Looks like sand...

Conway, AR(Zone 7b)

While puttering in the GH tonight I noticed this on a Papaya plant. I am not sure what it is. Is it some kind of egg or larvae left by one of the GH critters? It is only up at the top of the plants, and mostly where the leaf stem attaches to the main stalk.

I did not notice it yesterday.

Thanks for any help with an id.

I don't really have the right kind of camera for this kind of close up shot, but this was the best of them.


Thumbnail by nautical99
West Bridgewater, MA

Have you had any Alien landings in your area lately ?
Would you admit to them anyway ?

Bye the way...I got a 2'nd Davis Temp / Hum. sensor and put it in the GH yesterday.
Seems to be working ok.
Still waiting for Davis to release their WeatherlinkIP so I can put it on the computer - If I can figure out how.
Could use some Alien help with that...

Morning Glories like solar panels.


Thumbnail by keywest5
Fulton, MO


All of my papayas have those little things that look like salt crystals. I have seen others post the same question, and I can confirm that papayas just do that. It is not a bug. Don't worry about it.

Barring a minor disaster, I should soon be able to post pics of some papaya fruit here on the forum!


Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

Cool beans, SB! My Papaya has buds on it, but still no idea on it's sex. =(

Conway, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the info SB. (Also thanks for the papaya. ) I have no flowers or buds, so have nothing to offer....yet.

I planted some seeds from a Lemon and Strawberry quava you gave me. I dried them out, and have planted them. It has been about 4 weeks and I was about to give up on them when last night I saw some signs of seedlings poking up. I have them on a heating mat with grow light directly overhead. Can these be grown directly from seed?

Eggs, could you post a picture of your papaya buds? I would like to see what I should be looking for. How old is your plant?

KW, I am using the Virtual Weather Station software rather than Davis. Let me know how that works out. I assume you will post the info to the net? Are you sending data to the "Weather Underground"? I think if you send them data you get a free subsciption to their website. (A savings of $10.00/year.) May take awhile to offset the cost of the weather station. :-) VWS allows you to upload your data to the CWOP (Citizens Weather Observation Program) which in turn uploads their servers to the NOAA weather system. You can see my data here: http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/wxpage.cgi?cw5899 There is also a lot of info about the program there.

Not sure if any aliens have landed close by, but can attest there is no limit to the amount of aliens that find their way into my GH. :-)

I just sprayed the entire GH with Malathion. (Mostly a maintenance dose) I forgot I had just set a cup of coffee down on my potting bench. When I went to leave I decided against drinking the coffee. But when I went to throw it out I noticed a dead critter floating in it. Maybe I should be spraying with my coffee..........


Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

Nautical, you need to look closely at the first pic you posted in this thread. You don't see the bud? ;)

And, I also got my Papaya from SB. =D He's becoming the Papaya King. When I find out the sex of my plant, I'm going to beg him for one of the opposite sex. Shhh.... don't tell him that. ;)

Conway, AR(Zone 7b)

Eggs, Good Grief.....that's pretty embarassing. I worked so hard trying to get a clear closeup of the "grit" that I did not see that. I am sure it was quite a show, trying to hold a light, magnifing glass and camera while trying 50 different settings. Good thing it was digital, I would hate to have to pay for developing 100 pictures that were out of focus, too dark, too light etc.....

I am not sure I would have know it was a bud though, as I have never seen one.

Well I will be watching closely and see what happens. I have to back up north on Sunday. Hopefully I will only have to be gone a week and be able to return on the following Saturday. I am flying this time, but the next time I drive I would like to come visit you and your GH.

Well I better go out and take a closer look at that bud! How long before they flower? and how do I determine the sex? I take it I have to have one of each to produce fruit??


Fulton, MO

Hi Guys,

It's early but I'd say that is either herm or female, Nautical. I believe that the male blooms occur in panicles of several and they are sort of spoon or light-bulb shaped whereas the female buds tend to be single or just a couple and are wider at the base like a pear.



Nautical, both of the guavas can be grown from seed. They are, actually, quite difficult to root from cuttings. I have never succeeded in rooting a cutting and I surely have tried!

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