Ailing Asters

Richmond, VA

These asters produced bunches of buds, but when it came time to bloom, they started turning brown -- I got a few flowers, but the plants look dry and almost dead. I picked off lots of little green caterpillar-like worms, (inchworm-looking things), but I'm not so sure they were the culprits -- I pulled one plant up, and the root system looked good -- new growth, no sign of fungus...
Any ideas???

Thumbnail by fturnertl
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Could it be lack of water? Mine lost their lower leaves and the blooms started drying up before I realized what was happening. I watered them good and they bloomed.

This message was edited Oct 22, 2007 8:19 PM

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Looks more like a watering issue or possibly a fungal problem rather than insect damage to me.

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

I call it aster browns. I have one that turns brown when you water it then recovers, turns green and blooms. but the brown i have is dried up dead looking brown. i had another one also but it didn't make it through the winter. I think if i pinched some of the blooms off that it would have the nice big blooms it had last fall when i bought it at the nursery, but that's a lot of pinching.

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