Reblooming Clematis ??? In late October ???

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

On my way to the mailbox I noticed my clematis is blooming again. Isn't that weird? I've never had that happen before I don't think.

All the reblooming Iris are in bloom too which is cool. I've even got daisys and other perennials that I had already cut to the ground back up and starting to bloom again.

Unfortunately, I see the weeds are coming back up so I need to get in that flower bed and pull some wild grass out and a few weeds before they get too settled in.

If I had known it was going to stay this warm this long I could have put another veggie crop in late. :)

So, anyone else noticing activity in your gardens?

Julie asked about my pond. Here is a picture of it.

We have it stocked with mostly perch but there are some bass and catfish and pumpkinseed fish and I forget what else. The pond guy just gave me a good mix. They went out of business and I was their last customer so when he brought my order he dumped six thousand fish in..........mostly minnows I think. :) I have a blue heron and a white egret who like to fish there. I try to scare them off but they aren't afraid of me at all. :) I figure there is enough fish for everybody I guess. The raccoons dive in and bring up something that looks like a calm to me. They crack them open and leave clam shells all over the ground. I have no idea where they came from.

I am retired. I quit my job to take care of my mother. She lives with us. She will be 92 in January. I get my love of flowers and gardening from her. She had a big veggie garden well into her 80's that she tended and she always had the most beautiful roses.

We don't really get that much snow here. That is more down the middle of the state I think in what they call the snowbelt. I'm on the Saginaw Bay of Lake Huron. I'm about half a mile from the water.

I'm glad it's raining today off and on. Everything can use a good drink before the ground freezes whenever that will be. :)

Have a great day everyone.


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

I had a rebloom on dr rupple last week-Just one lil flower! :)
I have some late planted daylilies blooming and some reblooming iris.
The butterfly bushes are still blooming and i even saw a few butterflies out there
I have lots of roses and other stuff still blooming
We haven't had a really Hard frost yet.
We tilled under the summer veggie garden and all the strawberries
I did start 2 new rows of 2 kinds of strawberries and a small row of raspberries
Id like to plant peas now and see how they do.

I best rock my grandson to sleep-he is like a shadow today! :)

Thumbnail by notmartha
AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

I checked accuweather for a forecast for the next ten days and it is going to get real cold. They say snow on Halloween and temps at night into the 20's.

I knew it was too good to last. :)

I had my granddaughter today. She is 16 months old. When it's naptime I just take her to my king sized bed with a sippy cup of milk and turn on her cartoons and she watches them and drinks her milk till she passes out. :) I pass out too. Nice having a nap in the middle of the day. :)

Now that I know it's going to get real cold soon I'm going to try to get those maple leaves up and this weekend we'll till in our veggie garden.

Do you all bring in your gernaiums? I brought in some but wish I had room to bring in more. I hate to see them die and then have to buy them over again next year. :(


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