Astilbe's for shade ?

Elyria, OH

I have read conflicting stories about astilbe's in the shade. Can anyone clarify this for me once and for all ?

La Porte, IN(Zone 5A)

I have them in both full shade and mostly sun, but not the hot after noon sun. The full shade have a greener foilage, but don't flower as well. The plants that get at least half day sun, are much larger and with more flowers. Don't know if I helped or made it worse, but thats the way they grow in my garden.

Elyria, OH

Thanks Dan D, helps alot, maybe thats why I have been getting conflicting stories ! I am landscaping a gully with a stream. BIG project that will get going this fall. I want to keep the area fairly shady and definately want some color and I just love the airiness of astilbe. Thanks :-)

La Porte, IN(Zone 5A)

You might also try Chelone (turtlehead) which come in a rosy pink and white. They like moisture and are just starting to bloom now. They don't do real well in deep shade, but if they get a little light, they put on a nice show. Pinch them back when they're about a foot tall and you'll get many more blossoms. Another one is Japanese Anemone (windflower) great late summer and into fall. Nice white flowers that seem to hang in the air and really brighten up an area. Great foilage too. Chocolate Eupatorium (a Joe Pye Weed)has great foilage (almost burgundy) with white flowers and also a late bloomer. I have all of these plus quite a few others that are just starting to bloom. Hope this helps even more.

Elyria, OH

Thanks Dan D and keep it coming !
My new project has alot of shade, and the more variety
I have, the greater the end result will be :-)

Astillbes sound perfect for your location. They like shade because the soil doesn't dry out so fast n the shade & a dry astillbe is a dead astillbe. But along a stream they'll take a fair amount of blazing sun; it's all about the misture with astillbes.

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Here's my likes the shade on the north wall of my house and it's pretty moist there too.

Lamar, AR(Zone 7a)

waaah! Broken link Jon!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

One more thought. I'm in zone 9 and Astilbes won't make it in the sun here. Lower zones can probably go with more sun exposure. I grow mine grow in no direct sun at all but I do that with quite a few plants that say they want light shade because of our heat. They do have indirect light though. And I'd always heard that they like dry shade, but they do fine in damp soil here - but the drainage is about as good as it gets. It has great soil to grow in. I've had them in relatively dry soil here too and they do fine. But the Astilbes with mo water grow mo bettah.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Try Aruncus (large astilbe like) and there is also a dwarf form. Also Cimicifuga..there is one blooming in July and other blooming in September. the ones is September are very fragrant. One called 'Hillside Black Beauty' has dark foliage and it is similar to astilbe foliage. Don't forget Rodgersia..large interesting leaves..white flower spikes..nice foliage plant and likes moisture. Ligularia loves moisture and shade..several different kinds. Kirengeshoma palmata is also good.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I love my Ligularia(s). I haven't had much luck with blooms though. And Hosta cultivars vary widely in the sun they can take. Their blooms are really beautiful. In fact, these Astilbes, just coming up in February, are planted with the leopard spotted Ligularia, Mondo Grass, Hostas (which also have beautiful blooms and can go from sun to shade, depending on the cultivar). And foxtail fern. There's a I also have some Japanese Anemone, Hellebore, grasses, and I grow begonias here in the summer, also Heuchera - which have great foliage and bloom beautifully. Oh, and some azaleas. The Astilbe in the front of the photo gets a slice of morning sun, but the ones behind it get no direct sun.

Thumbnail by doss
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Hard to imagine Astilbe comoing up in February! But that is the different time zones......mine are just peeking through and this is May 1......Anyway I don't have the leopard spotted ligularia...I wonder if it is hardy in my zone ????

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I understand that it's Ok to zone 7 or 0 degrees. Here are a few in one place. Just hit the "next" button. While some of these are sold out, I can get the Cristata and the spotted one at my local nursery.
Don't forget ferns too - and Ajuga is a great ground cover for shade. Or Carex.

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