Containing Cannas

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I have found a new love in cannas but need to find a way to contain them in specific sections of the flower beds. Any ideas? I also need to protect part of my house where the new shoots are trying to grow up holes in the foundation...why there are holes I have no idea, it was built that way. Anyway, what do you all do if anything? I don't have a massive yard (yet) and really want to enjoy the cannas without worrying about my other plants! I am fairly new to gardening so bear with me! The picture was taken awhile ago and there are several more shoots on this baby heading towards my White Banks rose. Thanks!!!

Thumbnail by newhobby
Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm in a totally different climate, so am of no help to you - I can't even imagine them spreading and growing up through the house!!!

I'm sure someone out there can help, planting them in large pots? Although I have had the roots bust a clay pot on our patio before.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

I dunno know either Christina, as mine haven't gotten that big yet. I got your seeds out to you today, including some iceland poppy seeds. But let me warn you, the birds like the poppy seeds so make sure you either start them in doors or cover them with a little bit of dirt or sand. That's what I get for running out of nyjer seed....they actually found my little pots with the poppy seeds setting on top of the soil........all gone in less than an hour !
I had no idea cannas would spread that fast ...holy cow ! I guess I won't need as many as I thought. Hopefully someone comes up with some ideas for you.

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thanks BB! I'll look forward to the mailman deliveries for the next week!!! LOL! The poppy seeds will be fun too, and don't worry, I have a huntress of a cat and the birds won't go near our backyard! I feed them in the front in a wide open area so she can't get them!

Yeah, these cannas are spreading like crazy! I have come up with one solution, I have an area that is not planted yet and completely contained in itself. It would look awesome to have it full of cannas from one side to the other!! I still want some of the dwarfs here and there around some beds so may have to be content with pots.

Red, cute name! That's my moms favorite! LOL! I never knew they could bust pots! I'll make sure to not buy expensive clay pots! Thanks for the info!! I guess each year I will just divide, cut down, and share the ones that are taking over! Could be worse right??

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Yes, you're lucky they grow so easily. I've got them in the ground here now, just mulch them when they die down and they come back nicely when it warms up.

BB - you feed the birds your poppy seeds!!!! How could they resist?

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Red, they were acting kinda silly after that..(lol)

Christina, I guess we are both going for the same thing.......I'm trying to get a row of cannas about 30 foot long. Some of the cannas I sent you are dwafts..the tropical yellow. I might have more seeds for you later. I can't figure out why some of mine aren't coming up. I've had some in each variety come up so I know it's not the seeds themself.

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