. The first is Plectranthus parviflorus the Cockspur Flower, which is an Australian species. My photograph was taken at the Den of Nargun on the Thomson River here in Victoria, but it now grows well in my garden in Churchill, Victoria, where it self-seeds very readily so that my original plant is now a multitude!

Thumbnail by kennedyh
Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

My other Plectranthus is Plectranthus saccatus, an African species known as Stoep Jacaranda and it has very aromatic foliage:
Here is a picture of it in my garden:

Thumbnail by kennedyh

Thank you k the last one is my purple one! :) It grows up around my knees in the more gentle seasons ...spreads like mad.

Merino, Australia

Good morning all. I am wet wet wet. We have had over 4 inches of rain and I think the plants are starting to wish they never asked for more rain. Everything is so squishy and my fountain bush has collapsed from the weight of the water on the blossoms.
I have 2 Plectranthus but do not know their correct names . The larger one grows to about 6 feet and has gorgeous purple/blue flowers . I cut it back each year and it will grow easily from pieces. The smaller one's leaves are usually a beautiful grey/green, but with the rain , have lost that grey furry look.
I don't know what color it's flowers will be. I do also have a few cuttings of one like the first one here and a similar one with a burgundy back to the leaves. I have seen a pink one on internet and am going to try and get one as they seem to do well here.
I hope you are all getting some of this rain wherever you live. It really kicks the weeds along. I have never had to weed so much as this year. Luckily the plants cover most of the ground and I can Roundup most areas. .
Sue, if you look at the background of smaller Plectranthus, you may recognise the little fellas in pots.
Have a happy day. I'm going in to paint a picture as it's too wet to garden.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

The grey / green one.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

77 that bit of climber I sent you (the darker one) was that a Plectranthus? and if so what name do you think? ww says it is and she is clever about thses things but it looks so different to everyone elses?
Yes everything is very very wet here and more to come ...I have been out pulling out weeds ...much easier of course than when dry!
A little sun today and boy are the bugs out!
Have a lovely Sunday in the Garden/Home everyone ...or where ever :)

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi everyone. I wrongly ID'd the plants in the first pic. They are Plectranthus australis and Chrissy, if you go to,WZPA:2006-10,WZPA:en&q=Plectranthus+australis there is a heap of pics to look at, you may see one resembling the bit you gave me. I don't know if it was the climbing one or not, but I'm sure one piece was plectranthus. Could be wrong, happens all the time!
going back out to mow some more lawn while DH has himself a little sleep. Poor love!

Merino, Australia

Hello chrissy and ww. It has stopped raining and I hope it stays that way for a while. It can rain on the drier parts now and the catchment areas. . Boy are the weeds going to grow now.
I looked up my first plectranthus pic and remembered that it is Plectranthus Ecklonii. The second one , when dry, looks exactly like your Plectranthus Argentatus , ww.
I am looking at plant catalogues at the moment as I want more iris. How does one pick out just a few from all the pics ?
Have to go out and lock up the girls now. We do have foxes here and I would not want to lose my girls.
Have a happy week coming up, all.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

my girl (and boy) are very happy with their Chinese star jasmine!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

The small one with purple stems and backs is Plectranthus verticillatus

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

I think this is a Plectranthus too. It is very pungent! I'm posting it on the ID forum to see what it is.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Here are a couple off my plectranthus, I have more but waiting for the little babies to get bigger.

Australian Native Plectrantus Parviflorus 'Blue Spires'

Thumbnail by annette68
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'

Thumbnail by annette68
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Nice one Annette. I have seen the Mona Lavender somewhere before...... I'll have to search my memory, (and customers gardens)

Very pretty and so interesting to see all the different ones can I please ask a dumb question ...Do they all have a smell and sort of furry leaves? ...the thing I have has waxy leaves and no smell ...I am a little confused *stop laughing ww*

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Chrissy and All,
No, not all Plectranthus and furry and aromatic, but an awful lot are. The diagnostic for the genus is really the special forms of the flower and the way the flowers are grouped on the stalk. The thing I think that makes them easy to pick is their square stems and scalloped leaves. Mind you again that's not completely definitive, but it's a good start. They share the family Lamiales with a host of other aromatic herbs - Mint, Catnip, Basil, Rosemary, Sage, Savory, Marjoram, Oregano, Thyme and Lavender, just to name some of the commoner groups. Boy would all of our gardens be poorer without all that lot.

I know most of the culinary herbs by sight so when I see an unknown plant with square stem and scalloped leaves for me it is often a case of "Well it's not Mint... (See above) .....Lavender, maybe it's a Plectranthus - then I sit back and wait for the flowers to come along and prove it! LOL.

Must go I'm opening the shop in a minute, will check in later this evening, Ciao, KK.

Whoopee I found it are right ww the bit I sent you is Plectanthrus australis aka creeping charlie (which is what I will be calling it from now on) ...Swedish ivy ...Swedish begonia! no wonder I was confused ...The only thing besides the flowers that resembled Plectanthrus in any way was the "square stems".
Well the more I learn about Botanical things the more I realize I don't know ...great thread and great info everyone.
I will say hi to creeping charlie for you
Happy weekend gardening everyone!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Creeping Charlie is in flower Chriisy, how bout yours?

Thumbnail by weed_woman

Golly no mine flowered about two months ago they have flushes? I cannot remember if it flowers more than once.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

mmmmm. I'm not sure. These were only propagated this year, so first time for them.

That one is really very pretty in a hanging basket ...what I have found is that if a piece is dropped on the ground (when I pinched some off) they take root where ever they fall. When it is in the hanging basket it is a mass of white flowers for a couple of weeks.Mine is a deeper green ,must be because of the shade, I think it loves the shade. :)

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Yes definitely a shade lover. Do you have the same one but in a variegated form? I'll send you a piece if you haven't got it. Its good for lightening up a shady spot

Gee thankyou I don't have the varigated, one I can imagine that being a very nice thing to have. I love my plain old creeping charlie in a hanging basket ...that one would be a lovely groundcover. Do you have the Australian one?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

No, and I am not familiar with it either. I will have to look it up then look around, as someone I know is sure to have it!
It looks like I may finish work early on monday, which will give me time to get into town to the post, so i will package up some things for one and all on Sunday.
I haven't taken any pics so no pretty flowers today! Boo hoo. My Lambs ears are about to flower though, and as I have never seen them before, I am waiting with camera at the ready!
It was our last day of Tafe for the year and we were allowed to help ourselves to the nursery! I have taken all the succulents home for intensive care, but will return them (minus a few cuttings) next year. I also got some Echinacea (Purple cone flower), Ixora coccinea (yellow), A Juniper for bonsai, and some Golden Pendas (Xanthostemon chrysanthe) So I think I'd better have a planting day this weekend. I have some scraps in the freezer that need burying!
I learned today that fish emulsion and ferts containing fish will repel most herbivores if you apply it to the foliage of your precious plants. Just remember to wash your lettuce before you eat it! LOL

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

I use seasol and charlie carp on all my plants, they love it:)

Happy Planting,


Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

If by the Australian one, you mean Plectranthus parviflorus the Cockspur Flower, I have it growing semi-wild in my garden here in Victoria. I can look at whether there any movable plants, otherwise I am sue it sets a lot of seed and I will try and collect some.


Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Sue,

Here are some more pics off various plects that I have around the yard.

Plectranthus Ecklonii

Thumbnail by annette68
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Plectranthus Equador

Thumbnail by annette68
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Plectranthus 'Nicollette'

Thumbnail by annette68
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Plectranthus Argentatus

Thumbnail by annette68
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

I very diverse species and that is so you get your fix:)


Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks Annette, no flowers on yours yet?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Kennedy, thanks for the info, I will look it up and try to familiarise myself with it so that I can recognise it. Ta

Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

Cockspur Flower, Plectranthus parviflorus. I just noticed that the plants in my garden are beginning to set seed, so I collected some. The seeds are tiny, so it does not look as if I have much, but I reckon there are at least a 100 seeds. If any of you would like to grow this Australian native Plectranthus, I would be happy to send seed to a couple of you and if there is more demand there will soon be more seed to collect.
It is a pretty little plant and in my garden has thrived in a shady corner, where it has self-seeded and multiplied and maintained itself with no attention for nearly 20 years.
Here is a plant in my garden today. As the flowers open the stems elongate considerably.


Thumbnail by kennedyh
Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

and here is a close-up of the flowers

Thumbnail by kennedyh
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Bags first pick! Hi Kennedy, I would love a native Plectranthus and will DMail you my postal address. Just 10 will do, as that should see at least 1 suceed, don't you think?
I've seen my first 'Mona Lavender' Plectranthus this week, so will be able to take a cutting at some stage.
Are you getting any of this rain we've been getting up north?

Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

I will be happy to send you some seed.

We have done pretty well for rain over the last two months. Far the best we have had for 10 years and the countryside is actually green in December!


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