October 27th, 2007: Pond Lily Cactus 'German Empress' (Disocactus phyllanthoides

The Bloom of the Day for October 27th, 2007 was Pond Lily Cactus 'German Empress' (Disocactus phyllanthoides).

View the bloom of the day here: http://davesgarden.com/bloom.php?date=2007-10-27

(Zone 1)

Wow! Another Beauty to drool over! It looks like an Epiphyllum! And, I just went to Plant Files to read about it and see that it is one without thorns/spines ... so I added it to my want/wish list!

North Augusta, ON

yup...bloom.com is getting hard on the pocketbook isn't it??
My wish list grows daily....s'all Dave's fault!!!

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