The FLOWERPOT Cafe' II - Join us for a cup of Flowers!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Hello and Welcome to The FLOWERPOT Cafe' II

This is a friendly place to come and sit down,have a cuppa and relax amongst other flower lovers.
It's been great fun playing with flowers at the 'getting to know you' show. Please keep posting on that thread so our new friends can introduce themselves to us, and if ever you want to 'tell us more about yourself, please do!

We are very pleased with the patronage at The FLOWERPOT Cafe and due to so many wanting to have a refresher, we thought is was time to open up a new store. Please excuse the bare walls and tables. Feel free to contribute arrangements, artwork, magazines, drinks, and any other decorating tidbits for our new Cafe'. This is an environment to nurture ideas and share advice, where no one is an amateur, just an arranger in training!

Hope you enjoy your visit and come back any time.

london England, United Kingdom

Hello everyone!
WOWEEEEEEEEE! We're in the door, I couldnt have done it without you guys,you've all worked so hard getting this place open so fast. Lets just sit down and have a cuppa, you deserve it!

Fabulous idea finding this place Traci, I knew we were planning on explanding and this is perfect.! We are so lucky to have the florists shop next door, its a fantastic edition!
Maybe you could put one of those links to..
'Belles' The FLOWER shop

Cheer's everyone!

This message was edited Nov 4, 2007 6:24 PM

Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Glad you like the space. I may not be able to arrange flowers, but I do know my construction. You should have see what those guys thought they could pull over on me. Didn't expect a little girl like me to know what I was talking about. They were so embarrassed, they threw in some freebies. Go check out the loo, there are even places to highlight decorative soaps and towelettes. I am going next door to see the new florist again. You should check it out too. Here's the directions. Nicest little southern lady owns the shop and is in a bind. Maybe some of us could help out.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Traci, you are doing a great job! I love the way you told the builders what's what!
It's so good to have you around. The loos are brilliant, a real bit of luxury around here.
I think the minature perfumes would look nice in here!

Thanks for adding the florist's next door, she seems like a nice lady! I wonder what day she gets her flowers delivered?

I'm still waiting for the removal van to arrive, where have they got to?
and where the heck is Karma? no phonecall or anything, have you heard from her?

They say moving is stressful, I think I will just sit by the fountain and wait! It's a lovely relaxing feature, what great design ideas you have Traci, thankyou!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Ah, the perfumes would be great in there, which I loved by the way. The lighting is perfect in here to show off the arts and arrangements. I am so glad you like it.

Last I spoke with Belle, she was really needing some help with flowers. She seems down on her luck and I thought we could cheer her up. I've got some lovely brugs to take to here. I finally found my camera and took pics, but I can't find the cord for the computer. I will share once I find it.

I spoke with Karma on Mid-south Forum a moment ago. She is here. She was asking a lady what the vase life of brugs was. lol.

london England, United Kingdom

Hey there's no secrects here! so Karma was spotted eh ?gossiping about flower's while we have so much work to do here.
OK, well I won't comment on that, she probably has some sort of explanation!!!!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

She will use the excuse that she was exploring the proper care of brugs in vases. Terri, don't let her get away with it! I am actually going to go outside and brave the cold to see if any new flowers popped up since we had rain all week. I hope to find some goodies.

london England, United Kingdom

What a lovely lady next door!

Hi Traci, No word from Karma yet then?
I hope she turns up soon because I will have to leave you for a couple of days!
I just popped into Belle's and got some flower's, they are conditioning in some water and flower food.
I'll leave them here.I don't have time to take the leaves off!
I will pop back later to see if madam has turned up!

love the alcoves, brilliant planning Traci.

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Okay, I've been at the old cafe fighting tooth and nail to keep it open! The demolition crew won and dh had to bail me out of jail.

Sorry, forgot to come back here after peeking through the window last night at our new cafe. Looking nice in here. Great work ladies. Sorry I was of no help to you this morning. So glad I was missed though. Can't get away with anything around here. . .we have a mole in our midst!

Overheard Belle next door talking to a customer. . .but I had no idea what she was saying. Sounded just like you, Traci!

london England, United Kingdom

Karma WELCOME! Just in time, I've made a fresh pot of Glad pips tea.
I.m sure this place will be just as much fun as the last cafe'.!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

You all are too funny.............i am packing packages to go out tomorrow...........join you later (LOL)

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Those language barriers. If you need me to interpret, I would not mind at all. Belle has a distinct country southern accent, where mine is a old southern accent. I will help in any way I can. So what do you think of the new place? A bit bare but lots of potential. I have been taking pictures, but can't post until I get the correct cord for my camera. Please drop by soon. You know how miserablely sad it was when Terri was gone. You both brighten up the place.

london England, United Kingdom

Karma, did you hear that? she's coming back later, great! It's your turn to brew (by the way)!
Traci, I love our new cafe already, you have such great taste,and I think Belle has a great accent.
Hello Gessiegail,
come in , have a rest from all your packing! what do you think of the new place then? I know it's bare at the moment, but we are working on that! Thanks for coming to take a look and let us know if you need anything!

I can't stay long myself, I just came in to sort that bucket of flowers out.
Karma, I'm leaving some vases, put them where you think best or ask Traci to do it please!

I'll be back in for the late shift tonight, but I have a couple of days holiday already booked, so I won't be here on Sun or Mon. Hope that is ok with you guys at such short notice?

Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I have decided I must have Gladiolus after all your wonderful arrangements. I was hooked on Delphenium, but those are so lush and vibrant.

Karma, just like a manager of a cafe. One day open and she is already going on Holiday. Leaving a laudry list of things to do as well. That's management for you. Ok, must find the cord as the rain brought out many wonderful wildflowers in the yard. I may attempt.......A PETITE!

london England, United Kingdom

Please get on with that Petite, I want to see it before I go on Holiday!

Ok Traci, there's no need to brag about the size of your house, we all know you live in a mansion, with all those rooms,you can't find the cord. ha ha ha! or do you mean the electrical LEAD for your camera.? nice one! I will have to remember that excuse!!!

I've just walked past a load of people looking in Belle's window, the dear has put my Autumn flower's on display.
What are we going to do? We need to attract customers of our own!
I don't know whether to put my new one in here or there now HELP!!

london England, United Kingdom

Someone left their handbag in the lounge, it looks like they've left a few coppers as a tip!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I'm back with some flower Art.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

more flower Art.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Well, I believe it was brought up in discussion that a thread was needed to showcase your past arrangements in order to pick out a portfolio. I believe that Belle's will be perfect for this as she has all those "floral people" dropping in. Who knows, Floral Designer Expertise' Karman may drop in. I hear the renowned Lady Jessygeel has been seen frequenting Garden Belle. A little know critic Pupelpro also shops here. No telling who many pop in to give you direction on which past arrangements you have made. And I am sure this will help Garden Belle with business. Consider it your sounding board for ideas. What do you think?

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Dropping by with a small something for the ladies room. It's in keeping with the new beautiful fall colors y'all have going in the cafe. Can't stay tonight for coffee. I promised Belle I'd bring in a couple of things for her new shop. See you later.

Thumbnail by karmaplace
london England, United Kingdom

Yes Karma! that is perfect for our Autumn look, it's so beautiful, a BIG thankyou! would mind making another 6 for the alcoves please?!

Traci, ummm but wouldn't it be a bit boring seeing all my old arrangements again? like old news? I would like all the people you mentioned to see my work though. I'm a bit tired now and can't think!
I need a coffee and a piece of that banana cake.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

6 MORE? Look who's the slave driver now! Terri, are you up early or sleeping late? LOL

london England, United Kingdom

That cake was lovely, really lovely.

Traci, glad I caught you, would you mind following me over to the Artisan's forum please? I have a favour to ask! I'm in the flower art thread. Thankyou!

london England, United Kingdom

I'm doing this with matchsticks keeping my eyes open! up late you could say! Karma!
Here's another for the Autumn collection, Belle's flower's are in such lovely condition, don't you think?

Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Sorry I just got this. Will pop over now.

london England, United Kingdom

Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Enjoy the Autumn platter and I'll see you in a couple of days!

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Lovely Terri. Have a good weekend.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Hey Karma, looks like we are going to be busy taking care of the place by ourselves this weekend, and on opening weekend no less. You must check out what our Miss Terri has been doing on the artisan site. I love it!! She really needs to do something with this, wouldn't you agree. Even if it were prints, I think people would love it.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Well, here I am slaving away at 545 am while the boss lady is on "holiday" and senior supervisor is nowhere to be seen. I'm taking my coffee break soon so where did you two put the floral mags?

Traci, I definitely agree. I'm already making a list of all the ones I want. . .starting with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th pics for my walls. They don't have to be prints. I wonder if she's got any of those pressed? Then you'd have an original that would last for a long time. Well, gotta get back to my coffee break. . .I mean work.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone! How are things around here?
I see you have both been rushed off your feet!
Take a break now and have a look at some of the mags!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Hydranga special!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Autumn designs

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

So glad you are back! Hope the holiday went well. I love the hydrangea arrangement. Of course, it would have blue delphinium in it. I have been looking EVERYWHERE for those seeds. I guess I will have to break down and buy them.

london England, United Kingdom

Hello Traci, nice to see you tonight, I thought you were out playing trick or treat when I got back!
How is everything? Do we have anything good to eat today? I'm starving!!

Karma was looking for the magazines!!!!! how could she have missed the new book area it's huge! good planning putting that in there Traci!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

This may be a nice platter for the menu?

Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Well, I have brought lots of candy for the table. Teensy scored tonight, but I am afraid I will be the one eating it all. People could not resist her. As soon as I get the ^@%@& cord for my camera, I will have to post pics of the Good Witch. I must say, she was precious. I could use the extra weight anyway. Slowly, lbs by lbs, I am gaining. I never thought it would be this hard. lol.

Karma has been in such a rush lately, she probably breezed by the new section. I guess it will take us a while to get use to the new layout. Have fun, relax, and try not to spend too much time reading. We need ARRANGEMENTS!!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I would eat the roses and smell the grapes.

london England, United Kingdom

I love celosa!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Is that the flower that looks somewhat like a brain? Don't laugh, but I don't know!!

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